Cheap X-Mas Gift Idea: Flannel Sheets - $9


Aug 15, 2003
Hi all,

Just wanted to give you folks a suggestion for relatively-cheap X-Mas gifts - flannel sheets. Pike Street has flannel sheets sets in various sizes, colors and patterns, for around $9 per set.

Get 3 or more sets to qualify for free shipping.


Edit: Apparently, the reviews are mixed on these sheets. It's almost like there are different batches from different sources.

Anyway, if you don't want to play the lottery, here's a better, more expensive ($23) set - Link 60 grams / sq-meter (as opposed to 135 g/m2 of the first ones), or even thicker, better ones ($45) that have excellent reviews, and their weight is 190 grams / sq-meter - Link

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omg this gave me a good idea, I want [H]ard sheets, with a bigass red [H] logo in the middle.. :D
now I just need someone to give me a girl for christmas, so that I can actually USE those sheets :p :p :p
A [H] sheet or like one of those smaller blankets. The black and red would look tight.
$9.00 for a Full set, you are not going to find that anywhere.... great find, thanks. My son will be less then thrilled to open these, but my wife will be happy that I ordered them. I got him a 360 wireless controller and saved $20 w/ Google checkout from, so everyone will be happy come Christmas. Except me. Who buys for me? :(
I was tempted to buy them (the wife took my good sheets) until I saw the feedback for the item. I'll pass.
I just went in for 2 sets. Unfortunately they were out of the red in king size. But for $9, you can't go wrong and my wife loves flannel sheets.