CitiesXL 2011 50% Off (Pre-order, must own CitiesXL)

Any input on this game? I've seen it before but never heard anything about it. How does it compare to say Sim City 4?
I find it interesting that the 2011 version is singleplayer only. Makes sense after the closure of the online servers due to lack of sales on the first game I suppose.
So... $20 for them to pretty much fix bugs? That's fucking crooked.
So... $20 for them to pretty much fix bugs? That's fucking crooked.

Yeah after reading up on it, that's exactly what this sounds like. I thought it was $20 for new buyers (meaning that current owners would get it for free). But it looks like it's $20 only for people that already own the game, which is bullshit on multiple levels.
Given what CitiesXL was, I'd give this a miss until it comes out. Maybe it'll rule, but they gotta prove it before they deserve money. Stick with Sim City 4 for now, which despite its age is still great.
Given what CitiesXL was, I'd give this a miss until it comes out. Maybe it'll rule, but they gotta prove it before they deserve money. Stick with Sim City 4 for now, which despite its age is still great.

It came out yesterday, hence the deal.
It sucks for people who paid full price for Cities XL, but for those of us who waited because they were unsure of Monte Cristo's work (like me), then it is a pretty good deal coupled with the Cities XL Steam deal from a couple weeks ago.
It still sucks even for those that jumped on the deal for Cities XL before, which is a decent game but is clearly not quite finished... so please pay half-price on this new release and then we'll give you the final product. Honestly.

I think "laugh out loud" was invented for this moment in space-time.