Changelist between CS: Source and CS 1.6


Feb 12, 2003

Gameplay changes.

-] No boosting. When you jump on someones head you slide off. If you stay next to a wall you can get on someones head but neather of you can jump.
-] A lot of things can be moved. For example in de_dust there are a lot of barrels lying around. A t/ct can be hiding behind one that has been moved to a spot you wont expect.
-] If you fall from a high place, you cant start walking right away, for about 1-2 seconds you stay still.
-] It seems like you jump higher and longer. I jumped from this car infront of ct spawn to the top part of ct spawn (where you plant) I also jumped on a few boxes that you werent able to in 1.6.
-] Bunny hopping is impossible now. In 1.6 you can perfect bunny hopping but now in Cs:s once you jump and fall you emediatly stop in your tracks.
-] Shadows are very helpfull. I was in tunnels faceing front side (as a t) I was awping, all of a sudden i see a shadow on the floor comeing up so i prepared my shot prefired and got the guy was awesome.
-] You can pick up nades from people that have died, but you cant drop nades.
-] When i tryed to bind stopsound it said it was a cheat and that i couldnt use it in multiplayer


-] Grenades arent He-Grenades anymore they are Frag Grenades. If a nade blows up near you, you will go deaf and a ringing sound goes on. You also stop in your tracks and cant move anymore, for about 1-2 secs. Granades also push stuff away like barrels, guns, bodies.
-] Smokes look amazing now. They arent just a cloud of smoke anymore. The smoke fills up a lot more area, looks very real, and changes color depending on what light is hitting it. For example If you throw a smoke outside it looks gray you can see through it in some spots, but if you throw it in the tunnels it looks black/gray. Another thing i noticed was. When i was looking into the tunnels with smoke filling the inside, A gun fight broke out and the gun flashes look amazing in the smoke, lights flashing through the cracks in the smoke. Simply amazing. Another thing about smokes is all the smokes doesnt come out at once, like a explosion, its more like a gas leak.
-] Flashes are different also. You cant duck flashes anymore, if a flash lands behind you, you still get flashed. The flash effect is crazy. The 1st thing that happens is your screen turns completely white. Then you start to see a snapshot of the last thing you saw puts it over the place your looking at now and a fog drag effect takes place. Looks like your high :p. If you manage to duck behind a wall just enough so that the flash bang itself isnt visible, its not simply a explosion like cs:1.6 its a burst of light. The flash also makes you go deaf if its close to you.

Physics System.

-] The physics system adds so much fun, eyecandy and new gameplay. Bodys lean on stairs correctly. When you die it looks great always different depending where you die. Barrels can be moved to spots people wont expect, tires can be pushed around (If you run into a tire the rubber pushes you back). A lot of other things are in the maps like bottles, carts, garbage etc.


-] ex_interp is not a command anymore
-] The hitboxes felt better, everything seemed to hit perfect and i mean perfect.
-] The ping was fine same as cs1.6

Game options/looks.

-] There are a lot more video options/windows are light gray see through. (I like the new look a lot) It shows what directx your card is and what directx you have installed.
-] Model detail
-] Antialiasing mode
-] Texture detail
-] Filtering mode
-] Water detail
-] Shader detail (no options yet)
-] Shadow detail
-] Wait for vertical sync (on or off)
-] Console looks a lot neater


-] Awp delay seems shorter, and it also seemed like you cant quickshot anymore. The gun would just switch. The awp zoom is also really cool now. The glass is alittle dirty while being zoomed in. There is no more red dot its just 2 lines forming a cross. (I liked this a lot) While unzoomed the glass on the scope reflects whats behind you. While zooming in with the awp you actually see the zoom in its not like a instant zoom.
-] The recoil seemed a little different for all guns.
-] If you get shot it seemed like your accuracy goes to zero.
-] The duals seemed to be a lot better lol. I got 2 kills 1 being completely flashed Headshot.
-] The zoom for the sig/aug wasnt instant, you see the zoom like the awp.

Gun models/Character models.

-] The gun models look really good. A lot more detailed.
-] The player models also looked very detailed.
-] When looking at someone who runs with a knife it looked insanely detailed.

Map detail.

-] The Cs:s version of dust is wow amazing. The box, car, barrel placement is perfect. The extra places you can go help a lot. The map looks a lot more realistic, looks like a real place in real life. The small details they added, add to the eyecandy. Simply looks amazing.


-] When you get a headshot the icon is new and looks cool
-] You can enable console and hud fast switch in game options now
-] You can stand on movable objects like barrels
-] You can still shoot though walls

Things i didnt get to try (I will try them the next time i go to the lan).

-] See how it looked while talking on the mic
-] A lot of guns i didnt buy
-] Didnt pay attention to how it looked when people jumped, droped guns, threw nades, and fell in 3rd person.

My Thoughts:
-not beeing able to move from grenades is kinda gay, shouldnt it blow you back?

-no boosting, seems ghey but kinda like bunny hopping. Its unrealistic and people will get used to not having it.

-cant use stopsound is good (people used it to get rid of ambient sounds and then could hear better)

-cant use ex_interp is good not because people cheated with it anymore, but everyone was f*cking with their rates and some people had great rates on servers while others had horrible rates, and it made the game unfair unless you knew how to perfect your rates. This way hopefully with new netcode you wont need to do this manually and the game will adjust itself.

- Everything else seems like they improved alot of problems and made the game as a whole better.
One part of the grenade effect is wrong. It says that it goes to white and then you get the fog/streaming effect. The latter part is right, but the bright white part is wrong. It's a common misconseption that was discovered by the Americas Army Devs after they talked to some US Special forces about the flash bang effects. Everything should go dark, not white.

Just a little gripe. If someone brings it up to the devs I'm sure it will get fixed eventually. :p
I'm sure its the same effect as if you stood up to fast. Some peoples vision gets dark, mine on the other hand.. everything gets white/fuzzy.

As for CS:S, I can't wait. I really hope it will run fine on my current PC, still holding out on upgrading. Doom 3 doesn't run to bad, so hopefully HL2 won't either :D

CS is my all time favorite game(mod ;) ) Been playing it since Beta 2.0, and has come a long ass way from where it used to be. I just hope that CS:S still feels like CS, otherwise they should just name it something else.

Boosting.... I can see a lot of people gripping about that. I know a lot of people in clans that use boosting during matches. But I guess now with all the interaction with the enviroment (tires and barrels as cover) might take over for the boosting.
ozbej said:
boosting was fun, gunna miss that
Fun maybe, but not very realistic.

They're trying to make the game more realistic.

Oh and what does this mean?:

-] You can still shoot though walls

CS is a mix of realisim and fun, that's what made it so popular.

Rainbox six is a great shooter, but too realistic for mass online play... hopefully they aren't going that direction.
ozbej said:
CS is a mix of realisim and fun, that's what made it so popular.

Rainbox six is a great shooter, but too realistic for mass online play... hopefully they aren't going that direction.
Good point. But America's Army is very realistic and it is very fun and popular too. :)

I'm not trying to promote AA, I was just pointing that out.
Not popular on the same level, not even close

Much like battlefield, lots of realisim... and lots of not thrown together proves to win.
well..i guess that takes the fun out of making totem polls at spawn when you're getting owned huh :(

that sounds great. thanks for the post. the scoping of weapons really sounds sweet.
i'm wondering how the not being able to move after being hit by a frag nade will feel. i wonder if its for any amount of damage, because that could get really annoying taking 5-6 damage through a wall or whatnot(maybe that will be fixed too) and freezing completely.
ozbej said:
Not popular on the same level, not even close

Much like battlefield, lots of realisim... and lots of not thrown together proves to win.
Hey I didn't say it was. I agree with you completely.
ozbej said:
Not popular on the same level, not even close

Much like battlefield, lots of realisim... and lots of not thrown together proves to win.

hrm i dont think battlefield really has much realism at all but thats just me

i mean i just laghed when the japanese had german weapons, and the standard issue american weapon was a BAR. The vehicles blowing up the second they hit water... OMG gay.
There are countless items of unrealism in bf1942, of course its still a very fun game. I love it. Although i ususaly play XWWII a realism mod :D
alphaone said:
Oh and what does this mean?:

-] You can still shoot though walls


...Unlike a lot of games out there, CS is pretty good with having some walls and box's with the ability to shoot threw them (but reduced damage).

So that means that their keeping that feature in CS:S to be able to spam certain walls/box's/barrels/tires/ or what ever else they put in there. ( cats as silencers? oh wait that was Postal 2 :p )
Global operations had quite possibly the best penentration system ever in a game, too bad EA hung it out to dry, that game had potential, just needed polish.
LOL, these people think that we are playing these games for the realism factor... they are so wrong. We just want to have some good ole fun...



Baker said:
...Unlike a lot of games out there, CS is pretty good with having some walls and box's with the ability to shoot threw them (but reduced damage).

So that means that their keeping that feature in CS:S to be able to spam certain walls/box's/barrels/tires/ or what ever else they put in there. ( cats as silencers? oh wait that was Postal 2 :p )
That sounds bad.

/me sticks to other games.
alphaone said:
That sounds bad.

/me sticks to other games.

well the bullets do slow down, and do less damage if you get hit through something. Its a very big part of the game. Its not like people are just spamming walls at all times. (tho a few try it :rolleyes: )