Choices, choices! Sempron + board


Oct 26, 2005
Hello, it's my first time posting in the boards although I've been lurking a bit. I'm thinking on upgrading my current system and building a cheap Sempron system. I'm currently down to 2 choices for the same price:

Chaintech ZNF-250 Zenith + Sempron 3000

DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb + Sempron 2600

Both boards are used, but the cpu will be brand new (I've got a Zalman 7000B AlCu to cool it).
Both boards will OC decently. I'd get a sempron with 256k cache instead of just 128k. The 2600+ is going to have a pretty low multi (x8 if I remember correctly). Massive OC's are going to require a board that does pretty high HTT. Honestly, you'll probably get about the same with either combo because the higher multi of the 3000+ will offset the lower HTT potential of the Chaintech.