Chinese CE Factories Treat Workers Like Prisoners

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If you pull your nose out of his ass long enough to read into his general attitude, maybe you'll see what the rest of us might be seeing.

Ah, and you are the spokesman? Listen guy, just because I agree with somebody does not mean I am brown nosing. Please be a little less childish.
The Chinese are not being taken advantage of and many of you entirely miss that even though you've been told how this is true over and over. The factories have helped give rise to a middle class in China, they have helped pull people off of farms and out of squalor and into cities and a significantly higher standard of living and medical care and much higher earnings. They have helped employ those with little to no education. They have allowed families to send their children to decent schools.

All of you who say you should stop buying Chinese goods for the sake of the workers are flat out fools. The workers have not had so many options and a brighter outlook in China since....a long fucking time.

Are there some sweatshops there? Very likely. Are there sweatshops in the US and Europe and elsewhere? Indeed. So why this massive issue with China when there is a very good chance the country you live in has similar or worse working conditions in some cases?

Well we agree on one thing. I haven't stop buying things just because it's made in China :-P

But regardless of yours and my views of the situation over there, the thing is there are a lot of people *too* willing to look the other way. That's the attitude I'm sensing around here and it's disgusting. There are some good, but a lot of bad as well. It's not just China, but in many communist, and yes, totalitarian countries as well as third world countries.

That's what's bothering me. I was also against allowing China into the WTO until they implement at least some rudimentary labor laws they seem to be sorely lacking. Why else would it be reported all the time? Yeah there are sensationalist journalism, but every time? I don't think so. They may be on to something.
Ah, and you are the spokesman? Listen guy, just because I agree with somebody does not mean I am brown nosing. Please be a little less childish.

Dude, piss off. You're the one who threw around the name-calling gauntlet. You don't run the forum. I disagree with him. You jumped on his bandwagon with just as little information about him as I did.

In other words, "No you!"

Well we agree on one thing. I haven't stop buying things just because it's made in China :-P

But regardless of yours and my views of the situation over there, the thing is there are a lot of people *too* willing to look the other way. That's the attitude I'm sensing around here and it's disgusting. There are some good, but a lot of bad as well. It's not just China, but in many communist, and yes, totalitarian countries as well as third world countries.

That's what's bothering me. I was also against allowing China into the WTO until they implement at least some rudimentary labor laws they seem to be sorely lacking. Why else would it be reported all the time? Yeah there are sensationalist journalism, but every time? I don't think so. They may be on to something.

I'll agree with some of your sentiments in that post. Even with a current labor shortage, business owners are afforded a lot of leeway but that does not mean they all go about using that to abuse their workers. There may be not as much latitude afforded small businesses but larger ones have been known to be catered to. I still do not see this as much different than in the US and elsewhere where big business trumps all.

Want to bring undocumented workers in to clean Walmart at night or to do meat packing or any number of jobs in the US I can promise you that somebody is looking the other way. Think those folks have the benefit of out workers rights or labor laws or hour/wage/age/discrimination/harassment laws? Think again. This is not happening secretly either.

...and no, I don't believe every story coming from China about poor working conditions is false. I do know that any worker who is treated normally or fairly will not see his story in the Times or anywhere else though. As I said MANY posts ago, it is unfair of us to look at the worst case scenarios and paint the entire country and every businessman with that brush. It would be like talking to a sweatshop worker in Harlem or wherever and acting as if the Boeing plant in Washington offers the same low wages and poor treatment and unhealthy conditions.
Yes. You tend to avoid explaining things, but at the same time look down your nose at us. If that attitude is any indication, you treat your factory worker the same way.

Tell us we're wrong with words, not contempt, and maybe we'll respect you more. Otherwise you're just backing up what we think of factory owners in China, and American business owners who takes advantage of them.

Stop assuming we don't know how to think for ourselves and maybe I wouldn't show such contempt. You already decided China is full backward assfucks who keep men and women in pens to make products for exports, I have little to discuss with someone so out of touch with reality. Instead I will continue to poke fun at you in between selling my "slave"-made products.
Stop assuming we don't know how to think for ourselves and maybe I wouldn't show such contempt. You already decided China is full backward assfucks who keep men and women in pens to make products for exports, I have little to discuss with someone so out of touch with reality. Instead I will continue to poke fun at you in between selling my "slave"-made products.

Firstly, I hold their government in contempt, not the people. Secondly, I also hold business owners who don't care for their employees equally in contempt, but not the people themselves. Thirdly, you came into this forum quoting people and calling them out without as much as a how do you do and you expect us to know what's on your mind? Share your opinion of the matter.

And for what it's worth, I don't care for some of the actions of our own government as well - before you say that my ire is solely aimed at China.
Private property is private. It doesn't need to be "inspected" by anyone but the owner. If you have any questions about a workplace for job you were never entitled to have in the first place, don't work there.

If you are going to buy a building, absolutely have it inspected.

Private property is private, sure but that doesn't give the owners the right to build it however they want. That property might end up exchanging ownership in the future and if it was built poorly the new owners could suffer the consequences. The inspection code is intended to avoid that exact scenario that has been a HUGE problem in the past. A much larger problem than requiring owners to get inspections signed off.

If your point of view was the law then nobody would EVER build safely and the tiniest of earthquakes would turn everything into the disaster that occurred in Haiti. No building would ever pass a pre-purchase inspection and buyers would have no choice but to live in a death trap.

I just bought a house last November and I can say without a doubt that I am grateful for the inspections that sign-offs that the city made the previous owner go through when he not only built the house, but then expanded it with a second floor 10 years later.

Do you think any employer would give a new hire the opportunity to have a building inspector walk through a facility before working there? You're out of your mind.
Firstly, I hold their government in contempt, not the people. Secondly, I also hold business owners who don't care for their employees equally in contempt, but not the people themselves. Thirdly, you came into this forum quoting people and calling them out without as much as a how do you do and you expect us to know what's on your mind? Share your opinion of the matter.

And for what it's worth, I don't care for some of the actions of our own government as well - before you say that my ire is solely aimed at China.

ahh yes I was the one calling people out, I love it when people call me a mouthpiece for Communist china or someone who runs a sweatshop, I love that shit, keep it a coming.
ahh yes I was the one calling people out, I love it when people call me a mouthpiece for Communist china or someone who runs a sweatshop, I love that shit, keep it a coming.

I rest my case.
And why are our products 2x to 3x more expensive? Government red tape! You can argue cost of living is higher, but its only higher because again, government red tape... everything is taxed, feed, OSHA'd, EPA'd, regulated, etc... A few years ago my company altered part of the building and wanted to put in new bathrooms. What started as a cheap and easy project turned into an expensive mess with inspectors and expensive special door handles (just in case we hire people with no hands and only stumps that need to use the bathroom...:rolleyes: ) Of course we pass this cost to the consumer....

Have you ever read the book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair?

It's a great book, YOU should read it if you have not.
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Private property is private, sure but that doesn't give the owners the right to build it however they want.

If you can't do what you want with what you own, then you don't really own it now do you?

That property might end up exchanging ownership in the future and if it was built poorly the new owners could suffer the consequences. The inspection code is intended to avoid that exact scenario that has been a HUGE problem in the past. A much larger problem than requiring owners to get inspections signed off.

So, you'd rather have the government telling you what you can and can't do with what you supposedly own (China style), than allowing you to decide for yourself? A smart person would not ruin or build the property in a dangerous manner knowing a potential buyer will have it inspected... However, it is your choice to be smart or not. We don't need any government making this choice for us.

If your point of view was the law then nobody would EVER build safely and the tiniest of earthquakes would turn everything into the disaster that occurred in Haiti. No building would ever pass a pre-purchase inspection and buyers would have no choice but to live in a death trap.

You have a choice to get the place inspected BEFORE you buy it. If its unsafe, you don't buy it. Where is this "forcing" coming from that you speak of?

I just bought a house last November and I can say without a doubt that I am grateful for the inspections that sign-offs that the city made the previous owner go through when he not only built the house, but then expanded it with a second floor 10 years later.

I've bought several houses throughout my life. I always get them inspected before I even give an offer. If a particular inspector didn't do a good job I'd get a second inspector. But this is for my sake, on my own dime. Once the house is mine its MINE. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do with it. You think I'm going to make the house I live in with my family unsafe? If the following buyer has issue with anything they are free not to buy it or negotiate fixes. No government douchebags need be involved.

Do you think any employer would give a new hire the opportunity to have a building inspector walk through a facility before working there? You're out of your mind.

Who knows, who cares? Its their business and they can run it how they want and hire who they want. If conditions prove to be dangerous nobody is forcing anybody to stay and nobody is forcing anyone else new to work there. If the company was smart they'd provide an environment where workers could thrive, therefore generating more profit.
The factories have helped give rise to a middle class in China, they have helped pull people off of farms and out of squalor and into cities and a significantly higher standard of living and medical care and much higher earnings. They have helped employ those with little to no education. They have allowed families to send their children to decent schools.

Middle class for the factory owners maybe, but these factory workers are not middle class, there is no standard of living when you live in the factory, work 8am to midnight 7 days a week.

This is the perfect example of a race to the bottom. It is even dragging down standards in other countries as China sets the competitive standard, holding down labor conditions in other countries.
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