Cheapest DVI Switching Solution


Dec 9, 2004
I purchased a 12" Powerbook today and would like to use it with my 20" ACD. Thing is, the ACD is connected to my PC and of course only have one DVI input. What's the cheapest DVI switch box solution?
Thanks for the reply - yeah thats a bit much, might look around eBay for the same thing. It is however exactly what I'm looking for. Need to pick up a couple of locks while I'm at it.

I saw a user say earlier that that was his or her first post from a Mac - well hell must've frozen over because I'm also posting for the first time on a Mac - a 12" PB. The screen is anemic size wise and it feels slow compared to my A64 system, but that's not a fair comparison. It's small, well built and looks gorgeous. OSX will take me some time to get used to, but it seems to have its pros and cons versus Windows.

Also, is there anyway to make the ACD the only display AND run it at its native 1650x1080? I'd like to mess around with OSX on a bigger screen when I'm at home, but so far have only had luck with either running the ACD as display spanning or mirroring and getting a non native resolution.
I also have a 20" ACD at home and was planning on doing the same thing (also with a 12" PB) so I'm quite interested in this as well.
Just thought I'd update this with something I found over at the Apple Forums.

I just received my 12" PB 1.5 and my 20 inch display and BT keyboard and BT mouse. After some twiddling I got it all figured out. Running the display in the "lid closed" mode allows the 20 inch to display at full resolution without mirroring. The fan does run, but it is MUCH quieter than my Ti800 I replaced it with. Mini DVI is flawless, and by my opinion, very classy. The connections are a bit cumbersome, however.
That is a pretty good price on a dvi switch box. I still need to find one for my 23 inch adc. Most don't support that high of a res.