Cheap Video Card


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
I'm on a pretty tight budget, and I'm looking for an AGP videocard that can run Call of Duty 1 and Guild Wars at 30fps+. I'm willing to spend 100$ Canadian.

I was thinking of either the:
Geforce 6200
Radeon 9600
Radeon x300

Thanks in advance.
im thinking the 6200 would probably perform the best...I've got a friend who plays GW on a 5200 (...don't feel bad for him, he's stupid) at 800x600 with fine fps. I'm pretty sure you could get 30fps out of it at 1024x768 with mid-low settings pretty easily.
Phranq said:
im thinking the 6200 would probably perform the best...I've got a friend who plays GW on a 5200 (...don't feel bad for him, he's stupid) at 800x600 with fine fps. I'm pretty sure you could get 30fps out of it at 1024x768 with mid-low settings pretty easily.

yeah i ran GW on a geforce 4 ti4200 for the longest time on mid/low settings and 1024x768 and it was fine,
I found a Radeon 9600xt for relatively cheap, does that outperform the other cards I listed?
Yah, a 9600xt would perform the best out of those. As for the 9700 pro...maybe they don't want a used card?
whats wrong with used ? Hardware is hardware and it will most likely last more than your next upgrade cycle
For CoD1, definately go with a nVidia based card. I play CoD intensively for almost a year (KeBeKeR Clan) and ATI card do not perform as much as nVidia do.

Check here :

Well, if you are willing to buy something used, you may save a couple of dollars and get a 6600GT. Sadly, the only VGA chart that Doc Tom's put online with CoD as a benchmark is this one so you cannot have a direct and fair comparison with newer cards but you can extrapolate the results.

Ah, I have played a good while with a 9800 Pro from ATI and performance was not bad at all. But as I said, since this game is primarily an OpenGL based one, NV is the way to go. I don't know for guild wars.

whats wrong with used ? Hardware is hardware and it will most likely last more than your next upgrade cycle

Some people like the warranty..I had a used card myself that died after 4-5mths, kind of a wasted investment.
Phranq said:
Some people like the warranty..I had a used card myself that died after 4-5mths, kind of a wasted investment.

My card died in like 1 1/2 months. Waste of money... Not to mention I've had 2 motherboards go bad in like 2-3 months span.
One last bump:

I'm stuck between the ATI Radeon 9550 or the Geforce 6200, but it seems as though the AGP 6200 is only 64 bits.
i got a 6600GT for $110 after mir at tiger direct not too long ago.

its about $160 after the rebate there now haha
9600XT is the fastest out of what you posted by a long shot.. But a 6600GT will spank the shit out of a 9600XT for barely much more..

I would just spend a few bucks extra..