Cleaning thermal paste from CPU


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2006
Hey guys, I just bought myself a Scythe Ninja Plus (comes w/120mm fan), to replace my stock Intel cooling solution. The stock system does a great job, really nice temperatures in the mid 40 celcius at a good load. Anyway the reason I'm buying the Scythe is because I need a QUIET solution. When this fan starts up, it gets LOUD at a full load.

So my question is, how can I clean the old thermal paste from the CPU, because I am buying Arctic Silver 5.

Also, how much of the AS5 should I apply? They say a 'thin' layer, but what exactly is thin? 1 dab spread out with a credit card?

Thanks for the answers!
Slawek said:
Hey guys, I just bought myself a Scythe Ninja Plus (comes w/120mm fan), to replace my stock Intel cooling solution. The stock system does a great job, really nice temperatures in the mid 40 celcius at a good load. Anyway the reason I'm buying the Scythe is because I need a QUIET solution. When this fan starts up, it gets LOUD at a full load.

So my question is, how can I clean the old thermal paste from the CPU, because I am buying Arctic Silver 5.

Also, how much of the AS5 should I apply? They say a 'thin' layer, but what exactly is thin? 1 dab spread out with a credit card?

Thanks for the answers!

A dab the size of an uncooked grain of rice, no you dont spread it out you let the heatsink do it. Alcohol (70% or better) to remove the old paste, ive found using a qtip with the alcohol works well.
And I noticed that I can get Arctic Silver 5 and Arctic Silver Ceramique or whatever... same price where I live, so which to get? Reviews show 3-12 degree drop w/AS5, and 2-10 degree drop with Ceramique?
wee96 said:
A dab the size of an uncooked grain of rice, no you dont spread it out you let the heatsink do it. Alcohol (70% or better) to remove the old paste, ive found using a qtip with the alcohol works well.

i see no harm in spreading the paste out before putting on the heatsink
The ceramique is = to the Silver 5 and it is easier to work with. I have both and use the ceramique only now. Its your decision.
Ok cool, so I'll go with the Ceramique. Also I noticed my local computer shop sells the Arctic Silver cleaning agents, so I will pick those up to clean off my processor...
I use a lint and static free cloth with isopropyl alcohol.

Spreading out the AS5 is ok if you do it right, but the ninja will do it for you when you mount it, and will not leave any air bubbles.
I use acetone with coffee filters to remove the old paste, then follow up with rubbing alcohol and a coffee filter to remove any residue the acetone left behind. Coffee filters are great because they are lint free and most homes have them. Just let the parts air dry a few moments before reassembling and you are good to go. I use AS5, just put a small dab in the center of the cpu and let the heatsink spread it out for you, no need to try and smear it around like you used to have to do with AS2. Works like a champ for me, never had any issues using this method, and I've used it quite a lot.
So if I spend the $8 on the Arctic Silver cleaning agent, can I just use that?

Will I have to re-apply the thermal paste ever, or is it a one time thing?
Slawek said:
So if I spend the $8 on the Arctic Silver cleaning agent, can I just use that?

Will I have to re-apply the thermal paste ever, or is it a one time thing?

The ArcticClean 1 is to remove the paste. ArctiClean 2 is to clean the base of the HS and CPU. You always to put ASc/AS5 or your CPU will melt.
Ya I know that, lol.. sorry I mean, can I just use those two cleaning agents to clean my CPU? That'll be enough, right?

and yeah I'll apply ASc
Yep, use AC1 to clean the old stuff off.

AC2 to prepare the base of the HSF and CPU.

You don't need anything else.

Applying thermal paste is ONLY required pretty much every time you take the HSF off the processor. I also like to re-apply my AS5 every 8 months as my temps creep up 2c after a few months (can anyone confirm why this happens).
isopropyl alcohol is all you need. Its what ive used for a long time. What is the cost of that in a drug/grocery store? Like $4.00? lol. Dont waste your money on arctic clean or whatever.
Bottles of isopropyl alcohol cost like 79 cents! I wouldn't waste the money for their brand of cleaner. I use cotton swabs with the alcohol to clean the old junk off, then reapply new paste. If you had a thermal pad on before it might help to use a blow dryer to help get the sticky junk off.
wtf said:
i see no harm in spreading the paste out before putting on the heatsink

The paste is compressed and creates a better seal when the heatsink spreads it by itself from compression rather than spreading it and just sitting it on top. I didnt say there was any harm in it.
It's technically a better seal, but I've tried both ways on my X2, and there was effectively a 0c temp difference between the 2 methods. At best, with some very unflat HSF's you might see a 1-2c difference... if that.
Yeah that is sort of a common misconception. The method used of applying paste makes no "noticeable" difference. Ive done all methods. All temps are always the same. Furthermore, almost all pastes perform almost identical as well. Maybe 1C difference.

Any experienced person will tell you, it really doesnt matter if you do the rice grain in middle of cpu method or spread it around with a plastic baggy method. It will have the same temps. Perhaps with the "seal" method, maybe 1C lower.
Retsam said:
Any experienced person will tell you, it really doesnt matter if you do the rice grain in middle of cpu method or spread it around with a plastic baggy method. It will have the same temps. Perhaps with the "seal" method, maybe 1C lower.

No, an experienced person would tell you what the manufacturer recommends. I can agree on basically no temp difference, if anything its less work to use the rice method since spreading it around does nothing but waste your time.
well i bought the arctic silver cleaning stuff, 2 bottles (one to clean it off the other to purify, or something like that).. and the AS5 compound. I ended up going with the compound because the Ceramique they had in the store was 2 seperate tubes that you mix together with this stir stick, and the guy said it creates like a cement situation and you will never be able to take the heatsink off again. WTF is this crap? I thought it just came in a little syringe thing like the AS5...