China Finally Admits It Has an Army of Hackers for Cyberwar


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Well, here’s a real barn burner: China has finally owned up to maintaining a large contingency of cyber warfare units. Personally, I’m shocked beyond belief. Not so much that these units exist, but China actually owned up to it :D

Maybe this is a little red-heeled baby step towards more transparency from the PLA? Most analysts had assumed that China was lying about its capabilities previously, so it's not like this news is shocking.
So now we're now do they have to apologize for acting all offended when the US made allegations that Chinese hackers were poking away at US shores?
wait china has hackers? :D

who would have thought :rolleyes:

I mean I find it quite funny China is developing a F-35 jet which looks exactly like our F-35 jet. What are the odds :D

Remember China play with fire and you're likely to get burned.
I mean I find it quite funny China is developing a F-35 jet which looks exactly like our F-35 jet. What are the odds :D

Remember China play with fire and you're likely to get burned.

My concern at this point are the ways in which they are willing to use their "Cyber" army.

I mean, if they straight-up attacked us with their conventional military forces, there would be a shit storm. When it comes to these "Cyber warfare" units however there seems to be this idea that they can have a state-funded wing of their military conducting constant offensive operations against other countries (such as the USA), often resulting in real, tangible losses and damage for the victim countries, but that since it's all "Cyber" that there is no accountability, and that no one will ever be held responsible for their actions.

We need to get to the point where this shit is taken seriously. A cyber attack on our country should be viewed no less seriously than a conventional military attack, and it should receive a similar response.
We need to get to the point where this shit is taken seriously. A cyber attack on our country should be viewed no less seriously than a conventional military attack, and it should receive a similar response.

If not for the fact the US (NSA, CIA, ARCYBER, etc) does the very same thing. You lead by example.
Hmm, knew it all along! Not surprised, but am surprised that they admitted to it like what Domo said :)
Hmm, knew it all along! Not surprised, but am surprised that they admitted to it like what Domo said :)

Recent revelations from Edward Snowdon and others about this kind of activity (and worse) by our governments have been largely ignored by mainstream media & most of the public in 'free' western countries so I guess China realized it had nothing to lose by admitting it.
Recent revelations from Edward Snowdon and others about this kind of activity (and worse) by our governments have been largely ignored by mainstream media & most of the public in 'free' western countries so I guess China realized it had nothing to lose by admitting it.

You know what, I didn't think about that. Makes sense. Though I wasn't too surprised about the revelations from Snowden too :)
If not for the fact the US (NSA, CIA, ARCYBER, etc) does the very same thing. You lead by example.

Who exactly are we leading? The U.S. at least gives lip service to acknowledging other country's authority. China has never given a damn about any other country throughout recorded history except to exploit them.
Who exactly are we leading? The U.S. at least gives lip service to acknowledging other country's authority. China has never given a damn about any other country throughout recorded history except to exploit them.

With Snowden's revelations, is not like the US floats one inch off the ground.