Changing from ATI to nVidia Card


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2004
Alright, I've decided to finally upgrade my ATI card. I ended up choosing a nVidia card. Now from what I've heard is that ATI and nVidia drivers don't play nice together. So I've searched around the net and found a list of things to do when switching. I would like to see what you guys think of this list and if there would be anything you would change or if it's all good.

1) Uninstall ATI drivers through control panel
2) Reboot the PC
3) Run Driver Cleaner and Remove ATI drivers
4) Shutdown the PC
5) Remove ATI card and install nVidia card
6) Turn on and install nVidia drivers

Hopefully there are a few people that have had some experience with this and can help. The main thing is that I don't want to have to install Windows XP again this is why I am wanting to do it this way.

Any help is appreciated,
I just recently switched from ATI to nVidia and followed the same steps you are going to use. I had no problems with this method. I see no need to change any methods. Just remember, take your time and do everything completely.

Hmm, i'd say what you have there is pretty much what people recommend to do. I'd certainly be interested in hearing if theres anything else that needs to be done, because im going from ATi to Nvidia myself (X800 to 7800, here tomorrow! :))
Thanks for the reply's...good to know I researched it right.

Its real simple bro. Takes a couple clicks, and you are done. Just be sure to not remove anything with driver cleaner that you NEED. I doubt this will happen as you have ATI, but when i first used DC i erased the Nvidia Nforce drivers for my mobo!!!! OOOPSSS. But that can also be fixed as i just stuck in the mobo cd with drivers and installed it again.