Clay on bottom of heatsink?

Oct 23, 2005
What's the claylike substance on the bottom of the heatsink? It was there on my stock p4 heatsink and it's there on my Arctic Freezer 7 Pro as well. I just installed an e6600 and applied arctic silver to the top of the cpu and installed the heatsink. My temps are 39-40c idle and 44-50c load. My only gripe is the load temp as people have gotten their c2d procs to idle around the low 30s and overclocked to idle around 40c. I have a measily 400mhz overclock to 2.8ghz and want to at least get to 3ghz. My question is, is the claylike substance combined with the arctic silver a bad combo? Is this why my temps are so "high"?
The clay-like substance is a thermal pad. It is essentially the same thig as AS5, but not as high quality and is stickyer. If you left it on AND applied AS5 to the CPU, take the Heatsink off, scrape off the stuff, clean off the Heatsink and CPU, and re-apply the AS5.
It is essentially the same thig as AS5, but not as high quality and is stickyer.

Wrong. The paste coming on the Arctic Cooler Freezer HSF is of comparable quality to AS5.
vfrex said:
Wrong. The paste coming on the Arctic Cooler Freezer HSF is of comparable quality to AS5.

either way he shouldn't be using both. if both have been applied, he needs to start over.
Lol..this is the second thread like this I've seen in a week. Is there something in the water these days? :p
either way he shouldn't be using both. if both have been applied, he needs to start over.

True. It just kills me a little bit every time I see someone ditch adequate stock paste when 50% of people who attempt to apply their own screw it up.