Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson Kick Alien Butt in First "MIB: International" Trailer


Aug 20, 2006
Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are no longer the face of Men in Black: after three successful films, Sony Pictures has opted to replace the franchise’s staples with Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, who previously starred together in Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok. The new spin-off, which also features “Taken” star Liam Neeson, will see the team in London and other international locales as they work to uncover a mole in their organization.

Liam Neeson portrays the head of London MIB, while Emma Thompson returns as chief of the MIB organization, Agent O. Additional characters will be played by Rebecca Ferguson, Kumail Nanjiani, and Rafe Spall. Directed by F. Gary Gray (The Fate of the Furious, Straight Outta Compton), the new Men in Black takes audiences to the headquarters of MIB in London, where a new alien threat requires Agent M and Agent H’s immediate attention.
I liked the first MiB movie because I like aliens and it was a cool movie. Fresh and original. This is stale. They barely showed any aliens but I have to say that underground pop music goes really well with underground street racing cars and super popular underground babes, yeah?

I came here to read bitter comments and watch a cool trailer. Turns out I am the asshole because I did not like it one bit. That's the second London trailer I saw this week after that Hellboy piece the other day. They are very much alike in how forced everything seems. Do they make these movies in the same factory?
I am not looking forward to this one. Luckily, I will use this on myself after I watch it:

Does 'ol Chris have some sort of contract with Sony where he has to be in cash grab reboots?
Even if the script ends up being garbage I think the combination of F. Gary Gary, Chris Hemsworth, and Tessa Thompson should at least make the movie fun to watch. The first two movies were several kinds of stupid as well, but had the right cast and right director to make it all work well. Less so with the 3rd movie.
Alien weapons do not need to be chromed, have RGB lighting, or be 'handgun-pomorphic', so that kind of popped my bubble of belief. But otherwise ... Tacos!

You know, we used to breed people based on physical traits and....I think it’s kind of frowned upon now a days.

That's my bad, that policy would have continued but I wanted to be sure I had sex at least once. With someone other than myself.
Anyone else feel this was a reboot that nobody asked for?
It's not really a reboot, it's more like "The further adventures of..." and gotta say I like it better than the umpteenth Spiderman reboot that always has to do an origin story, like fuck off we know, he got bit by a fucking spider from <generic megacorp> and it turns out the people working there are actual evil geniuses.
It's not really a reboot, it's more like "The further adventures of..." and gotta say I like it better than the umpteenth Spiderman reboot that always has to do an origin story, like fuck off we know, he got bit by a fucking spider from <generic megacorp> and it turns out the people working there are actual evil geniuses.

Very different movie if they were breeding radioactive dung beetles.
Not a reboot at all. A continuation is a better description. Looking forward to it. As long as they keep it fun to watch and not take it seriously, I am game.
A continuation of a sorts is fine but meh. Trailer doesn't have that feel of Rip Torn saying "We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger down here." I'm betting the trailer showed 75%+ of the tech gags in the movie already. Less is more Hollywood. Stop trading on sentimentality, fan service, and remember that jokes.
Let these franchises fade off into nostalgia like they deserve. It's 2019 ffs, why can't the movie industry come up with anything new.
I'll give it a chance. Just don't be like the Ghostbuster reboot - I did not watch that as it looked awful.
It's kind of a reboot. I think this is the best way to reboot a franchise. Just move it to a new county/planet/galaxy. Don't try and reinvent the whole wheel/concept

Agreed, I've been saying that for years about "reboots"

Don't reboot it entirely, but, make a sequel of sorts. This, I'm cool with.
Ghostbusters, entire reboot which didn't work. It could of been a sequel, it should of been a sequel.
Alien weapons do not need to be chromed, have RGB lighting, or be 'handgun-pomorphic', so that kind of popped my bubble of belief. But otherwise ... Tacos

You have a "bubble of belief" when watching a movie about an organization that keeps the existence of aliens on Earth a secret using alien technology? Hint: I don't think the MiB movies are supposed to be taken seriously at all.
Let these franchises fade off into nostalgia like they deserve. It's 2019 ffs, why can't the movie industry come up with anything new.

Because original idea require creativity.

Also its cheaper to just do a reboot and people still pay money to watch garbage so why change what isn't broken.

And you will never get enough people to flat out stop going to the movies because people are

A) Stupid
B) Lazy
C) have no idea anymore what a quality movie is.

Seems that each generation just gets more accepting of garbage.
You have a "bubble of belief" when watching a movie about an organization that keeps the existence of aliens on Earth a secret using alien technology? Hint: I don't think the MiB movies are supposed to be taken seriously at all.

:D I know what you're saying, but the moviegoer still has to accept the premise the movie is offering. And when the large, dangerous monster arrives and you need to pull out your best firepower, making the weapon a gaudy, spinning, flashy-lights pew-pew-pew gun feels like hollywood simply ran out of ideas. Even the Lexus felt out of place, but this is the age of Hollywood product placement. If they were staying true to their MiB roots, their car should have been something like an old, black Jaguar S-Type, a car built on the Ford platform that was scorned by most of Britain.

We'll have to see how the story holds up. The original MiB had a great cast of characters. In some ways Will Smith as the lead is almost outshone by the subtle awesomeness of his supporting cast. I still love to watch Vincent D'Onofrio as Edgar the Bug.
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:D I know what you're saying, but the moviegoer still has to accept the premise the movie is offering. And when the large, dangerous monster arrives and you need to pull out your best firepower, making the weapon a gaudy, spinning, flashy-lights pew-pew-pew gun feels like hollywood simply ran out of ideas. Even the Lexus felt out of place, but this is the age of Hollywood product placement. If they were staying true to their MiB roots, their car should have been something like an old, black Jaguar S-Type, a car built on the Ford platform that was scorned by most of Britain.

We'll have to see how the story holds up. The original MiB had a great cast of characters. In some ways Will Smith is almost outshone as the lead by the subtle awesomeness of his supporting cast. I still love to watch Vincent D'Onofrio as Edgar the Bug.

true but you have to look at the demographic that the movies trying to be sold too (same demographic that the first movie was, we're just old as fk now). most kids these days don't have a clue what a Jag is let alone a Jag S-type while most are likely to know what a lexus is along with Chris Hemsworth so their choices don't really bother me.
:D I know what you're saying, but the moviegoer still has to accept the premise the movie is offering. And when the large, dangerous monster arrives and you need to pull out your best firepower, making the weapon a gaudy, spinning, flashy-lights pew-pew-pew gun feels like hollywood simply ran out of ideas. Even the Lexus felt out of place, but this is the age of Hollywood product placement. If they were staying true to their MiB roots, their car should have been something like an old, black Jaguar S-Type, a car built on the Ford platform that was scorned by most of Britain.

We'll have to see how the story holds up. The original MiB had a great cast of characters. In some ways Will Smith as the lead is almost outshone by the subtle awesomeness of his supporting cast. I still love to watch Vincent D'Onofrio as Edgar the Bug.
You aren't wrong about that. The fact that this movie was even made shows just how out of touch Hollywood is these days. Endless remakes, reboots, and sequels are the norm. And if they do make anything original the plot is insipid and the characters flat. There are so many good books out there that would make great movies, but instead Hollywood thinks it knows better; all the script writers out there think they are Pulitzer level authors, but most are just hacks.
It's not really a reboot, it's more like "The further adventures of..." and gotta say I like it better than the umpteenth Spiderman reboot that always has to do an origin story, like fuck off we know, he got bit by a fucking spider from <generic megacorp> and it turns out the people working there are actual evil geniuses.
This, so much fucking this regarding Spiderman.
As much as I like Tessa Thompson this looks like a pile-o-poo. The whole MIB thing used it's gunpowder in the first movie. Much like deadpool used up all it's metajokes and 4th wall breaks in the first movie, and the second one just tried to sell the same thing again as new.
Those are reboots that turned out OK, doesn't mean we asked for them :p
I think you're wrong there. Dredd especially is an example where they tried the first time, it sucked, so they tried again and it was a lot better. It was prime material for a reboot: good movie idea, crappy first execution. That's EXACTLY the sort of material that's good for reboots. The crappy ones are usually starting over movies that were great the first time that they have no chance of living up to.
Those are reboots that turned out OK, doesn't mean we asked for them :p
Well if you're going to go there, then yeah there are Reboots people asked for, often comic book movies are the ones that someone gets so pissed that their idealized comic turned into a movie sucked, so they want it rebooted. Fantastic 4 comes to mind... just the reboot of that sucked. Xmen started getting boring, and then did a quasi-reboot with First Class, but Hugh Jackman still was Wolverine.