City of Hero's. Invasion of the Rikti


Mar 8, 2004
Tonight was the final day of Beta testing. Aftewards at 11:59PM CST, the servers were shut down and all characters were wiped from the server. Before this, NC decided it was going to end the Beta with a bang. And damn, did they accomplish there goal. Those not familiar with the story should read it at City of Hero's website.

Basically, the Rikti are a race of aliens that destroyed Paragon City pretty much and wiped out many of the super hero's. Its been struggling to rebuild ever since. The Rikti have not been seen or heard from since their defeat, but tonight proved they are back, and they are PISSED!!


There here.........


It begins...


By now, the lag was starting to rear its ugly head, even on my connection...


The noise from everyone attacking was unreal...


Air assualt was an option only for a few...


Scouting ahead


Fight goes on into the night..
The battle was endless, they fricking just kept coming!!! The lag proceeded to get worse and I have NO idea how those servers were handling this insane load


THe whole server is here on this night....


All blasters fire!!




Thank god for healers.


All out riot in the park...


By this time, the servers were screaming bloody murder...



That was byfar the most awesome experience i've ever had in a MMORPGS> I will DEFINENTLY be getting this game next week. IF these screenshots don't excite you, I don't know what will
ill be damn...that look pretty bad ass I wouldn't mind trying that, so when is the next time that alien race coming down for a visit again :p
Yep, the choas goes on


Park under attack *By this time, servers reached HOLY FUCK load*


Even the small droids were tough as hell


FINAL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Damn, more spawning!!


Hero's may be wiped, but they will never die!
Wow, that looked pretty amazing. Great captions by the way, I thought they added a lot to the pics :p

Yet another game I may have to put on the growing "To Get" list.
darn, i just got into the beta two days ago, played once, and now youre telling me the beta is over??...
Originally posted by Xtasy0
darn, i just got into the beta two days ago, played once, and now youre telling me the beta is over??...

lmao and evidentally you missed the big bang :eek:
Originally posted by ]|[ Mar']['in ]|[
lmao and evidentally you missed the big bang :eek:

yup, i enjoyed the time i did get to play though, and lineage II beta also ended apparently, i only had time to jump into that once also, well at least now i have some more free drive space for the massive world of warcraft beta install ;D
Originally posted by Xtasy0
yup, i enjoyed the time i did get to play though, and lineage II beta also ended apparently, i only had time to jump into that once also, well at least now i have some more free drive space for the massive world of warcraft beta install ;D

Yeah I had to have a friend d/l it for me as I'm on 56k. According to the timer it would have taken 45 days for me to d/l......well screw that :p
Yes and yes and this game ROCKS!!!

I was a lvl 36 scrapper. And I missed the big invasion. Damn work.

But yea this game rocks. It should be on shelves on the ummm 29'th.

Yea... the 29'th.
LoL, I just got hover yesterday morning. I logged in after work after logging out by the capital... I'm like "Wow, the invasion must be going on, look at all these people!" So I fly up to get a better look, when I see this huge mass of people on top of the capital.

"Hm... they must have defenses up there. I'll join em since I'm a blaster"

"Hey, I didn't know you could look like that..."

Then, hundreds of beams came at me, I hurled a fireball before waking up in the hospital... LoL. Good fun. I just wish the monthly fee was $13... not $15... it adds up... especially if you want 2 accounts for a loved one...
This will be my first MMORPG... can't wait. Never thought I'd be so excited to pay to play.. lol.
That looked awesome. How much is it per month?

"Hm... they must have defenses up there. I'll join em since I'm a blaster"

"Hey, I didn't know you could look like that..."

That was hilarious.

I wish I could've been in the beta. I didn't realize it was going to end so soon.
Originally posted by Grimlakin
Yes and yes and this game ROCKS!!!

I was a lvl 36 scrapper. And I missed the big invasion. Damn work.

But yea this game rocks. It should be on shelves on the ummm 29'th.

Yea... the 29'th.

actually it hit shelves the 28th, and the servers go live at midnight on the 28th.
:(:(:( I was planning on dl'n my beta client tonight since I got my key 3 days ago and haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet.
looks very cool.

How does it play out once the flying gets boring? If everyone is a superhero how do things work out? Are there NPC's that fall of buildings, do you have day jobs where people don't know who you really are?
How does it play out once the flying gets boring? If everyone is a superhero how do things work out? Are there NPC's that fall of buildings, do you have day jobs where people don't know who you really are?

If flying isn't your cake, you can do supejump, basically jump like a tick on steroids, some peole prefer that. No, NPC's don't fall outa buildings, but they do get in trouble with mobs and gangs in the streets, and its up to you the hero to save them.

And jesus no, you don't work or do day jobs in the game, your a superhero all the time.
Originally posted by IceWind
If flying isn't your cake, you can do supejump, basically jump like a tick on steroids, some peole prefer that. No, NPC's don't fall outa buildings, but they do get in trouble with mobs and gangs in the streets, and its up to you the hero to save them.

And jesus no, you don't work or do day jobs in the game, your a superhero all the time.

lol I didn't mean like clark kent. More like a Bruce Wayne you get to be pimp at all hours. Well sounds cool and besides mobs and the occasional alien invasion what else goes on?
Originally posted by GriffiN
:(:(:( I was planning on dl'n my beta client tonight since I got my key 3 days ago and haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet.

You'll still be able to use it, beta testers and pre-orders get a 3 day head start over the retail buyers. There servers go up on Sunday night, im not sure when, but still download your beta client, thats what you'll need to use in the 3 day head start.