China’s NeoKylin OS Is A Windows XP Clone


Aug 20, 2006
China is dumping Windows XP for—well, Windows XP. Instead of creating a new OS, they decided to simply rebuild XP in Linux.

As the Chinese government undoubtedly realized, building an operating system from the ground up is a rather arduous and daunting task. Even more difficult, is retraining thousands, if not millions, to learn a newly developed operating system. It would seem the Chinese government has a solution for both instances, rebuild Microsoft’s Windows XP on Linux.
The didn't rebuild XP. It's just a skinned Ubuntu based Linux distro running WINE for (partial) Win32 compatibility and Mono.

If the point was to run particular Windows XP software on it, it's not exactly a huge breakthrough. Various libraries can be used as a compile target to make it Windows and WINE friendly.

Mono makes compatibility even easier for most of the API, or an alternative graphics toolkit can be used when porting software to this distro.

It's still going to have the same problems with general compatibility as WINE (or Mono) has using standard Windows binaries: some work (nearly) flawlessly, some fail spectacularly.
I don't think China will ever touch windows 10 when it has so much spy stuff in it.
The didn't rebuild XP. It's just a skinned Ubuntu based Linux distro running WINE for (partial) Win32 compatibility and Mono.
Yea and it's nothing new. A Windows XP looking Linux is nothing special. You know ReactOS or Lindows are two good examples.
Yea and it's nothing new. A Windows XP looking Linux is nothing special. You know ReactOS or Lindows are two good examples.

Plus Zorin is like windows 7.
Yeah, nothing new, but, the key question is, what is going to be the level of support?
Is this a multi-million dollar long term investment, or a pet project?
If its a long term commitment.. it may evolve rapidly as to become a different OS that once was linux, and that once looked like XP.
"So why don't more people use Linux"?

"We want it to be like windows"

"Well we have this half arsed thing that sorta looks like it, but everything still looks like a native java application"

"We want it to look like windows and run our stuff"

"You can do a voodoo raindance and install wine that will only run applications from 1998"

"We want it to be windows"

"You can install x distro, or y distro or z distro or 6 distro or bubblegumlollipopsupermanhotdog distro"


*The Chinese government in 2015 releases what the current windows users had been wanting for the last 15 years*

L O L.

THAT is what is why Linux is not on the uptake.
"So why don't more people use Linux"?

"We want it to be like windows"

"Well we have this half arsed thing that sorta looks like it, but everything still looks like a native java application"

"We want it to look like windows and run our stuff"

"You can do a voodoo raindance and install wine that will only run applications from 1998"

"We want it to be windows"

"You can install x distro, or y distro or z distro or 6 distro or bubblegumlollipopsupermanhotdog distro"


*The Chinese government in 2015 releases what the current windows users had been wanting for the last 15 years*

L O L.

THAT is what is why Linux is not on the uptake.

Linux people just don't understand the rest of the world. People have. Jobs and families, they don't have time to dick around with open sourced shit all night while eating Doritos. They just want something that works.
Linux people just don't understand the rest of the world. People have. Jobs and families, they don't have time to dick around with open sourced shit all night while eating Doritos. They just want something that works.

So they buy an Android phone or a Chromebook.
China's government has been pushing toward Linux for a long time. They also have been working on independently designing processors and various other system-level components. Like I remember reading someplace that a lot of that effort was so that China could have a fully home-grown computer system and become a little more independent of other nations' technologies. As for them being unoriginal, if something works okay, why change it? There really isn't anything overly wrong with XP's user interface. The stuff underneath that UI is in need of being modernized and if their OS successfully does that by laying atop a Linux kernel, more power to them.

Then again, as someone who gets all warm and gooey inside over installing Linux on a computer, I guess I'm sorta biased. But really, it has been treating me really well since I switched.
Let me try to get this straight?

Having written multiple OS's from scratch.

The CHINESE who are supposed to be this nuclear power and regional threat the US military interests in the region. Are not up to the task of just writing a replacement Windows work-alike .... and all the important application software .... from scratch?

They alleged super anti-ship missiles that can out smart US Navy countermeasures, but a task manager, scheduler, memory management, drivers for disk and screen and keyboard and mouse, etc .... all that is too difficult for them?

What am I missing? :rolleyes::cool:
Plus Zorin is like windows 7.
Yeah, nothing new, but, the key question is, what is going to be the level of support?
Is this a multi-million dollar long term investment, or a pet project?
If its a long term commitment.. it may evolve rapidly as to become a different OS that once was linux, and that once looked like XP.

Like I said lots of Windows XP clones. There was a video I watched where a guy got his mom to use XP that looked like Linux and she couldn't tell it wasn't Windows. Windows 7 isn't hard either. But I imagine support is something the Chinese are doing cause every linux distro has support.

Here's Linux Mint with some simple changes to make it look like Windows 7. You couldn't tell by looking at it. In fact I'm going to do this with my Mint 17.2 machine just for giggles.


So they buy an Android phone or a Chromebook.
Which is incidentally funny cause Chrome and Android are both Linux. Except that running Ubuntu has more applications and games than Chrome or Android. Also should mention quality applications not all the crap you see on the Android store.
Also don't forget a huge part of the US national debt is outsourced to China too.

I guess 7-8% of our debt is huge. Or maybe it's just the talking point that has been repeated for years is huge.

Also please explain to me how overseas manufacturing or economics relates to creativity and originality and massive chinese theft of western IP.
I imagine someone will find huge blocks of code that are stolen in their entirety in this "new" OS.

I would suggest to any hardware or software company that has exposure in China put something like "Mao Zedong sucked donkey dicks!" somewhere in their code. If it is copied exactly, the thieves won't bother to take it out and would probably be executed for having it in their product. Nice disincentive.
For such a blatant attempt at copying the interface you think they would have done a better job.
Yo Microsoft, see this? China didn't change the user interface so they wouldn't have to retrain billions of users.

If it works, don't FIX IT!
Actually, when all of you say that China is not original you are giving them too much credit! They are actually theifs that steal our ip when we send manufacturing plans over there.