Chimp Challenge 2009 thread

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Ok, added in the 8800GTX on my media server.

4 x 9800GX2
2 x 280 GTX
1 x 8800GTX

Getting desperate to find hardware to put on the CC, I even just fired up folding on an old 8600GT (only 32 cores) and the first WU I get is a 511, aarrgghh!

Well crap, I might as well fire up my P4 2.6GHz then if we're getting that desperate.:D
I would just like to say a big *THANK YOU* to everyone who is contributing to team #33 during the Chimp Challenge this year. I've seen posts from many people here who have been long time folders and some who are just getting started, and all of them have been [H]ard enough to contribute their time and hardware for the [H]orde. Every day someone has added more hardware or spent their hard earned $$$ just to boost our teams performance. That shows a lot of sacrifice and efforts on everyone's part to give to a good cause, regardless of our ranking in the challenge.

Proud to be [H]ard!!! Keep up the great work guys (and gals)! :cool:
I would just like to say a big *THANK YOU* to everyone who is contributing to team #33 during the Chimp Challenge this year. I've seen posts from many people here who have been long time folders and some who are just getting started, and all of them have been [H]ard enough to contribute their time and hardware for the [H]orde. Every day someone has added more hardware or spent their hard earned $$$ just to boost our teams performance. That shows a lot of sacrifice and efforts on everyone's part to give to a good cause, regardless of our ranking in the challenge.

Proud to be [H]ard!!! Keep up the great work guys (and gals)! :cool:

Yes, keep up the great work guys and.............................................. MOAR "D"!!!!
Yep, I have the same problem with some of my borgs being not availalble to change over. I have a 4890, a VM on a 720x3 at 3.5 Ghz, and the 8800m GTS folding for the ape. I think I can get my brother's 8800GT switched over tonight.
Q6600 stock with 4 standard clients
Opteron 185 stock with 2 standard clients

I guess I should look into SMP one of these days as I don't think my quad is putting out numbers even close to what it should... Regardless it's a little more for the effort. Now to see about some of the other boxes in the house....
Still some folders with decent PPD not in the CC. Will be funny seeing the threads started after it's all over explaining, "oh crap sorry I missed the CC!" :D
Still some folders with decent PPD not in the CC. Will be funny seeing the threads started after it's all over explaining, "oh crap sorry I missed the CC!" :D

Ha! Or they will notice that they got mowed over by [H]ardApe and will come here to find answers and comfort. :)
Still some folders with decent PPD not in the CC. Will be funny seeing the threads started after it's all over explaining, "oh crap sorry I missed the CC!" :D

Ha! Or they will notice that they got mowed over by [H]ardApe and will come here to find answers and comfort. :)

As long as they bring plenty of cold beer & hot tamales to make up for their oversight! :p
Thank you and all the others joining in.

Agreed. A lot of new folders have stepped up and helped the Horde today. We hope you will all stick around. Thanks for contributing to the project and the team. :)
ok, just saw this thread, wish I saw it before. :(

Adding my i7 gaming pc on that list and my gaming laptop while I get the other pc's ready.
ok, just saw this thread, wish I saw it before. :(

Adding my i7 gaming pc on that list and my gaming laptop while I get the other pc's ready.

Good to have you! Make sure you get those VMs going ;)

I wish we had more front page pimpage for this reason.
Just got my 9600GT added into my htpc box (replacing uber-old 6600GT). Folding slowly and surely.

Brings my count to the (promised) GTX260, 9600GT, Q9450 and E6550.

Keep it up, we'll get there!
Glad to see people stepping up to help out. The Chimp Challenge is all in fun, but we all hope a cure/s comes from our computing power! :)
Is FLECOM doing the challenge? If not it's a great time for him to join. :cool:

As of right now I got 6872 PPD going.

Also, Does anyone know if we can do this with the PS3? If you can then please tell me where to put in the passkey.
Spaced on the start time, but I just set up my 4850 and q9550 for the CC. Lets show them all why we are number 1!

At 3.9, I was getting about 9.5K PpD out of my i7 920. I'm on stock HSF (MoBo RMA and don't want to go with the hassle of WC'ing a temp board). At stock, I'm getting around 6K PpD.
notfred / Linux VMs account for approximately 22K PpD of my overall production.
Late to the party, but I was having injections done on my back. Got one machine switched this morning, will get to the other one tonight.

i tried to skim this thread, did we setup or link to a guide to change the smp clients over to the new username? I tried it on this windows client here on my work lappy and it doesn't pull smp units anymore. I stopped the client, deleted the config file, then ran it again and set it up following the steps in the install guide and it dumped my existing smp unit and grabbed a uniprocessor one :( I'd really rather not have to go thru the full install all over again...
i tried to skim this thread, did we setup or link to a guide to change the smp clients over to the new username? I tried it on this windows client here on my work lappy and it doesn't pull smp units anymore. I stopped the client, deleted the config file, then ran it again and set it up following the steps in the install guide and it dumped my existing smp unit and grabbed a uniprocessor one :( I'd really rather not have to go thru the full install all over again...

  • Create a shortcut to the exe
  • In the properties of said shortcut, put at -configonly at the end of the target line.
  • Start the exe, and redo your configuration
  • After you configure, replace -configonly with -smp in the shortcut properties again
  • Profit.

I confirmed after accidentally getting a unicore WU, changing to -smp caused an EUE in the uni WU, and upon restart, it downloaded the A1 core and then started 4 threads of A1.
  • Create a shortcut to the exe
  • In the properties of said shortcut, put at -configonly at the end of the target line.
  • Start the exe, and redo your configuration
  • After you configure, replace -configonly with -smp in the shortcut properties again
  • Profit.

I confirmed after accidentally getting a unicore WU, changing to -smp caused an EUE in the uni WU, and upon restart, it downloaded the A1 core and then started 4 threads of A1.

Well, that appears to work corretly, got my 2 smp's running for ape now!
Just got my 2 powersupplies in today (1 RMA so my tri box was down) and I hope to get up to 25k tonight for the ape, Ive had really bad luck with this CC so far, blew 2 PSU's leading up to this, cutting me down to half a box instead of 2 full boxes

Sorry, but dont count me out yet!
2 of the 3 96's up, getting unstable returns from the thrid one, looking into it. Count in another 7k PPD for now atleast

Had to drop third card to stock settings and re-dl the core, but its running stable on an 1888 now

AHHH!!! I fried a card, shit. Well, 2 still running good, there's 7k, working on getting two PSU's into my main rig now, going offline, hopefully I'll have good news on the rebound
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Well I atleast got the VM working on the i7 :)

but my gaming laptop tells me this:
This is usually due to a BIOS/firmware problem. Please:
(1) Verify the BIOS/firmware settings enable VT mode.
(2) Power-cycle the host, if the BIOS/firmware VT settings were changed at boot.
(3) Power-cycle the host, if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.
(4) Update host BIOS/firmware to the latest version.
You have configured this virtual machine to use a 64-bit guest operating system. However, this host is not capable of running 64-bit virtual machines or this virtual machine has 64-bit support disabled.
For more detailed information, see

Windows 7 64bit and VT is enable in the bios. :(
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