Clean install plugged into diff mobo...DOHH!

Ren H

Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2005
No immediate problem, but the last thing I want is to proceed with this "clean install" if there may be any changes to windows reg or driver or whatever changes to the system because of this.

So this is what I did: clean install of 2kprosp4 on an NF7s, then hooked her up to an A7N8X-E dlx by mistake, booted up, and it started loading windows before I realized my mistake and shut it down with case on/off switch.

Put it back in NF7s, booted fine, checked event viewer and found no entries for that date.

Anybody know where I should look to check for any changes/consequences?
I think I follow what's going on. If it boots up on the intended hardware platform, without any problems or issues, I'd say it's safe to continue.
I think it's prob fine, I'm hoping somebody can tell me how windows reacts to such a situation.
Presumably it would detect the hardware change and try to install appropriate drivers, (fortunately they are basically the same platform...) but being an OS that pre-dates this platform, I wonder what windows might have done.
Perhaps I caught it before it could make any changes, but I'm thinking if it did then it would show up in event viewer, however I don't know that that would be the case.
If anything had changed, you would have been able to tell. If it's booting fine, then there isn't an issue to be concerned about. Load your proper drivers, and you'll be fine.
Device manager looks fine, geuss I'll cross my fingers, thank nVidia for their all-in-one driver set, and hope for the best.
thanks Deacon
Here's a thought, wouldn't any changes be written to windows system/system32?
So I could check there by date?
You're taking paranoia to insane levels. If the system boots fine, device manager looks clean, and nothing is showing up weird in the Event Viewer, it's fine. Windows 2000 was old, but it was still plug and play. I'm not sure at this point what you are worried about or looking for, but it's fine. You will still need to load drivers for full performance, but 2000 loaded enough of the basics to get the system booting.

What are you honestly worried about at this point, considering it's booting fine without any issues? Load your drivers and continue. Besides, if it really bothered you that much, in the time it took to go through these posts, you could have booted from the CD, and started over. You're giving yourself an ulcer over nothing.
Yeah, I'd say extremely picky, though :)

Just don't want issues to develop like the last prob where a pata drive got recognized as a usb device :rolleyes: lord knows what caused that

IF changes have been made it will not take long to notice once it boots to windows or the other gentleman said probably just being to paranoid
Not that this matters now, (system seems to be fine)

I should have been more clear, UDP and vid drivers were installed before I made the mistake of plugging drive into diff machine. (and that pata becomes usb device error was on the asus board - previous old install)

For future reference (and ongoing learning process) now that I've started this thread, if anyone feels like elaborating on where to check for potential conflicts due to stupid mistakes like this, please do.

And, of course, thanks everyone for replies and patience.
We've already gone over this, but you've checked the places to look for potential errors. The system booted, which is the biggest major hurdle. If the video drivers aren't needed for the "correct" system, remove them. If they are, leave them.

I had an old Physics professor who would always say the following:

"Look at the donut, not through the hole"

You're wasting time, effort, and worry looking for something that isn't there. Look at what's right in front of you, in terms of the I'm not sure how many more times it needs to be posted. Once again I'll say it...if you are going take paranoia to these ridiculous levels, why wouldn't you have just booted from the Win2K CD and started over? I'm not saying that should happen, because you've already gone well into detail about how you've checked several places and found no conflicts.
"You're wasting time, effort, and worry looking for something that isn't there."

The point of my question is not just to resolve any particular problem, but also about learning more of how these systems work.

I'm not going back to school and do not wish to waste your time.

You've responded, for which I thank you,

'nuff said
I didn't mean that you were wasting my time.

What I probably should have said was....if you ever develop an actual issue, we may have to put you on suicide watch! ;)
Not to worry, I survived and resurrected a few infamous nf2 "bios death" boards
think I'll be ok :cool: