Chrome Is Overtaking Firefox Among Power Users?

What browser do you use?

  • IE

    Votes: 36 6.8%
  • Chrome

    Votes: 195 37.0%
  • Firefox

    Votes: 272 51.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 24 4.6%

  • Total voters
I only use Firefox. If Mozilla somehow imploded I'd switch to IE.

I block many Google domains on my machine. The internet tapeworm doesn't need any more of my information.

Same here. Have false entries for most of Google's domains on my DNS servers at home and the DNS servers at work.
I was on Firefox until last week, but I'm now enjoying the IE9 beta.
I can't stand the way Chrome handles different font sizes and I'm not really fond of the favorites menu either. I'm sure both things are fixable, but with the other browsers doing better sans mods, I'm not going to bother.
chrome is the worst browser out there, except for all the other ones.
I started using Firefox for security reasons but between IE, Chrome and Firefox, they seem to be about on the same footing in that department. As far as speed goes, I couldn't perceive a difference between the 3 (I have a pretty slow connection anyway). Now that GPU acceleration is being implemented I think they're all going to be on equal footing in that area also.

So there's 2 thing that's keeping me using Firefox and that's the interface and cookie handling. Everybody seemed to decide what people want instead of letting them choose for themselves (kinda like Apple does) except Firefox. IE6's UI was very customizable and Microsoft decided to get rid of that ability for the most part and Chrome never had it in the first place.

I like that I can make Firefox look any way I want it to look. I like menu bars. I like my home, refresh, history, back and forward buttons next to each other. And it doesn't take up any more room and as a matter of fact, I have more actual page display area than Chrome or IE9 (but about 2cm less than IE9 with tabs open, not sure about Chrome).


(that black bar is the bookmarks toolbar, I'm hiding secrets...)
I just don't see it. The extension availability for FireFox is just too large for Power Users to simply step away from.
I switched to Chrome permanently about 3 months ago and haven't looked back. It's literally twice as fast as Firefox, and I think the interface is more functional as well. Google really outdid themselves with this browser.
Chrome is a great browser overall, but when last I checked there was no resource blocking. That's unacceptable to me. If it changed I would consider using it.
i haven't even seen cookie management addons for chrome, it's like their users don't care about it.
I'm using chrome currently. If firefox adds two features I'd switch back though. The per process tabs (which they are adding) and the editable search engine feature where I can make my own key words to search different web sites.
i switched to chrome from firefox about a year ago because firefox would not scroll smoothly. afaik it is a known bug/issue but I couldn't get it resolved, and have never looked back. Chrome feels faster. The only downside is there is not a good of 'search as you type' extension that firefox has.
I use both, at work I use Firefox because it works better on my "IE only" corporate intranet. On my home desktop I use mostly Chrome with a side of Firefox... on my Laptop I use Chrome only.

Chrome is just smoother and it had the "drag tab to second window" feature, when firefox first had that it would refresh the page I was looking at and drive me insane when I would loose a technical reference on a vendor site that I spent 10 minutes looking for and then had to log back in.

Firefox beats Chrome in great addons though
Using Chrome for the past 6 months was loyal Firefox user but it just seemed to be much slower and bloated then Chrome. Hoping for Big change in next major update to Firefox
I switch to Chrome and loving it.

Don't know why but my Firefox had a TERRIBLE memory leak or something. The memory usage just kept going up and up (even went as far as taking 3GB+).
Firefox because I need my add-ons especially ubiquity. I also like to support someone besides Google.
I only use Firefox. If Mozilla somehow imploded I'd switch to IE.

I block many Google domains on my machine. The internet tapeworm doesn't need any more of my information.

I really just don't get why people go all up in arms over this. Not just Google but many other companies and sites collect similar information (perhaps to a lesser extent, but still). I don't care what google collects about me while using their awesome browser, I don't have anything to hide. I worry more about what these people are doing they want to keep secretive...
Don't know why but my Firefox had a TERRIBLE memory leak or something. The memory usage just kept going up and up (even went as far as taking 3GB+).

Up until recent versions, that was a big annoyance with Firefox. It seems to be fixed now, though; version 3.6.10 has been constantly using 145MB of RAM with 30 tabs open for about 24 hours. Ironically, I've seen Chrome using more RAM than that in a single tab process. FF has won back my love.

I don't have anything to hide. I worry more about what these people are doing they want to keep secretive...

Haha, oh wow.
FireFox + NoScript + ABP + ABP Element hider = The only way to live.

We use Chrome here at work, but I installed FF and its working out much better.
Firefox for at least vimperator, NoScript, RefControl, Greasemonkey, PasswordMaker, HTTPS Everywhere, Certificate Patrol.
I have been Chrome Exclusive for quite some time now (ie in-case chrome doesn't work). FireFox was jsut too Buggy. Chrome just plan works.
I switched from FireFox to Chrome when FF was about version 3.5. It just got so damn slow trying to load pages. Decided to give Chrome a try and it felt really fast. I did a side by side on both my monitors and FF was consistently atleast 5 seconds slower than Chrome while loading the same webpage. Granted FF has had several improvements since then, but there hasn't really been a compelling reason to switch back yet.

I won't hesitate to switch back to FF though. There are several features they are supposedly implementing that have my interest.
Chrome. FF is now a bloated piece of shit that regularly crashes on my OS X laptop and my W7 desktop. I don't even use extensions.
I would use Chrome but I use the Yahoo toolbar in Firefox, like the bookmarks feature.

Although Google has bookmarks in their toolbar as well, the arrogant people there don't listen to users that want folders instead of just tags.
Firefox rocks!!
The new firefox 4 which is still in beta stage has got some real goog shit wiht it. Can't wait for the stable update.
I've never used Chrome and I have no intention of doing so in the future.

I use Firefox.
i still use firefox but i'm browser curious

firefox of late has been doing bizarre lockups for a few moments and has become really slow. I had to start using the beta to fix problems in their current main release.
I've tried using Chrome and I really like it, but I miss no-script and ad-block too much.
Short answer I use Firefox and Chrome.

As I have a Nexus One, I have find myself using Chrome more. I can use Chrome to phone which is a really nice feature.

The last couple iterations of FF have seemed really buggy to me too.
I think most people that switch away from FF are people that dont know about the uses/importance of addons for FF. I really dont get why other browsers dont focus on that aspect of improving their browsers because that is a big part for real power users imo. NoScript, Adblocker (exceptions made for HardOCP, gotta make kyle some money) and firebug for web developers is just so OP.
Use Chrome a lot now since Ad-Block finally works the way it does in fireFox (actually blocks the download of ads)
I think most people that switch away from FF are people that dont know about the uses/importance of addons for FF. I really dont get why other browsers dont focus on that aspect of improving their browsers because that is a big part for real power users imo. NoScript, Adblocker (exceptions made for HardOCP, gotta make kyle some money) and firebug for web developers is just so OP.
You are aware that Chrome has both Adblock and Firebug, right?