Chkdsk Runs Whenever I Boot Up....


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2004
Whenever I just shutdown or restart my computer it always wants to run Chkdsk whenever its starting back up. It says it didnt shut down correctly? Anyone anything about this?
I've never really heard of it running from a good shutdown. Maybe you have an option checked somewhere that is telling it to run on startup. Otherwise i'm not really sure why it would do that.
From past experiences when I see the chkdsk program run I usually say, f*ck it i'm gonna lose a crapload of data. It could be possible your hard drive is on the way out. I'd reccomend backing stuff up. I learned the semi hard way when my WD 200 gigger shit itself a few days ago. Chkdsk opened did some kinda recovering orphanded file crap and then once windows booted, data = teh gone :mad:
While in windows open a command prompt and type "chkdsk /f "

Say No if it asks you to unmount the harddrive and say Yes if it asks you to schedule a checkdisk on the next reboot. That should make windows automatically fix whatever is happening and stop checkdisk from running everytime.
To make absolutly sure you don't have something set that is causing the disk check to run every time, run "chkntfs /d". this sets boot up autocheck behavior back to the defaults.

Diddlysquats's idea of running c chkdsk /f is a good one, but I'd probably add a /r switch as well to force a surface scan.
what OS???? sounds like a shut down problem...theres a whole s load of possible reasons at the Microsoft knowledgebase.