Celebrities Sell Games Better Than Game Reviewers?

Eh, I think the guy's just full of shit. Sure, slapping a celeb. on something will help the sales w/ just about ANYTHING. But when the first games that come to my mind when I think recent "blockbuster", I don't recall any big celebs endorsements slapped on them:

Assasins Creed
Gears of War
Mirrors Edge

But, when I try to think of a celeb endorsement on a game, the first thing that comes to mind is a shitty game. That fighting one where you can put your face on your guy and smash eachothers face (forgot what it was called).

What that guy should have said is, "when you're trying to market a shitty game, you slap a celeb on it to try to hide how shitty the game is."
That's not really true either. "Gaming" has tried to go main stream which gives you games that are more button mashing than thought.

An example of the down turn in game quality is perfectly evident in the Need for Speed series. Why develop accurate physics when you can blur the sides of the screen so it looks like your going ludicrous speed.

they've gone to plaid...

I agree though, my post says arguably the same thing ;)
Forget celebrities, howabout this guy?