Cell Phone Use Could Actually Fight Alzheimer’s

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
First scientists said they caused cancer. Then they didn’t. Then they did. Didn't. Did. Did not. Did so. Now cell phones fight Alzheimer’s disease. Say what?

Back and forth go the studies investigating whether cell phone uses increases the risk of brain cancer (the latest one to get major press, released last month, found nothing there). This week, though, new research has grabbed the headlines by declaring that our ubiquitous communication and time-wasting devices could actually provide a health benefit.
Apparently smoking weed fights Alzheimer's as well.

Just what we need, a bunch of aging baby boomer's yakking away on cell phones, baked out of their minds.

Teenagers will complain about how bad the elders have become, what a role reversal that will be.
Every person who has ever died, ever, has breathed air. Air causes death. Quick, everyone stop breathing!
Every person who has ever died, ever, has breathed air. Air causes death. Quick, everyone stop breathing!

Studies have shown that people who breathe air are more likely to live than those who do not.
Cell phones in pockets increase fertility study claims. Sex increases chances of conception as well.
i'd really be interested in a plausible mechanism for the destruction of Aß-42. I bet using a CSF-dialysis setup could give you the resulting products from the plaque breakdown.
If you fry your brain at an early age with a cell phone, then Alzheimer's is not an issue for you. ;D
Studies can prove or disprove anything - I think someone should study this theory. :)
Great example of a "buzz" article. Drawing conclusions for use by bimbos in street-side arguments.
Other countries are taking measures against cell phones while the US isn't. Everyone is wondering why people are dieing from cancer left and right. Never hear anyone dieing from old age anymore. Its always cancer now. Artificial radioactive contamination is everywhere. The further you get away from organic, the closer you are to death. We're all gonna die eventually of cancer lol. Wireless in general is killing everything. Wonder why the honey bees are dieing so rapidly. If they die we die lol. Just my input ;)
We aren't in the Computer Era anymore. We're in the Era of Junk Science. You're far more at risk from getting skin cancer from the sun, in much shorter periods of exposure, than you could ever be from mobile phones. As far as curing Alzheimer's that too is completely asinine.
Other countries are taking measures against cell phones while the US isn't.

In South Korea they have laws regarding automatic shutoffs on regular fans because they believe that a fan running at night can cause a vortex which sucks all the air out of your room and suffocates you. Other countries do a lot of stuff based on junk science, or no science at all. I know it's cool and all to paint the US as just a backwards country that does everything wrong, but keep it to yourself please, because you come off sounding like a fool.

Everyone is wondering why people are dieing from cancer left and right. Never hear anyone dieing from old age anymore.

Increased risk of cancer and other diseases is part of old age. The body weakens and becomes less resilient against problems.
Its always cancer now. Artificial radioactive contamination is everywhere.

Radioactive contamination? What? I think you're confusing radiation (which is just about everything, from light, to radio waves, to sound) with radioactivity.

The further you get away from organic, the closer you are to death. We're all gonna die eventually of cancer lol.

I'd rather die of cancer at the age of 97 than die of something else at 65. The average lifespan of a human being is increasing dramatically. Technology is making us live longer, not killing us.

Wireless in general is killing everything.

Do you have some proof on that? No.

Wonder why the honey bees are dieing so rapidly. If they die we die lol.

There is no known reason behind the death of the bees, but I think we'll be just fine if they all die off. Humans are not dependent on any one species for survival.

Just my input ;)

Might want to have some logic and facts behind your input in the future.
i'd really be interested in a plausible mechanism for the destruction of Aß-42. I bet using a CSF-dialysis setup could give you the resulting products from the plaque breakdown.

Yeah, until they can accurately pin-point the exact mechanism involved it's mere correlation, not causality.

Still interesting, though.