City of Heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2004
I'm not sure what this forum thinks about CoH. I know pbnation hates it because they suck, but, im not sure if this forum likes it.....This thread is basically for discussion and posting pictures of your MAIN hero. If noone likes CoH feel free to delete this thread. I know I am addicted!!!!
Discussion eh?

Well in that case, COH sucks crap in my opinion (yes, MY opinion). All MMORPGs are a waste of time as you don't gain anything from them apart from a stupid need to increase a digitized character pointlessly up the levels. Ultima Online was the only ever 'good' one because you could kill each other without a miriad of rules preventing you from doin it. The new ones prevent almost all PvP except stupid 'guild wars' which takes away the fun of killing people randomly, which is the only fun way. It's like playing CS where all you can do is get more money and better character skins whilst not being allowed to shoot each other.

Side Note: Yeh i know i sound sour but that stems from playing Ultima Online and slowly having PvP taken away cause stupid people who wanted prettier clothes and nicer titles complaining that i was killing them and they were losing items, have a cry is what i say. Online RPGs have lost their way.
I'm with you MONST3R! I play CoH like a fiend. I have a lvl 26 Rad/Rad Def. and a lvl 13 Ill/Kin Controller on the virtue server. I'm so burnt out on FPS's and the immature people who ruin them. Anways my $0.02.

Edit: Here is a picture of my main Toon "Reinholder" who is the Level 26 Rad/Rad Defender.
i played coh and loved it for about 2 weeks, canceled my subscription after first month. the game has THE best combat and the funnest missions out of all of the mmo's i've played, i'm playing WoW constantly at the moment, but the game has no loot. if the game had some form of loot, or riches to gain. items to collect, just stuff that you get in return for playing, then i would still be playing it. it is the best mmo out there in my opinion, in every category, except for being fun for a long time, or having a reason to keep playing.

if they add in something to gain, i will start playing again.
I played CoH until WoW came out. I really enjoyed it and I think that the developers have about one of the best relationships with the gamers that I've seen. Very fun game, but the ever increasing level grind got to me. I felt I was playing it constantly and still only gaining a level every few weeks.
FunkStar said:
Discussion eh?

Well in that case, COH sucks crap in my opinion (yes, MY opinion). All MMORPGs are a waste of time as you don't gain anything from them apart from a stupid need to increase a digitized character pointlessly up the levels. Ultima Online was the only ever 'good' one because you could kill each other without a miriad of rules preventing you from doin it. The new ones prevent almost all PvP except stupid 'guild wars' which takes away the fun of killing people randomly, which is the only fun way. It's like playing CS where all you can do is get more money and better character skins whilst not being allowed to shoot each other.

Side Note: Yeh i know i sound sour but that stems from playing Ultima Online and slowly having PvP taken away cause stupid people who wanted prettier clothes and nicer titles complaining that i was killing them and they were losing items, have a cry is what i say. Online RPGs have lost their way.

man, ultima online was very special from beta and a while after the final version. that sense of danger and the sense that you aren't in complete control of your experience just made it so awesome + the fact that it wasn't a level treadmill.. today, you join a server based on what you want to do, like PVP, roleplay, you decide what you are going to do and what you will expect, and no one can do anything about it basically.

but in early ultima online, you had one decision. enter a persistent world with unpredictable danger, but also unparalleled enjoyment, or not. people who wanted to roleplay, and visit dungeons learned to be ready for murderers, making players more versatile and complex characters. they adapted to the dynamic world. and it made their adventures all the more sweeter when they were successful. it made even mundane tasks more satisfying.

i don't think we'll ever get that same experience again, considering how segregated the PVP section and roleplaying section are today in mmorpgs, the fact that your gameplay experience can be so controlled, and people naturally like control.

i dont mean to be targetting this at you funkstar as if im explaining it, im sure you know this all. im just rambling because your post hit a nostalgic nerve with me.
MONST3R said:
This thread is basically for discussion and posting pictures of your MAIN hero.

I started playing CoH when they did the open beta. I've never had a Main, I had a couple of favorites, but 8 alts. (Not including many others that got to the teens that came and went.) It was fun, but going through the game with new builds and the same old tired missions grew boring. My account just expired for a 2nd time (On purpose.) and this time I'm not coming back.

Yes the Dev to Player communication was good, but new content every few months wasn't really cutting it for me and the fact that they had to delay issue 3 so long is just rediculous. (Plus it wasn't all that.)

Even when CoV comes out I probably wouldn't be interested in coming back.
JonnyK said:
i played coh and loved it for about 2 weeks, canceled my subscription after first month. the game has THE best combat and the funnest missions out of all of the mmo's i've played, i'm playing WoW constantly at the moment, but the game has no loot. if the game had some form of loot, or riches to gain. items to collect, just stuff that you get in return for playing, then i would still be playing it. it is the best mmo out there in my opinion, in every category, except for being fun for a long time, or having a reason to keep playing.

if they add in something to gain, i will start playing again.

I concur completely. I loved it for about 3 weeks (got to lvl 30 or so before quitting) but the lack of any collectibles or uniques (never mind some sense of a functioning economy) drove me away.

Now I'm a WoW addict.

Still, I'd go back if they did something about that nagging problem.
I have been playing since a week after it went live, and I am still going strong.

How can this be, some might ask? After all, there is no loot, nothing to possess! Well, the fact is that being able to play a super hero is pretty cool in its own right. Then there is the planning on how to take a newborn hero and get most out of every level to make him the best and most powerful hero he can be. I enjoy seeing what one or two more enhancements can do to a power, and I use the planning tools available from COH.WARCRY.COM to plan my heroes all the way out to level 50.

Then, throw in the social aspect. My friends and I use VOIP to talk during gameplay to keep up with the pace of battle, so it is almost like an everyday LAN party. We put together teams to tackle challenges that no solo player could, and when we win because of strategy or complimenting each other's weaknesses well, there is a certain satisfaction in that.

It really depends on WHY one plays this game that will determine if you like it long term or not. I have found a mix that will keep it interesting for a long time. With the addition of a "difficulty slider" for missions (which just became available in the third major content update), you can now make them harder if you are up to the challenge.

The sidekicking and exemplar system, that allows higher level players to either artificially reduce their level or raise a co-players level to yours allows heroes of ALL levels to play together, which is very cool. Also, there is the ability to totally respec your heroes powers, by doing a series of missions where the respec is the reward at the end. The Devs are also giving out a free respec soon too, so that higher level players who might otherwise miss out on some of the new powers introduced with the new update, can give them a try.

For me, it is the only game I am playing currently, and I am still having fun. I guess the real test is, do you look forward to playing or do you feel like you "have to", because you paid for the current month? I still look very much forward to every moment I spend in Paragon City!
I really enjoyed CoH when I first got it. I was having an absolute blast. However, after about three weeks I became incredibly bored with it because there were no goals to obtain other than reaching the next level.
MONST3R said:
This thread is basically for discussion and posting pictures of your MAIN hero.

I added a pic of my main toon/hero above, I just thought I'd give this thread a bump because I'm interested in seeing other [H]ard Heroes.
It's funny, I was in the beta and have played ever since. The reasons I've stayed are the same reasons everyone else gives for leaving: no "loot" and no PVP.

However, even there they're wrong. The badges system implemented a while back is, in my opinion, an amazing loot system: the loot varies from easy to get up to virtually impossible to obtain, but none of it gives certain characters an overly-large advantage. I don't want to play a game in which I must own a Vorpal Blade-Axe of Kranuck in order to be a powerful character.

From what I've heard, PVP will be coming next issue, but once again they're doing it right. You have to opt in to PVP, and it will likely be available for the first little bit in colliseums, where other players can watch the two heroes duke it out. I totally dig that idea.

Oh, and here's the picture of my main character. I've been playing her since the first morning of the pre-order sneak peek.
