Clarification for those of you who keep saying wait for DX10...


Jan 7, 2004
It is at least a year away and will only be compatible with Windows Vista. Some of us cannot and do not wish to wait a year to purchase a new DX10 card.

DirectX10 not to be released for XP
Written by Maxil
Friday, 26 May 2006
Microsoft Corp., the world’s largest maker of software, will not release next-generation graphics application programming interface (API) called DirectX 10 for the currently shipping Windows XP operating system (OS), instead, the company will keep the new API strictly for the forthcoming Windows Vista OS, despite earlier assumptions about DirectX 10 for the XP.

During a DirectX 10-related event in London, UK, Richard Huddy, ATI Technologies’ software developers relations chief, said that Microsoft’s Vista will integrate DirectX 10 and DirectX 9 APIs for different types of hardware, but the current Windows XP will not get DirectX 10 support, as suggested some rumours earlier. For end users this means that to get the most advantages of the new-generation graphics processing units (GPUs), the new OS will be required.

Both ATI Technologies and Nvidia Corp. planned to release hardware that supports DirectX 10 capabilities as early as in the second half 2006, however, if there will be no API, which unveils the features of the hardware, the companies may reconsider their plans.

Microsoft Windows Vista is expected to be available in very early 2007.

DirectX 10 API, which is also referred to as Windows Graphics Foundation 2.0, solves numerous performance-related problems, particularly, it shrinks overhead time spent by API and driver on execution. Additionally, ATI says its first DirectX 10 graphics processor – code-named R600 – will have unified shader micro-architecture, which will allow to boost performance even further compared to currently existing micro-architectures and . The performance improvements are conditioned by a special built-in arbiter processor, which will “tailor” rendering of every frame across the 64 unified shader pipelines. Such an approach, according to ATI, allows to utilize all execution engines within the chip, while in traditional architectures – where pixel shaders and vertex shaders are calculated by dedicated units – some of the arithmetic processors may stand idle waiting for others to complete their tasks.

Microsoft Corp., who develops DirectX API collaboratively with companies like ATI and Nvidia, did not comment on the news-story.

So those of you who continually say to wait for DX10 please refrain.
fusionrs said:
It is at least a year away and will only be compatible with Windows Vista. Some of us cannot and do not wish to wait a year to purchase a new DX10 card.

Resources? Citations? Show some stuff to back up these claims.
dagon11985 said:
Resources? Citations? Show some stuff to back up these claims.

How's this: , specifically this part:

JollyJeffers said:
Original post by PumpkinPieman
I haven't been keeping up on the DirectX 10 information, the only thing I know is that windows Vista will remove the backwards compatibility and only support DX9\DX10.

Yes, pretty much. Direct3D 10 is tied to the "Windows Display Driver Model" which only ships as part of Vista. D3D10 will not appear on Windows XP.

Note that JollyJeffers is a Microsoft MVP (i.e. he's been officially recognized for his help and service in the community at large) and is also the moderator of the DirectX forum over at, and has been working with Direct3D 10 since the first community tech preview of it was released last December (and probably earlier, since there was a build of D3D10 sent out to more than a few people under NDA).

This knowledge of D3D10 functioning exclusively on Vista now is actually fairly commonplace. If you ask anyone who's even been loosely keeping up on D3D10 news and articles, they'd be able to tell you.
Excellent post cypher! I feel bad for n00bs who come here for advice and are told to not buy a vid card and wait for DX10. :rolleyes:
DX10 cards will still be the fastest DX9 cards when they come out, and I thought that the NV80 was still due out in the fall? I don't understand how just because games will not support DX10 for awhile it automatically makes waiting for the cards that support it bad advice. For some with decent cards now it would be good advice to wait, for others who can't play games the way they want to now, it might not be good advice to wait.
How exactly is it new news that DX10 is for Vista only? MS has been saying that since pretty much the beginning...
So the early adopters of DX10 cards are gonna have to wait even longer for games with DX10 features, and by then several other more powerful DX10 cards will be out? Fair to assume?
its also fair to assume that these cards will kick ass in current games, more so then the gen they are replacing

theres no reason not to upgrade to one of these if you are looking to purchase a card at the time of their release
The only reason to not upgrade is for those with money as a will be short changing yourself if you only upgrade once every two years.

If money is not a factor, buy two 7950gtx2's and have a ball.

All other possibilities of buying or waiting make sense depending on individual circumstances.

So there...
If you can wait a few months, wait for the new cards. They'll be faster and better.

If you need a new card now, buy one now.

What is so hard about this.

This had nothing to do with DX10.
Still doesn't make me change my mind about upgrading until DX10 cards hit...I have a 7800gt...its enough for whatever is coming out...if not ill have to lower the settings for a month or 2 until DX10 comes out...
Asian Dub Foundation said:
im waiting for DX10 because my 78GTX is plenty enough for me for now

Yes but for those of us with a 9800pro :eek: and a P4 when we upgrade to conroe the 9800pro has got to go.
how is it a year away..

i was under the impression it would be shipping with windows vista... which ships to corporate customers in november....

that's 4 months away, not 12

definitelyl shipping with vista.... january, some people have directx10 right now....

year away ?
Verge said:

definitelyl shipping with vista.... january, some people have directx10 right now....

year away ?

In my opinion and from what I have read in eWeek Vista does not look like it will be coming in January like once hoped.
Nope I won't waste my money on dx9 card wich will be totally peice of crap around 6 months from now.
like people have said, even though dx10 may not be used in games for a while, the new dx10 cards will kick ass (unified shaders and all that jaaaazz) in current games.
This is already known. However the new DX 10 cards will be significantly faster in DX 9 on XP as well. The future Vista DX10 compatibility is icing on the cake.
SoLiD_MasteR said:
Nope I won't waste my money on dx9 card wich will be totally peice of crap around 6 months from now.

Why not? The DX10 card you buy will be a "peice of crap" 6 months after you buy it anyways

If your intent on waiting then just keep buying one gen behind, its always the smart money buy

If you're going to wait for DX10 cards, why not just wait for DX11 card, hell, wait forever and never upgrade!

I don't disagree with the fact that the DX10 cards will be faster even in DX9, i'm just pointing out that its not practical to always wait for stuff
Does anyone know when the new Nvidia and ATI DX10 card are due out? If its this fall iv got a tough choice ahead (Get 7900GT or get 7600GT and wait) but if they arnt due out till next year i may as well get a 790GT.
nvidia supposedly in september i think, and ati oct-dec, but who knows what will happen.
When people say "wait for DX10" when it comes to buying cards, I think they mean "wait for R600". Which is DEFINITELY a good idea, from what I've heard about R600. Unless of course, you got the money to blow.
no DX10 on windows XP will suck...

but then again, I am looking forward to vista x64.

I am not, however, looking forward to reinstalling everything *again*. having to wait for drivers *again*. ect...
Obi_Kwiet said:
This is already known. However the new DX 10 cards will be significantly faster in DX 9 on XP as well. The future Vista DX10 compatibility is icing on the cake.
I'm not waiting for DX10 as much as I am waiting for the next round of video cards to come out. Recommending a n00b to wait another couple months when next gen comes out and current gen gets cheaper isn't necessarily a bad option, depending on the exact circumstances.
Despite the likelyhood of me upgrading to Vista Ultimate and purchasing DX10 compliant (not compatable) video cards for either SLI or XFire, I will always keep separate hard drives for Windows XP, Windows 98SE, and DOS applications, as I do now.
DX 10 being Vista only is not new news. I rarely buy GFX cards so I want to buy one that will last through the next gen of games. Just like DX9c is a standard for most games DX 10 will be in the future. If you want a system to last longer it makes sense to wait for DX 10. Plus as mentioned they should be much better at DX9 then current cards.
dx10 was made exclusive for vista to push the OS ,

if they made the dx10 available on xp, no gamer would even bother with vista,

maybe someone will hack dx10 to work on xp , if not , im sure there will be a vista crack , which ill happily use
I'm good with my 6800GT + A64 3400++ 2 Gigs of Ram / Since all I play is CS:S anyways, untill the 2cond GEN DX-10 cards are out.
maybe someone will hack dx10 to work on xp

this is what us NT4 guys did way back when... NT4 oficially only supported up to directx 3.
I thought long and hard before purchasing my 7950gx2. I figure that dx10 cards wont be out for a few months and when they are out, I dont see them really stomping my 7950 in current games. God knows when vista will hit the market and when it does, the software base will be very small. Seems like driver support is always lagging behind these days too.

I guess for me, it came down to patience. If there had been an equally spec'd dx10 card out at the time of my purchase, I probably would have picked it up. As it stands right now, this card will do me justice until the 2nd gen dx10 cards come about. By then, hopefully there will be more games that will utilize dx10 and some of the Vista bugs are worked out.