cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-server


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
make install clean

............................................takes forever!! :p :)

Have a good week everyone!
I recently did an 'emerge --newuse --deep --update world' on my Gentoo system (of course).

It was compiling for 4 days. :eek:
jimmyb said:
I recently did an 'emerge --newuse --deep --update world' on my Gentoo system (of course).

It was compiling for 4 days. :eek:

Maybe it's time to upgrade from that 486 yo :D
I would agree as well.

It was recompiling essentially every package on the system, which is >600. The computer isn't too slow actually ~ 2600 AXP. I also had several dependency problems that I needed to sort out, and that took up a day probably. Still a long time though!

The lesson to be learnt here is, compile in xinerama support, even if you aren't using two monitors right now.
jimmyb said:
I recently did an 'emerge --newuse --deep --update world' on my Gentoo system (of course).

It was compiling for 4 days. :eek:

That scares me since I just ran that this morning and it says it going to compile 250 packages. I was hoping it'd be done by tonight.. :(
TheDude05 said:
That scares me since I just ran that this morning and it says it going to compile 250 packages. I was hoping it'd be done by tonight.. :(

More like June 3rd!