Chimp Challenge 2012

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Jul 21, 2004
Ok.....I know you guys and gals have sworn off the CC.

What would it take to get you back in ?

It does'nt seem right that you are not in this.


It's my advice to my team (HWC forum) that we don't get involved in any rules.

How would team 33 setup a ruleset that would allow a competitive playground ?

Interesting question, but i'm pretty sure i can guess what the answer is going to be.
Yes, I have sworn it off. That is a good way to put it.

And I will not say any more about this topic.
I would like to do it if every one could keep their cool. Unfortunately I think too many people have sworn it off to make it worth while. Then again i was folding for eggxpert when all the drama went down so I have no emotional scars. It's a shame seeing a team this [H]ard passing up a chance to rape face tho.
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I have no need to see people monkey stomping eachother like I did a few years ago.
I would like to do it if every one could keep their cool. Unfortunately I think too many people have sworn it off to make it worth while. Then again i was folding for eggxpert when all the drama went down so I have no emotional scars. It's a shame seeing a team this [H]ard passing up a chance to rape face tho.

it was cool at the beginning until team evga got involved and then shit hit the fan and CC became useless in my opinion. so now its who can cheat better then the other team without getting caught basically.
Hey guys,
I was thinking about making a thread inviting you, [H], to take look at an idea I have for points calculation for CC. According to that, participating teams' donors wouldn't have to change their folding IDs. I do not know what caused the problems within [H] regarding CC but I was thinking having to change folding ID's have something to do with it.
I originally posted it here ( but I'll copy-paste below. I'd like to hear what you think about it, and if it would be something that would help you reconsider your participation in the CC.
I have an idea for CC points calculation. This might take a bit long, so bare with me. 
1) There will be no ID changing to EVGApes, OCNChimpin, etc. The actual teams will be competing.
2) For team, say A, take its average PPD in the last 6 months, call it PPD_A.
3) Each team will "race" for, say, 30 days, and their actual PPD for this duration will be calculated, call this APPD_A.
4) At the end of the race, the CC points for Team A will be calculated as
CCP_A = (APPD_A / PPD_A)^3 * APPD_A. 
In plain English, the multiplier, (APPD_A / PPD_A)^3, measures how well the team did with respect to their average PPD and the more they overdo themselves, the greater the effect. 
Why cube? It is to strengthen this effect.
APPD_A is there to reflect the raw performance of the team.
In summary, for small teams, it would be easier to have much higher multipliers, although the raw performance may still be small. For large teams, it would be much difficult to get higher multipliers, although the raw PPD may look large.
Let's do an example.
Say team A has PPD_A = 5Mil, they did APPD_A = 10mil. Their CCP_A = (10/5)^3 * 10 = 80.
Say team B has PPD_B = 20Mil, and they did APPD_B = 28Mil. Then, CCP_B = (28/20)^3 * 28 = 76.832.
As you see, the small team wins.
I believe this calculation, or some modification of it, has a great chance of making CC a fair competition giving the winning opportunity to all teams. If possible, I ask someone to show this idea to the other CC captains, and even the teams who don't participate in the CC.
the reason to my understanding is less having to change ID, but more to do with how the competition has in the past done "business" for the competition making it in the eyes of our team very unfair with a given team nearly winning by default.
the reason to my understanding is less having to change ID, but more to do with how the competition has in the past done "business" for the competition making it in the eyes of our team very unfair with a given team nearly winning by default.

But it all depends on the rules of the competition, right? At the time when [H] left, I think the rules were favoring Team EVGA but then last year, with new rules, Team EVGA had close to zero chances to win. Neither was fun. With last year's rules, none of the large teams (top three) would stand a chance.

The point is, we can brainstorm together to make it a "fair" competition. Above is my personal attempt ;)
the last thing we need is more drama

when it was a friendly competition between teams it was one thing, but it just turned into a game of skilled cheating, lots of people got pissy and packed up their stuff and left
You could change the rules to what ever you want.

Pass, no thank you.
Again though, as stated numerous times, team 33 will more than likely not enter for reasons that happened before I got here.

But it all depends on the rules of the competition, right? At the time when [H] left, I think the rules were favoring Team EVGA but then last year, with new rules, Team EVGA had close to zero chances to win. Neither was fun. With last year's rules, none of the large teams (top three) would stand a chance.

The point is, we can brainstorm together to make it a "fair" competition. Above is my personal attempt ;)
The CC made more sense when there was no bigadv (no synching possible)/switching WU types/passkey/huge team ppd gap... etc

How about "show pics of your farm" multi-forum competition edition?
...less trouble and could still get front page attention and bring new folders in.
The CC made more sense when there was no bigadv (no synching possible)/switching WU types/passkey/huge team ppd gap... etc

How about "show pics of your farm" multi-forum competition edition?
...less trouble and could still get front page attention and bring new folders in.

Now that could be fun.
HardForum's views on CC are twofold. First off, we're put off from competitions because of other teams who "bend the rules" or go against the spirit of the competition to win a useless .jpg picture.

Secondly, the forums used to always devolve into a witch hunt and multiple callouts when people who wouldn't switch over to [H]ard|Ape would pass those who did switch over during the month of may. People would get pissy, send PM's, make new threads, turned into a whole bunch of shit throwing.

Basically, it's not worth it.
That's too bad everyone feels that way , but I can certainly understand where you are coming from.I appreciate everyones honesty.

Competition always brings drama , it's the nature of the beast , but if it's causing friction like that , then yea , it's a problem.

The Chimp Challenge is not perfect , it's a work in progress (and it needs a lot of work), but there's quite a few people working on trying to make it better.I would still welcome any and all input from team 33 members , even if you don't participate.

How about "show pics of your farm" multi-forum competition edition?
...less trouble and could still get front page attention and bring new folders in.

You've hit upon a key point , It's one thats being discussed ; Just what is the 'purpose' of the CC ?
It's quite possible that a "points race" is the wrong way to go...There's a few ideas being batted around.

Anyways , Thanks for your time everyone.
thanks for the splaining.
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Sorry. Your linky no worky either. Must be a Kyle thing.
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idea that haves been put out there on other forums for the race

You know, the biggest hangup that would keep someone from participating (to me at least) is the fact that everyone has to switch their usernames and whatnot to T32monkeys for the contest. That is a major inconvenience for the big farmers to do and also leads to mistakes being made when changing things over. I know that it seems like every contest there are a few systems folding with a misspelled name or wrong team number. If the contest organizers could just take a list of each team's members who have committed to the contest and add them together for team scores for the contest, it would make things much simpler for people to compete. If needed, you could add in a stipulation that the username has to have been active 7 days before the contest starts. Plus, It might motivate people coming over to help out like me to maybe keep folding at least to some extent after the contest, as I would be setting the client up to fold under my old username instead of T32monkeys and the credits would count towards my own personal points count and not to some made up account that was just made for this contest some years ago.

Just sayin'. :)
As a Folder for one of the original teams, the contest was FUN. Now it isn't. Not much else to say about that. For the first time I will not be involved in it.
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