CD/DVD Destruction


Feb 20, 2006
In an effort to get rid of a bunch of my old stuff, I am looking at disposing of a large number of CDs and DVDs. While many of them are boring stuff, some have sensitive data on them and I would like to destroy them somehow before I get rid of them. Does anyone know of a good way to do this?

Note: I am aware of what happens to a CD in the microwave. While this is awesome, I don't think my landlady would appreciate me nuking 30-50 CDs in her microwave. ;)

Also, does anyone have any thoughts on actually disposing of a bunch of CDs? I noticed some places that offer CD recycling, but I don't know if that is worth it.
I've often considered a 'shredder' like this one

For now, I just bend them until they shatter.
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I've often considered a 'shredder' like this one

For now, I just bend them until they shatter.

The product you link to is not actually a shredder. Apparently it just messes up the surface of the disk so that the laser can't read the data. I was looking at something along those lines or at a 'real' shredder. I just wanted to see if someone else had experience doing this and could recommend one of these. On a forum full of tech people, I figure I can't be the only one that has wanted to ditch a bunch of CDs. :cool:
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Scrub them with steel wool? Sandpaper? A sander? Strew them all over your driveway and hop in the car? Hydrochloric acid? Drop them in a tank of piranhas? Feed them to goats?

Though now that you mention it, I will be testing an engine at work with red fuming nitric acid in the near future... :D

I think I will stick with shredders. Less safety gear needed.
Ship them to Amy Winehouse. As soon as she opens the box, they'll disintegrate.
Sandpaper on the "printed" side until you can see through the disc.
It's not very environmentally friendly, but, you could always melt/burn them.

I've seen regular paper shredders that advertise the ability to shred CDs. That's where I'd likely start looking