Clear Case


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2005
here is a older pic of my computer i willl post newer one (i got a couple things sence this pic)

Wow that's bright! :eek:

I don't think I would ever want a clear case. Seeing the wires would bug the hell out of me. :p
it did bug me but now they are all under controll but its hard to hide wires when its all clear haha but i love it its very pretty haha what do you guys think of it?
There's only one good way to route wires in a compleatly clear case, down the corners.
looks nice, but would you be able to get a better picture so we can see the insides? :)
it will prolly be a wile before i have a new pic but what do you guys think so far
no offense dude, but I think I can't see shit....Without a better photo no one can tell how good/bad the case looks
Maybe take the picture during the day. The led's are way too bright in the picture
Do you have dimmers on the LEDs? How the hell do you sleep? My god talk about a night light.
take the photo again, but next time put the camera on a tripod or a pike of books or something solid. You're asking for opinions and all we can make out is a blue blur :)