Chrome Reportedly Bypassing Adblock, Forces YouTube Video Ads


Aug 20, 2006
It seems that a number of Chrome users with Adblock installed are finding that video ads are no longer blocked on YouTube, and that they are unskippable.

The popular extension, originally created by Wladimir Palant in 2006, is used by many to bypass ads hosted on the internet, including the video ads served by Google's video streaming site. It has drawn the ire of many web publishers and websites alike for allegedly curtailing their revenues significantly. In an attempt to shore up the almost non-existent profits from YouTube, Google might have finally found a way of skirting the extension. Multiple Twitter users are now posting their accounts, including images, of Chrome circumventing the extension's ad-averse net.
Not too terribly upset about it. Sites need to make money too and if they're giving me free stuff I don't mind them so long as they don't become too intrusive which is what brought on AdBlock in the first place. Open a page and it's 80% ads with Flash going off everywhere and the last straw, the ones with audio that were full volume. So long as they don't go overboard with them I don't see anything wrong with it.
I haven't used "adblock" in a while. I've found AdGuard to be much better.
uBlock Origin still seems to work as far as I can tell. I switched over a while back because the Adblocker whitelist was letting more and more ads through.
Don't really use Chrome as Firefox is my main browser, though it's not rather surprising that Google owns YouTube and Google has found a way to prevent a way to circumvent ads on their product. I don't mind ads on sites but I really find those ads on YouTube really annoying. I know it's a free site... but still, and it seems these days the ads being forced on YouTube, they are really overdoing it.
I would think this could start getting into some questionable legal area.

Because originally the adblock blocked everything. So it sucked, but it sucked for everyone. But now Google is allowing ads for *only* it's own products. Now it is selective behavior and giving unfair advantage.

30 second ad for 18 second video....hooray!
Has anyone ever tried to access the a number of webpages with Chrome on a shitty connection? Well I have. Let me tell you, Google is trying to end the internet outside of urban centres. Some pages are over 95% ads, the bandwidth for the page is minuscule and you're flooded with a deluge of advertising that makes a 40K load into a 5MB or 10MB load.

The company that was so instrumental in the massive expansion in the usability of the internet is now one of the main reasons it's being strangled. Just wait until blocking components of web-pages (as in advertising and other scripts) makes its way into the next round of digital copyright acts world wide and becomes actionable. The attempt was already made this time around to make it happen but the lobby money was too light this time around, it was all entertainment companies, but now online publishers are lobbying with the same enthusiasm.

Tin foil hat or no, generally when you lobby hard enough and with enough money, you can make it happen in any country.
30 second ad for 18 second video?

Um... no. Usually 10 seconds in you can skip them.
I don't understand why advertisers would want to target people who choose to block ads anyway. It's not their target market. It's actually more cost effective for them because they aren't paying for an ad that won't result in a sale. I have never and will never make a purchase based on an advertisement.

I do understand why ad blockers would bother the website owners though. They generally get paid whether someone buys the product or not.
Is there anyone out there that didn't think Google would intentionally limit what Chrome could do in order to suit their purposes?

The only thing that concerns me is Firefox adopting Chrome-style add-ons with one of the advantages supposedly being that developers can have a shared code-base between Firefox and Chrome addons. I will be sad if google's grasp causes changes to a shared code-base that ultimately nerfs the Firefox version as bad as the Google-approved Chrome version.
Not really surprising especially now that they want to get paid subscriptions in there. Why would anyone pay for adfree access if adblock can give you adfree without paying? It was only a matter of when they did it, not if they would do it.

30 second ad for 18 second video?

Um... no. Usually 10 seconds in you can skip them.
True, but not all of them give that option. I have noticed that increasingly the no skip ads on youtube have been increasing the frequency. That's when I started using adblock again on youtube. I was willing to have those ads that came up then had the "you can skip this ad in 10 sec" count down, but after getting a long stretch of no skip ads one day, I just re-enabled adblock and poof they were gone.
30 second ad for 18 second video?

Um... no. Usually 10 seconds in you can skip them.

Agreed. This is what I was meaning by going overboard like having to watch a 30 second Allstate commercial to watch a 45 second clip of a dog skateboarding or some shit. Now on the channels like OC3D with 35 and 50 minute videos, then having to sit through a 30 second ad at the beginning is more than fair IMO. Like I said, bandwidth aint free and Id rather some ad agency pay for it than me to a point anyway.
30 second ad for 18 second video?

Um... no. Usually 10 seconds in you can skip them.

I don't watch any video that starts with an ad that I can't skip after 5 seconds. I don't care.
If it starts getting bad i'll just stop using youtube.

There was a time when ads weren't that bad. Nothing like an animated ad in the middle of an article you're reading. Its very distracting. They pop up on your screen and you have to close them. Some make sound those are the worst. Or may contain a virus. That's my reason why I bothered blocking in the first place.
Hey, ads are the only way Google really has to monetize people so they need to do everything and anything they can to ensure they can reap profit from tracking and advertising at you. The fact that Chrome is already ultra-crazy-cakes spyware for Google makes it pretty much a no-duh that Alphabet is gonna ensure that the browser is super-tweaked to toss advertisements at you even if you try to block them.

I guess the only difference in this and stuff like what Microsoft is doing in collecting keystrokes from users is that a lot of people willingly install and use Chrome and have for years because of whatever not sensible emotions they felt that caused them to install it in the first place even though everyone knew it was just a trojan.
I don't understand why advertisers would want to target people who choose to block ads anyway. It's not their target market. It's actually more cost effective for them because they aren't paying for an ad that won't result in a sale. I have never and will never make a purchase based on an advertisement.

I do understand why ad blockers would bother the website owners though. They generally get paid whether someone buys the product or not.


When I see an ad all it does is piss me off. Doesn't matter how "nice and unobtrusive" it is.

If I see an ad, any ad for a product, that product is at best ignored and at worst on boycott list.

Advertiser sout to HOPE I am successful in blocking them, as then when. I go shopping I'll have less negative connotations associated with the brand of service and might be more likely to buy...

Besides all this, I have a strict policy af whenever I spend money I am the one initializing the transaction. I will never bug anything from the salesman who approaches me first. I will never buy anything from anyone coming to my door. I don't impulse buy. I find the impulse buy section at the register insulting.

If you try to sell to me the only thing you will accomplish is pissing me off, and will never get a sale.
What's a Youtube video ad? I've never seen such a thing. :p

Chrome user checking in!
I've found a fix (I think).

Go here: chrome://apps/
Right click on YouTube and click "Remove from Chrome".

Seems to be working for me. I've been clicking lots of videos trying to get an ad and still haven't had one after doing this.
I don't block ads unless they're abusive (sound, video, slowdown pc, take control, forward, etc.). Sites need the money to stay open.
Then ad block released an update and they were gone again...
It had to happen eventually. It's the beginning of the end for YT. If I can't skip ads then I won't watch it.
So wait, are you telling me that GOOGLE's web browser, is not allowing you to bypass the revenue stream on one of GOOGLE's websites? GTFO!
[RIP]Zeus;1041841059 said:
Adblock Plus is working

Yep it still works my biggest issue is the rental feature they added it messes with the phone display of videos .
I don't block ads unless they're abusive (sound, video, slowdown pc, take control, forward, etc.). Sites need the money to stay open.

There have been ads in the past that have been malware vectors, especially on porn sites, to not block them by default is negligent. If you like a web site just white list ads for that site.

Adblock is passe' anyway and uBlock is better.
At this point i'm up to 3 adblock related addons. And some stuff still gets through. Often times the website itself is nothing more than a hub for advertisements disguised as ads anyways. ...or a hub for clickbait articles...
Zarathustra[H];1041840681 said:
If you try to sell to me the only thing you will accomplish is pissing me off, and will never get a sale.

I would like to know how you got a copy of, my brain. :p

i was looking at boats a few weeks ago to try and get a feel between two models and as soon as any sales fktard approached and started spewing his BS, i just wanted to leave and not even buy the brand (and this is the only brand i'll buy as it suits my requirements).

That's how much i loathe advertising and marketing/sales pitch.
So wait, are you telling me that GOOGLE's web browser, is not allowing you to bypass the revenue stream on one of GOOGLE's websites? GTFO!

Right what a shocker.

They're giving out a free web browser it does seem kinda fair that they want you to see ads on youtube.

I mainly use Firefox myself but if Chrome was my main web browser I'd probably just use another browser for youtube videos.