Chipset fan


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2003
I have a chipset fan starting to wear out on a server here at work. I am not the service tech for the site and I was just wondering if the fan dies what could happen? The tech says one is on order but don't worry about the fan because nothing will happen if it dies. My response to this is why is there a fan on it then? If the fan dies could there be problems?
the core will get hotter, that is what happens when the fan dies. You don't want hotter.
Asus boards are notorious for that happening. On mATX cases, and systems that get sent too far to drive for me to repair them, I usually soend the extra $10 and put on an after-market chipset fan, or just put on a normal heatsink. Sure, it costs me $10 now, but better than having to drive out there in the middle of the night to fix it later on.
Typically chipset fans are easy to replace, I would go ahead and get you an aftermarket one and replace it without any risk.
I've had 2 chipset fans go out on me on 2 different computers. When they went out I had no problems what-so-ever. I replaced the one on the P4 a couple of months after it went but I am too lazy to replace the one on my AMD system so it will wait for now.
Thanks for the replies but i just wanted to know if it could harm the comp if it dies.
SarverSystems said:
Asus boards are notorious for that happening.
So are Abit fans.
Troney1169 said:
Thanks for the replies but i just wanted to know if it could harm the comp if it dies.
Think of it this way: there's a fan on it for a reason. Dead fan = bad.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
IMO I don't think it's really a big problem, as long as there is some airflow in the case.

It really depends on the board, and the temps.

I know I wouldnt trust my IC7 to run without proper chipset cooling.