city of heroes ?


Jul 21, 2002
I was wondering should I go back?

I was thinking about playing again I haven't played since jan 07 has anything changed is it still crowded? I was on freedom or justice server. cant remember wich
i went back earlier this year for about 2-3 weeks. it's fun.. but still the same old crap. you kill mobs that are surprisingly similar for influence/mods for your powers..

it's pretty much a grind of mobs. not really sure there is much reason to go back.
People talk about WoW quests being the same old thing...but nothing tops CoH quests...EVERY quest was "go clear this building"

At least with WoW you had escort quests, collect X amount of X quests, and go find X.

CoH to me was a badass idea that was pulled off very very badly.
I keep trying to go back to CoH/V and I keep failing after a month or two. It just gets sooo boring. How superheroes with big explosions and flying around and teleporting can get boring, I just don't know -- but it does.
Me and the wife just recently went back...
A new issue with new powers...
I keep coming back, 50's on like 3 servers

I agree with the grind fest comment..but something interesting coming..

Make you own missions, read up about it, sounds interesting.