Chrome not Running Properly

Feb 6, 2006
For some reason, just started like 30min ago. Whenever i Open Google Chrome, it opens the browser, but then it freezes for close to a minute. While it's doing that, I opened Task Manager and it says Chrome is not- responding, as I figured it would since it froze. But then like after a minute it starts responding again and working except it's having glitches and hiccups here and there that never happened before. The other thing I noticed in the Task Manager is that even tho I only have one window of Chrome open, it shows 3 chrome entries open in the task manager. And so i closed it and re-opened it viewing it in the task manager this time, and it did the same thing, froze for a minute, while in task manager it only started with one chrome entry, and then a second one opened after a bit and then finally a 3rd one opened and then chrome unfroze. So I don't why it's basically opening chrome 3 times. Freezing chrome, while it opens two more iterations of it. Anyone know what's going on ? I know I can prolly just fix it by uninstalling and re-installing it, but I wanna know wtf the problem is. I've had this laptop for over a year and have used Chrome since the day I got and I have had no problems with the laptop nor Chrome and all the sudden today, things have just started running slow and now chrome is doing this crap. I don't know what's going on.

I ran Microsoft Security Essential's, Super Anti-Spyware and Malware-Bytes, as well as Running CCleaner on the Registry to fix any errors it found. And aside from a couple of registry errors that CCleaner found, which were fixed without a problem, None of the scans showed any problems.
Do you have any extensions/plugins? Try chromes safe mode?

yea i just figured that part out, I read this - Google Chrome takes advantage of these properties and puts web apps and plug-ins in separate processes from the browser itself. This means that a rendering engine crash in one web app won’t affect the browser or other web apps. It means the OS can run web apps in parallel to increase their responsiveness, and it means the browser itself won’t lock up if a particular web app or plug-in stops responding. It also means we can run the rendering engine processes in a restrictive sandbox that helps limit the damage if an exploit does occur.

Basically, each tab has one process unless the tabs are from the same domain. The renderer has a process for itself. Each plug-in will have one and so will each extension that is active.

And i looked at the "View Background Pages" and there's like 4 or 5 entries in there. So there's nothing i can do about that, since I use that stuff. But I don't get why Chrome keeps becoming unresponsive for the first 30-60seconds, everytime i open it. Even if I've had my laptop on for awhile and i close and reopen chrome right away, it still does it, everytime. And it just started doing this like maybe an hour ago now. I've rebooted my laptop a few times, and that didnt change anything.

The only solution I can think of is to uninstall and re-install Chrome, but the problem with that is, I am still using my Ex GF's Netflix account lol her password got saved on my laptop in chrome, but I don't remember what the password is. she gave it to me while we were dating but I forgot it, so if I uninstall chrome, then its no longer gonna have that password saved on it, and I am not gonna be able to use netflixs anymore unless I wanna pay for it myself lol.

So I need to preferably fix this hiccup chrome is having, without having to re-install it.
Nevermind I remembered her netfliks password just now hahaha, so I can uninstall and re-install Chrome if I have too. But still, if someone can think of why it's doing this and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it. I've tried so many different things based on different reasons I thought could be causing it to freeze like that every time i open it, but nothing had worked. The only other idea i could think of was those Background plug-ins and apps, but I've had those running forever now, and like I said, this problem just started like a lil over an hour ago. So I really don't think they are the root of the issue.