Clean your card-friendly reminder


Mar 30, 2005
i know all of you probably do this on a regular basis, but this is just to remind the people who have forgot :)

clean your graphics card!

it helps a lot and it isnt that hard....

my x850xt pe @560/590(flashed it in bios) ran like this before the clean:

51idle and 78stress when playing fear for a few hours

now after i cleaned it

37 idle and 60 stress
When my card gets dirty, that means it's time for me to buy a new one. I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.
pr0pensity said:
When my card gets dirty, that means it's time for me to buy a new one. I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.

pr0pensity said:
When my card gets dirty, that means it's time for me to buy a new one. I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.

oh man, that classic.. :D
heh wile your at it you should clean out all your other Heat sinks too
funny how well "idle" and "stress" apply to the girlfriend as well...

Seriously tho, how dirty was your card that the temp change was that drastic?
i forgot to clean it for about 3 months...but i always hoover my room every other day...

it wasnt dirty, its just where the air comes on was ful of dust so only a little air came into the fan...if youve seen a stock x850xt pe cooler then youll understand lol
Mayhs said:
i forgot to clean it for about 3 months...but i always hoover my room every other day...

it wasnt dirty, its just where the air comes on was ful of dust so only a little air came into the fan...if youve seen a stock x850xt pe cooler then youll understand lol

who runs a stock cooler? certainly not a Hard Overclocker! ;) :D
theelviscerator said:
who runs a stock cooler? certainly not a Hard Overclocker! ;) :D


This reminds of me of blowing the dust off my zalmans fins.
pr0pensity said:
I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.

That's a negative on the girlfriend part... when she starts to gets dirty, it just means you've broken her in properly.

Clean your graphics cards with canned air.

no guys come know the best way to do it...dont you?
because graphics cards float, you put it in the toilet and flush...and then you put it in the microwave to get the water out, and last but not least you hang it outside so it can dry naturally :)
Mayhs said:
no guys come know the best way to do it...dont you?
because graphics cards float, you put it in the toilet and flush...and then you put it in the microwave to get the water out, and last but not least you hang it outside so it can dry naturally :)

not sure they would float with those honkin copper coolers :p
microwave woudl fry every IC on the board :D
and the dog would get it outside ;)
ROFL @ girlfriend haha

But dusty cards aer one of the reasons why I keep my Geforce 4 :p I have a passive cooler on it and it just slowly collects dust (im still using it.. not collecting dust as the pupose)
pr0pensity said:
When my card gets dirty, that means it's time for me to buy a new one. I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.
That's classic. :D
Zardoz said:
dish washer is better... :p
Pfff.. Presser washing baby!

But yeah I have had some drastic temp changes from cleaning out my case.

EDITED: I had a really really old motherboard that had no use and was wondering what the presser washer would do to it. I ended up cutting the PCB with it hahaha. I'm going to try and get ahold of a digital cammra this after noon than ill post it.
Cans of air are too weak IMO....I like using an air compressor. Just got to rember to hold the fans still while I'm blowing them out. I've killed a few by just blowing them really fast.
Black-Falcon said:
Cans of air are too weak IMO....I like using an air compressor. Just got to rember to hold the fans still while I'm blowing them out. I've killed a few by just blowing them really fast.

Thats why the LED quit working. lol
Now I know, and I can sleep better :)
pr0pensity said:
When my card gets dirty, that means it's time for me to buy a new one. I have the same policy with houses and girlfriends.

he is a genius. probably poor as fizzuck too
Any [H]ard gamer or enthusiast regularly cleans his/her computer. Canned air, some fuzzy pipe cleaners, and some q-tips lightly sprayed with water or windex is all I need. The pipe cleaners get between the fins of my Zalman coolers. The q-tips clean the fans, fan blades, and hard to reach spots. Canned air removes the surface dust and bunnies.

My computer thanks me.
hey mister E...looks like i wont be needing that zalman after all :p 17degrees drop..its like a zalman itself ;)

sry to get off topic, but im just scared to fit it incase i damage the card :(
I use a compressed air. Its safe and fun for the whole family. Actually I saw on the news that teenagers were using them to get high.. and some of em died.
Aye, that dust off stuff? My sister got an email from her friend at work about it being called 'Dusting', and the end result is usually death. Appearntly happened to some cops son who never did drugs before or anything. Sucks.