check out what i won from quakecon! not ATI or NV

hey, can't blame em for shooting big. off that volarigamers website i read that they're shooting for new chipsets in 05 with ps3. so at least they're going big and failing miserably instead of going small and failing miserably.
HRslammR said:
off that volarigamers website i read that they're shooting for new chipsets in 05 with ps3. so at least they're going big and failing miserably instead of going small and failing miserably.
Hey, you never know. XGi may just be the next big thing.

Frame that thing without the heatsink on. Theres nothing more bad ass than a dual GPU video card
Yeah, if I were you, I'd keep it. But in the end, I'm not you :rolleyes:

I have a Voodoo5 5000 (the one with 2 chips and a molex connector) and a 2x12MB SLI set. Some day, these will be worth a lot of money. (I hope :rolleyes: )

About XGI: I hope they have success with their next core in 2005. I read on that Sis recently invested a lot of money in them, so they are at least able to come up with something. Not like the bitboyz :rolleyes:
i know spencers IRL, im more than likely going ot steal his new rig during hell week next week;)

man i miss highschool :( have fun next week spencer, you guys may be better in football but A-High is down for the cause on stateline... :D
the_village_treky said:
i know, intells chips suck, but i was talking about no one buying your shitty stuff, as aposed to makeing shitty stuff and then selling millions of them ;). i had to add intel, b/c it doesnt suck to be intell. it sucks to be all the rest apart from ati/nvidia ;)

The reason intell leads the graphics market is because of thier "Crappy", onboard video cards, Thier best card does slighty better then the Radeon 9200,