China Jails Woman for Internet Lies

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you are one of those people that think our country has too many laws and restrictions, check out this story. China is notorious for their control over the internet and the restrictions it places on its citizens but even this one is a bit much.

The China Daily newspaper reported on its Web site that the woman, identified only by her surname Chen, pretended to be a 15-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped by her stepfather.
Here, in the United Stated, far worse injustices occur within our country; don't fall for the political propaganda! :mad:
People who cry wolf should be punished and people can scream communistic injustice all they want but some poor soul might have ended up being imprisoned for a long time for a crime he did not commit.
China goes way beyond 'equitable' punishments sometimes, but I have no problem with some sort of punishment being done to this woman for her actions. Her lies could have led to someone innocent getting jailed or maybe something even worse.
I'll have to side with China on this one. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this is pathetic on her part. If it was a guy pretending to be a sex predator, we would be up in arms, wouldn't we?
Ha! That's awesome. Stupid woman. If you're going to be stupidly harsh you might as well do it to people who deserve it.
What if someone had killed the man for what she had lied about, Then what? There's nothing wrong about punishing someone for Liable, However she still deserves a Trial and the punishment should fit the crime.
And why the hell does a police department have a Propaganda Department?
Lies have consequences? That is such primitive, September 10th thinking. I was under the impression that lying, hateful harmful deception was high sport these days.

What's next, people being jailed for theft?
"We're discussing further punishment, maybe re-education through labor,"

That would be a fun activities program for our prisons too.
lol that's their way of saying "community service".
Did she actually lie about a specific person or just "her step father". Sounds like it was all an act, just like that LonelyGirl15 account. I see nothing wrong here as the only thing they can be mad at is the fact that they had to track the person down.
Wasent China also the country that made it illegal to make a in game character that was a different sex that you?
Did she actually lie about a specific person or just "her step father". Sounds like it was all an act, just like that LonelyGirl15 account. I see nothing wrong here as the only thing they can be mad at is the fact that they had to track the person down.

But if they hunted down her stepfather and meted out whatever punishment they think is applicable for rape, (assuming women even have rights in China :eek: ) only to find out this woman lied, they would've punished an innocent person for a crime that never happened. What then?
But if they hunted down her stepfather and meted out whatever punishment they think is applicable for rape, (assuming women even have rights in China :eek: ) only to find out this woman lied, they would've punished an innocent person for a crime that never happened. What then?

I didn't ask for some hypothetical situation, did I? By the time they would have figured out who the 50 year old woman's step father was, they would have also figured out she wasn't 15 years old. :rolleyes:

If she didn't claim to be a specific person or single out some real person as her step father, this is just China abusing it's people again. She wrote a fantasy page. Why the fuck is that such a big deal? Phony pages are put out every day and just because they are fake, you don't throw those people in jail. Or are you just really that afraid that dihydrogen monoxide is really that dangerous? Do you really want to jail every person who has pulled victimless internet pranks? Stop policing peoples morals.
It's the same in our country, in America if you lie, you get punished... but the difference is here you get pardoned by the President.
It's the same in our country, in America if you lie, you get punished... but the difference is here you get pardoned by the President.

Yup, you can hand out hundreds of pardons to drug dealers, bomb makers and terrorists, convicted criminals and family members on your last day in office an no one cares, you have a valid point.

I would like to point out that you would be in jail in China for pointing out that very same thing about the Chinese government.

Here, in the United Stated, far worse injustices occur within our country; don't fall for the political propaganda! :mad:

There are things...I'm not sure...but I think they are called airplanes...and they fly to wonderful China all the time. :D

Book a flight, head on what you just posted here and see if it changes your perspective any. I'll send you a care package in prison...if they allow them. :rolleyes:
Here, in the United Stated, far worse injustices occur within our country; don't fall for the political propaganda! :mad:

I think you should live in another country, particularly those that you so speak of... and then come back and tell me what it's like :rolleyes: If you think America has gross injustices, then perhaps you will be in for one hell of a surprise. Hell just go speed south of the border, when the cops ask you for cash, that will be just a warm welcome to things that isn't tolerated here.

And if you honestly believe China is all that great, well then, please go ahead and pack your bags. There is nothing propaganda about this, their laws, ethics, and justice system has been well observed by many nations and liberal organizations.

I'll have to side with China on this one. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this is pathetic on her part. If it was a guy pretending to be a sex predator, we would be up in arms, wouldn't we?

Agreed. I think this broad was coming what she got to her.

Remember that guy (who has not committed any crime) but admitted that we was interested in young grils.... he's under court order and was arrested for being close to a day care facility.... yet, all he did was talk about his problem... not even gone as far as this woman did.
Agreed. I think this broad was coming what she got to her.

Remember that guy (who has not committed any crime) but admitted that we was interested in young grils.... he's under court order and was arrested for being close to a day care facility.... yet, all he did was talk about his problem... not even gone as far as this woman did.

Just what crime did she commit other than telling fanciful tales? Does that warrant a trip to a reeducation camp and hard labor? Sure, she's a net-tard but so what? I think it is the definition of irony when this is in the article:

"She fabricated rumors and mislead the public," said Wang Bing, an official with the propaganda department of the Tianqiao District Public Security Bureau in Jinan city."

As to the net perv you mention, yeah he got tried in the media for essentially "thought crimes" which is just bogus. But, people are paranoid about pervs in the US and the people make the laws or demand the laws be made. There are no more or less pervs than in the past but they are far more visible and when they do commit crimes it offends people at a very visceral level. So when a tard like the guy you note comes out and says he'd really like to "cuddle" your eight year old daughter people don't shy away from some preemptive justice. Is that right or wrong? Yes it is.

But this woman in China was not running a web site about where to leer at little girls. She was just making up sad stories about a fictional self and now might end up at a labor camp for her efforts. That doesn't seem quite right to me.
Just what crime did she commit other than telling fanciful tales? Does that warrant a trip to a reeducation camp and hard labor? Sure, she's a net-tard but so what? I think it is the definition of irony when this is in the article:
"...pretended to be a 15-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped by her stepfather."

Yes, absolutley warrents "Re-education", and possibly more.