Changing Focus Leads Dell to Close NC Plant

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Dell announced yesterday that it will be closing its assembly plant in North Carolina just five years after opening its doors. Dell said closing the plant is part of an effort to simplify operations and improve efficiency.

Dell announced Wednesday it will close its desktop computer manufacturing plant near Winston-Salem by the end of January, shedding 905 workers. The announcement came two days after the plant, which produces desktop units primarily for business customers, marked four years in operation.
Well dell shipped all their assembly to china, which is a major reason i stopped buying form them. Their delivery times went from 3 - 5 days to 4 -5 Weeks!

Dell has really gone downhill i knew that when my PC's came with "China Ship" stickets on them
I work at a local PC shop in the area of the dell plant. We have quite a few employees that come in to shop for components. It sucks really bad for them. At least the city is getting back their 15 million dollar incentive.
people are greedy bastards especially here in america, they want everything as cheap as possbile and at the same time getting the max wage possible for making it.
people are greedy bastards especially here in america, they want everything as cheap as possbile and at the same time getting the max wage possible for making it

You know the average monthly wage of someone assembling something in China is $134.US So even if the Dell plant was paying there workers below the minim wage say 5.00 a hour and almost no benefits you still couldn't compete.
people are greedy bastards especially here in america, they want everything as cheap as possbile and at the same time getting the max wage possible for making it.

Sure, but people elsewhere in the world are not greedy bastards that want everything cheap? Maybe Dell investors and management who want to see profits are to blame? Regardless, this is sad to see these people lose their jobs and all the wasted money on the plant. Guess we'll see more abandoned stuff in NC...
i love the Change we are receiving

Seriously what does this have to do with the government?

Tell me please? Would you like the government to step in and tell Dell what they can and can not do. No cause you would cry socialism... Ok so you want them to bail out Dell to keep this plant running (does Dell need a bail out)? No you would cry more (even I would)...

This has nothing to do with the government cause anything they would do would obviously be much worse. Companies make decisions, not always for the best of their employees, sure it's old news that replays every day in a recession but the reality is the fact that this shit happened before the recession and it will continue after it.

I come in here expecting to see what people have to say about Dell's move here not to hear some baloni cheap shots that have little to nothing to do with the news article.

Plus there are plenty of Tea Bagger parties going on in many other political related threads on here that you can enjoy. ;)
Everytime a company says they're going to put more Americans out of work in favor of putting employment overseas, I add that company to a list of things I won't buy.
Everytime a company says they're going to put more Americans out of work in favor of putting employment overseas, I add that company to a list of things I won't buy.

How much money have you saved by not buying anything?
Dell blew it years ago when they started shipping their tech support overseas. They were THE number one growth and customer satisfaction computer company because of their stellar support and customizable features. Now they are no different than any other chinese manufacturer for quality and support.

If you can't differentiate yourself on features or quality, then brand names mean nothing.
Dell blew it years ago when they started shipping their tech support overseas. They were THE number one growth and customer satisfaction computer company because of their stellar support and customizable features. Now they are no different than any other chinese manufacturer for quality and support.

If you can't differentiate yourself on features or quality, then brand names mean nothing.

Dell has made some effort to keep Tech Support in North America but it was too little too late for some. However, it would be foolish to think they wont/cant capitalize on the Dell brand for years to come...even if they shipped 100% of their tech support to the Philippines or India or wherever. Also, saying "Dell blew it years ago" is more of a personal opinion then actual fact considering the money they make and their sales figures. They recently have had some less then impressive we see things like a plant closing and a focus on efficiency.

PC's are not the great mystery they once were. They are and have been a commodity for quite some time and name brand recognition/advertising goes an awful long way these days. Quality from one manufacturer to the other is generally the same in a particular price point. This is not new. One can blast Dell for their Tech Support when one of their call gets routed through Mumbai but with which large scale manufacturer is it significantly different?

As far as the plant closing goes, it sucks. It sucks really bad for those who will now be unemployed and their families. I don't know know what else to say on that particular matter.

Well dell shipped all their assembly to china, which is a major reason i stopped buying form them. Their delivery times went from 3 - 5 days to 4 -5 Weeks!

Dell has really gone downhill i knew that when my PC's came with "China Ship" stickets on them

Did you even read the article or just chime in to pee on Dell? Granted this particular plant they are closing was bigger/more efficient then the remaining ones but 3 plants are better then none.
while retaining U.S. plants in Miami, Fla.; Nashville, Tenn.; and Austin, Texas.
Did you even read the article or just chime in to pee on Dell? Granted this particular plant they are closing was bigger/more efficient then the remaining ones but 3 plants are better then none.

Does it matter? I enjoyed doing business with dell, but their "new" direction killed it for me, desktops and laptop wise anyway. I understand that servers are still assembled here. But i would rather buy 1 brand and not deal with delayed shipments from China.

Like i said, i did a lot of business with Dell. I stopped because they are moving more production to China, this is a untold fatality of that "direction"
Does it matter? I enjoyed doing business with dell, but their "new" direction killed it for me, desktops and laptop wise anyway. I understand that servers are still assembled here. But i would rather buy 1 brand and not deal with delayed shipments from China.

Like i said, i did a lot of business with Dell. I stopped because they are moving more production to China, this is a untold fatality of that "direction"

Thats fine, you are entitled to make your own decisions for your own reasons. My only issue in your earlier post was your inaccurate statement.
Thats fine, you are entitled to make your own decisions for your own reasons. My only issue in your earlier post was your inaccurate statement.

Would you like me to send you all the boxes that say CHINA on them?

Order a optiplex or a lattitude laptop and tell me where i comes from and how long it takes.

My statement was not inaccurate, i said i'm not SUPRISED this happened since a lot of production was sent to China
Well dell shipped all their assembly to china, which is a major reason i stopped buying form them. exactly what you said. Go ahead and tell me again how you said something else. You may have meant something else but its not what you said.

Either way, this pissing contest ends. If you feel a need to try and convince me you didn't say exactly what is in the quoted text above, feel free to PM me. exactly what you said. Go ahead and tell me again how you said something else. You may have meant something else but its not what you said.

Either way, this pissing contest ends. If you feel a need to try and convince me you didn't say exactly what is in the quoted text above, feel free to PM me.

So i did say all. your right this pissing match is over Welcome to my ignore list
In other news. American "entrepreneurs" keep exporting the industry to countries where labor is cheaper, while most companies are handled by people that do not own them and do not care about what happens to them. In the mean time the syndicates keep rising demands along with government taxes so enterprises can keep exporting what once was the American Industry and is now "global".
I have 5 Optiplex's that just came in assembled in Mexico. They still come pretty quick. The lower end models are the ones that have started taking forever for me.
I have 5 Optiplex's that just came in assembled in Mexico. They still come pretty quick. The lower end models are the ones that have started taking forever for me.

On topic: It sucks that people are losing their jobs, but if it really makes them more efficient and better at what they do, I am for it.
That's going to hurt. I live in the area, Greensboro... which is right next to Winston Salem, and the unemployment rate here is already insane. It's not going help to add another thousand to the list.
North Carolina has lost almost all of the furniture factories and it's not getting better. We were the Detroit of furniture and now with out last Governor and the present we are the Michigan of the south. Our taxes are some of the highest in the country.
is it just me or is [H] slowly becoming overrun with douche and faggotry? the endless arguing overmute points and apparent lack of grammar get very f%$&ing old after awhile
is it just me or is [H] slowly becoming overrun with douche and faggotry? the endless arguing overmute points and apparent lack of grammar get very f%$&ing old after awhile

You mean moot points? :D

There is a difference between a lack of grammar or spelling and trying to pretend you said something completely different in the face of your own words proving you completely wrong. I wouldn't expect you to comprehend that all on your own.

One can be blamed on lack of education, a simple typo, or facerolling on a keyboard like a kid with Tourette's and ADD on a sugar high. No offense implied to people who actually have Tourette's and ADD and who enjoy sugary treats.

The other is simply too dumb for words.

Maybe it's me though. I also can't take anyone seriously if they are too lazy to capitalize the first letter of a word when beginning a sentence. I especially can not stand the elite kind of dumbass who types things like f%$&ing. If you want to curse, then put on your big boy pants and go right ahead and do so, if you don't then...don't. On the plus side, you did spell douche and faggot correctly, I am sure that will serve you well throughout your lifetime.

Keep up the good fight there, guy.

L1terisEe iz 0vah rAyteD!!1!!!
fKuc b00kz!!
You mean moot points? :D

There is a difference between a lack of grammar or spelling and trying to pretend you said something completely different in the face of your own words proving you completely wrong. I wouldn't expect you to comprehend that all on your own.

One can be blamed on lack of education, a simple typo, or facerolling on a keyboard like a kid with Tourette's and ADD on a sugar high. No offense implied to people who actually have Tourette's and ADD and who enjoy sugary treats.

The other is simply too dumb for words.

Maybe it's me though. I also can't take anyone seriously if they are too lazy to capitalize the first letter of a word when beginning a sentence. I especially can not stand the elite kind of dumbass who types things like f%$&ing. If you want to curse, then put on your big boy pants and go right ahead and do so, if you don't then...don't. On the plus side, you did spell douche and faggot correctly, I am sure that will serve you well throughout your lifetime.

Keep up the good fight there, guy.

L1terisEe iz 0vah rAyteD!!1!!!
fKuc b00kz!!

case in point...ZOMFG I HAVE NO OTHER RECOURSE SO I BETTER RIP THE POSTER APART!!1!11!!111!!11!!!! bye captain hardass...
Not really surprised. I work for a large International healthcare company and we just ended our contract with Dell and switched to CDW (primarily HP devices). I've never really experienced that many problems with Dell, but apparently CDW undercut them significantly enough. Most of the time it wouldn't make much of a difference to a company the size of Dell, but I'd be really surprised if they feel the loss of our business....

Of course, now I'm really concerned how well CDW is going to be able to handle our volume and I'm already unimpressed with configuration options when trying to purchase a new server :mad: Oh well, corporate decision so I'll just have to make the best of it.
Of course, now I'm really concerned how well CDW is going to be able to handle our volume and I'm already unimpressed with configuration options when trying to purchase a new server :mad: Oh well, corporate decision so I'll just have to make the best of it.

Here is a hint, call your account manager, don't try to configure crap on their site.

I have loved HP's quality since i started using them, i buy some IBM stuff because customers request it. IBM servers are well, IBM servers, nothing special to them.

I have known a lot of people that are running from Dell, not sure what they are doing, maybe it was the Lollipop commercial and now when you call dell, that damn song plays
North Carolina has lost almost all of the furniture factories and it's not getting better. We were the Detroit of furniture and now with out last Governor and the present we are the Michigan of the south. Our taxes are some of the highest in the country.

not to mention all the tax breaks that NC and the county that the plant is located gave to dell in the first place, glad to see that is paying off for the people of NC
Four of you have lost access to this forum. More to come with this type of behavior.
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