Charter communications and networking?


Limp Gawd
Mar 12, 2003
I just read thru the charter communications faq and found out they don't allow home networks (irking) and I was wondering if putting up a router and connecting my xbox to it would be considered connecting another computer.

PS. Anyone know of a good provider in 91201 area code? i have not been able to find anyone other than charter.
Can't help on that, but was wondering if you had a link to this FAQ? I'd like to see it.
Networking with Charter is fine. Every rep I've talked has said, that it's perfectly allowed, however they don't support it. So if you have a connection problem, you'll have to connect the modem directly to a computer for testing.
I live in 91202... and have been networking Charter Pipeline with a Linksys 4 port NAT box router since Jan 2000. No problems at all as long as you don't mention your router to the tech support people.
And linux. Do not say the word linux to them. They freak out. If you have to call, just pretend you are on a windows box. They'll never know the difference.
Well since I work for charter I will have to terminate all yer services now!!.... Ok on the reality side. They don't care if you have a router. Hell run 50 routers the only issue is when you call in for support be prepared to bypass the router if the tech wants you too. Basicly the techs don't have to support anything other than one computer directly connected to the modem. Not saying I wont help someone with a router or give advice and such. We don't support linux but If you don't tell them your not using windows then that just seems silly :D
Lowbatt said:
They don't care if you have a router. Hell run 50 routers the only issue is when you call in for support be prepared to bypass the router if the tech wants you too. Basicly the techs don't have to support anything other than one computer directly connected to the modem.
Agreed. I have had my cable modem with them since they first started the service, and they have never said anything about my router(s). I have even called them to reset the modem in their system everytime I got a new router.
If you have a problem getting online though, just make sure it is because of the modem and not the router before you call their tech support. People who call and yell at their ISP because ONE of their computers on their network can't get online - make baby Jesus cry. :mad: