CEO has an issue with his Mac


Aug 5, 2004
So.. I know absolute squat about Mac's... but the CEO can use what he wants and he has one of the big ones that's basically a 24" monitor.

He also has a tiny apple laptop, i think it's a powerbook....

so... he came to me today saying that the intarwebs was running really slow. The rest of the office has been fine.... so I replaced the hub he was on, and replaced the cable from the patch panel to another switch... had him reboot... no dice.

We know its a system issue now, because his PowerBook works fine plugged into the same hub, even using the same cable... and the system appears to be getting an IP just fine from DHCP

What the heck is wrong with this bugger? Sites either will time out completely.... or trickle in REAAALY slowly.... across Safari, Firefox and IE.. so it's not browser specific.

I've seen this happen before with a Mac. Replacing the router fixed it. It would get an IP, I could ping the router, even resolve DNS names...but couldn't get out to the internet.
I always start out with a "repair permissions". I have seen some screwy things fixed by that.
welcome to the horrid world of troubleshooting macs.. our CEO has one, and it breaks all the time, and it's absolutely hell trying to find information on the net about fixes/patches/troubleshooting... basically, call apple and they will have you do the same stupid crap for 2 hours.. then you format.
So.. I know absolute squat about Mac's... but the CEO can use what he wants and he has one of the big ones that's basically a 24" monitor.

He also has a tiny apple laptop, i think it's a powerbook....

so... he came to me today saying that the intarwebs was running really slow. The rest of the office has been fine.... so I replaced the hub he was on, and replaced the cable from the patch panel to another switch... had him reboot... no dice.

We know its a system issue now, because his PowerBook works fine plugged into the same hub, even using the same cable... and the system appears to be getting an IP just fine from DHCP

What the heck is wrong with this bugger? Sites either will time out completely.... or trickle in REAAALY slowly.... across Safari, Firefox and IE.. so it's not browser specific.


Maybe it needs to run maintenance scripts. This is generally done late at night, but if it is always off at that time then it might have missed some. Download Main Menu and run the weekly and monthly scripts:

See if that works. Also repair permissions.
According to the commercials I've been seeing, he does not have a mac, he has vista. If he had a mac, that would make the commercials wrong because macs do not have problems -- they just work... at least, thats what the tv says... and we know that all TV is correct.
According to the commercials I've been seeing, he does not have a mac, he has vista. If he had a mac, that would make the commercials wrong because macs do not have problems -- they just work... at least, thats what the tv says... and we know that all TV is correct.

The post from Demon10000 is correct. I know it's true because I read it on the internet.... aka intrawebs.

Ok, so the Repair Permissions thing appears to have made every site that loads, load faster.. however... there are still a few sites that he uses regularly that won't load at all. Almost like DNS is effed in some way.. like it cached everything when he had no connectivity. He can't get to Google at all..

So, I did a little more googling around, and found the command "lookupd -flushcache" - It didn't help matters though. Still no google. Again, all 3 browsers are the same way.

Its definitely a network issue, I would suspect with the router conflicting with something on his machine.

I don't work with mac, but with a PC I will usually start by releasing/renewing the DHCP. Also, you can try giving the machine a static IP, as that seems to help sometimes.
Its definitely a network issue, I would suspect with the router conflicting with something on his machine.

I don't work with mac, but with a PC I will usually start by releasing/renewing the DHCP. Also, you can try giving the machine a static IP, as that seems to help sometimes.

I wish it was that simple. We've ruled out network issues. His is the only machine out of almost 200 that can't get to Google. Changed switches, cables, even restarted the DNS server. No dice.
This is not really related, but it kind of reminds me of when I took a linux class in college. I went in knowing nothing about the O.S., and expecting great things, since Windows was supposidly so bad. But, after installing linux fresh, it wouldin't detect my mouse. My teacher couldin't figure out why my mouse wouldin't work. Finally he said to reinstall the O.S. I was like, WTF! I am on linux! I thought only with windows you had to reinstall because something isin't working. Overall, it was one of the most frusturating experiences I have had (taking the whole class). Since I was reinstalling the O.S. I missed how to install the drivers for video card since I couldin't follow along. I withdrawed from the class two days later since I still couldin't figure out how to install my video drivers and the teacher was less then helpful. I was also sick of how hearing less is more and more is less. Also, I had the problem over and over again where as you move windows around on the desktop, they would leave trails because the GUI wasin't redrawing itself properly (another, "I thought this was only supposed to happen on windows" problem I was having).

Maybe if I had gone in with no preconceptions (.exe files for instance), I would have done better, but overall I came out of the class hating linux.
This is not really related, but it kind of reminds me of when I took a linux class in college. I went in knowing nothing about the O.S., and expecting great things, since Windows was supposidly so bad. But, after installing linux fresh, it wouldin't detect my mouse. My teacher couldin't figure out why my mouse wouldin't work. Finally he said to reinstall the O.S. I was like, WTF! I am on linux! I thought only with windows you had to reinstall because something isin't working. Overall, it was one of the most frusturating experiences I have had (taking the whole class). Since I was reinstalling the O.S. I missed how to install the drivers for video card since I couldin't follow along. I withdrawed from the class two days later since I still couldin't figure out how to install my video drivers and the teacher was less then helpful. I was also sick of how hearing less is more and more is less. Also, I had the problem over and over again where as you move windows around on the desktop, they would leave trails because the GUI wasin't redrawing itself properly (another, "I thought this was only supposed to happen on windows" problem I was having).

Maybe if I had gone in with no preconceptions (.exe files for instance), I would have done better, but overall I came out of the class hating linux.

I hear you on that JD... but in an effort to keep the thread on topic (as it would REALLY, REALLY help me to have a working solution), I need to ask again...

Anybody? help? please?

I have a feeling it's something really simple. If it was a windows machine, i'd probably try removing the network adapters from device manager, and reinstalling them. Shit works wonders for no reason sometimes.... Any mac guru's think that might help? if so... how the hell do you do it? I've never used OS9+ in my life.... and my experiences with older mac's were surfing the interwebs with Netscape Navigator in my middle school library (circa 1996)
The sites that you can get to -- can you try to resolve the host name by pinging them? You should be able to ping google and resolve the IP address. Then try browsing to the IP address instead of the URL.

The OS probably has some type of host file -- it's possible that something corrupted the host file or put in a bad IP address for a handful of sites.