China Plans Hypersonic Jet That Can Fly Anywhere in the World in Three Hours


Aug 20, 2006
Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences claim that they have created a hypersonic jet that can travel at up to 3,800 miles an hour. A scaled-down version in testing conditions managed an even greater speed of 5,343 mph.

Writing in the Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy journal, Cui Kai said: “It will take only a couple of hours to travel from Beijing to New York at hypersonic speed. This could provide more convenient and efficient transportation than present subsonic airplanes for long-distance journeys in future.”
Chinese academia publications... sure...

But it wouldn't surprise me since they just rip off Western research.
If they hold a press conference or "publish a paper" or brag about the capabilities of something like this it is 100% propaganda. Just think, if they had this capability in an aircraft the military/government would be all over it for their uses and it would be classified at the highest levels.
I have a couple of old SST models. Throw those into the wind tunnel too.
Well I have a F-35 that can take off vertically......Loudly....if it doesn't blow up or shake loose..... We're just talking hypothetically right?
I don't see how they pull off China to NY in 3 hours. AFAIK, they'd have to either fly over the north pole, or south of Africa. Doing the latter is roughly 12,000 miles. I guess if they actually pull off 5000 mph, then they'd come close, but looks like they're talking about speeds that are less than half that goal for now.
The Concorde was an incredible aircraft.

It's cost prohibitive to do these sorts of things. At least at this point.
I'm curious if they realize why the SST/Concorde/Russian-clone were mothballed.

It's not that going really fast with passengers wasn't possible, it's just not economically viable and posed sound issues for many regions.

Chinese academia publications... sure...

But it wouldn't surprise me since they just rip off Western research.

China's the kid in class that is constantly copying off of everyone's paper.
can they hop on the luxury airship travel fad instead?

then maybe in my lifetime i can have a sip of champagne in a pool while traveling among the clouds
Anyone notice the picture for this news post was an old F/A-18 (from the looks of it a Blue Angles variant)?? Probably one of the slowest military planes out there today! Not even the super hornet variant!
As a Canadian I noticed immediately. We are still flying the -A model. Held together with duct-tape and super-glue, holding the fort until we finish shoveling endless $$ over the boarder for some forced vapor-wear. ;)
That's not a big deal.

the SR-71 Blackbird has set a record of 2,193 MPH (Year 1976). All China is stating is that theirs will fly at 1,319 MPH. Probably faster considering that (I think) the earth's diameter is measured at surface not above it. The diameter of the Earth at the Equator (It's Girthiest) is 7917.5 Miles.
ROFL this is so funny. Somebody took an obvious propaganda piece aimed at Chinese citizens, blew it out of proportion and left it vague as hell just enough so you keep reading and learn all about this new "ambitious" technology company called "Boom Technology" offering a service that could potentially compete with this new "Chinese discovery". This is paid journalism at its damn finest.

There is literally no point in reading or clicking on that article unless you are interested in investing with "Boom Technology".
As some who had spent an inordinate amount of time in KSP, I'm of the opinion that sub-orbital is the way to go...and I'm an expert because I play a game!

To those wondering about the sound/sonic boom problem there is a lot of research going into minimizing this...this is one big reason why Concorde was not economically viable it was very limited in where it was allowed to go.
They’re having difficulty knocking off soviet era engines. They had to buy a tiny number of Su-35s because they couldn’t incrementally improve them. They’re decades away from developing any decent engines in house, let alone revolutionizing aerospace engine technology.
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Can't build a DC-9 series ripoff (ARJ-21) after getting the tooling from McD and getting Antonov to do the heavy lifting on the wing redesign.

C919 production and certification is a joke.

Yeah, I'd not step foot on this thing if it ever hit market. Hell, I wouldn't touch it with someone else's 10 foot pole.
Well. the Chinese don't have windows yet, so they wouldn't know about the sonic boom shit yet. They will, oh yes, they will.
They might be forgetting that aircraft that hit that speed have serious problems with the metal stretching because of heat. The Concorde went around 2000 km/h and it stretched about 20 centimeters. Stretching and shrinking every flight is not good. Imagine more than doubling that speed and your going to melt the plane just because of the friction with the air!
They might be forgetting that aircraft that hit that speed have serious problems with the metal stretching because of heat. The Concorde went around 2000 km/h and it stretched about 20 centimeters. Stretching and shrinking every flight is not good. Imagine more than doubling that speed and your going to melt the plane just because of the friction with the air!

The X-15 went way faster (7,000km/h) than that and didn't "melt". A more comparable plane might be the SR-71 and it went faster (more than 3,500 km/h) and did not "melt". Both of those were products of the 1960's.
The X-15 went way faster (7,000km/h) than that and didn't "melt". A more comparable plane might be the SR-71 and it went faster (more than 3,500 km/h) and did not "melt". Both of those were products of the 1960's.
In general, seeing that 60s tech is still largely prevelant and sometimes not improved upon, people often overpredict future tech progress. Maybe my job won't be replaced by robots after all.