Clearing Up The Sm 3.0 Fiasco

burningrave.....I'd like to ask you a serious question. No smart ass attitude or bs intended.

Do you work for Nvidia or any company that supports or manufactures for Nvidia?
FlyinBrian said:
i never said it couldnt be implemented, its just that the general public isnt going to download beta DX9c and from what i understood DX9c required sp2

We are not the general public.
FlyinBrian said:
i never said it couldnt be implemented, its just that the general public isnt going to download beta DX9c and from what i understood DX9c required sp2

Well the general public doesn't usually use beta drivers and buy $500 video cards really that often ither.

And as far as i know, you DO NOT need SP2. Only DX9.0c which can be run on SP1 if you follow the guide.

ShowMeThe$$$$$$ said:
burningrave.....I'd like to ask you a serious question. No smart ass attitude or bs intended.

Do you work for Nvidia or any company that supports or manufactures for Nvidia?

No but i have an XFX 6800GT 256MB INCOMING!!! WOOHOO lol :D

I'm excited :).
I guessed nobody here bothered really learning to read English in these long-ass threads. There was a Merlin45 in these threads who had repeated more than once -> DX9c not required for USERS, only developers.

DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
DX9c not required for USERS
Well After a big migrain and much thinking, i have decided to cancel my radeon x800xt order. After seeing sm3.0 benchmarks as well as the ever increasing performance of the ultra 6800 with newer patches i have thought about it and any game where intense shaders are used the 6800 series is going to shine in my opinion.. so my final decision is to go with the 6800 Ultra, hopefully i can find a reputable brand under the 500 mark available for pre ordering.
FlyinBrian said:
Well After a big migrain and much thinking, i have decided to cancel my radeon x800xt order. After seeing sm3.0 benchmarks as well as the ever increasing performance of the ultra 6800 with newer patches i have thought about it and any game where intense shaders are used the 6800 series is going to shine in my opinion.. so my final decision is to go with the 6800 Ultra, hopefully i can find a reputable brand under the 500 mark available for pre ordering.

Dude, what processor do you have? Unless you've got like an A64 3400+ or Pentium 4 running around 3.6Ghz you dont need an ultra. Save your money, get a GT, OC it, get the same performance.

You can grab a GT for $400 right now from two or three different sites that have them in stock. The eVGA is in stock and i just ordered the XFX from GameVE. also has the BFG 6800GT.
Pentium 4 2.8 at the moment, once i get my dangerden watercooler installed i will be able to get 3.7 OC easy
FlyinBrian said:
Pentium 4 2.8 at the moment, once i get my dangerden watercooler installed i will be able to get 3.7 OC easy

Yea, MAYBE. Its always a crap shoot when OC'ing no matter how well you cool it. I havn't seen my 2.8c's getting 3.7Ghz. Its usually the new D1 stepping 3.0c's that are getting the high overclocks.

And even if you get a decent OC on the 2.8c, it most likely will still bottleneck the GPU. A GT will run more then ultra speeds so there really isn't much point in blowing an extra $100 on the ultra.
3.7 was a conservative number, as some can get 4.0 and higher when using corsairs new DDR 550 ram, good thing about the dangerden kit is it cools the northbridge which helps a lot with the overclock ability, other than that i want the best, ether or not its 100 dollars more doesnt matter to me... long as i dont top 500.
FlyinBrian said:
3.7 was a conservative number, as some can get 4.0 and higher when using corsairs new DDR 550 ram, good thing about the dangerden kit is it cools the northbridge which helps a lot with the overclock ability, other than that i want the best, ether or not its 100 dollars more doesnt matter to me... long as i dont top 500.

On a 2.8c with just watercooling? Where are you seeing that at? And that RAM wont have anything to do with it because you can just run a 5:4 memory divider. Even corsair's new memory will have to run lax timings at DDR500 speeds. Its better to just run 5:4 and keep your timings at 2-2-2-5 or 2-3-2-5 if you want the best gaming performance. Bandwidth doesn't mean much when you already have plenty.

tornadotsunamilife said:
seeing recent heat output by the GT's i wouldn't overclock unless on water

Here is some information on the BFG 6800GT's temps:

And you dont need water to OC on the 6800GT's. Most people are running around 400-440Mhz on their 6800GT's just fine on the stock cooler.

And here is a comparison where they measured the heat output by the 6800GT vs the X800Pro:
Pentium 4s love memory bandwith, they cant get enough of it, so with DDR 550 there wouldnt be any trouble runing 1:1. Once i get it done il let you guys know what i get, one of the reasons i have used p4s so long is because they OC so well.
those temperatures may be stable and safe but i would feel uncomfertable runnign at such temperatures for something i have spent a lot of money from (i would be using air if anything)
wont be that bad i assure you, unless you just go insane , a descent over clock with that water kit usually never goes beyond 50C on the cpu. most of the time its lower.
LAME i can not find a 6800 ultra that doesnt have its priced jacked to the moon and back.... lol i even saw one for 688, gees thats almost enough for a new athlon fx 53

yeh they wont even let you pre order... well i have been looking for one for about 4 hours now and cant find any, so it looks like im stuck with my radeon x800xt for now, worse case scenario i will have to upgrade again in 6 months, o well.... tired of waiting as either card would suit me just fine right now.. im going into withdraws because i havent been able to play Wolfenstein ET for 3 weeks now... :(
I clicked on every single one of the Nvnews pre order list, most were over priced.. and none except maybe the pny had a 499 price tag... might of been a few others, i know the bfgultra from best buy was 499 but when you click on the order thing it said out of stock and was no pre order option listed.
SnakEyez187 said:
Unless Carmack and the rest of Id isn't working with ati to provide the best experience for their users i would think 3dc would just be assumed from this statement(not because of the statement, but the fact hes singling out normal maps), unless there is some unforseen drawback to using 3dc in Doom3's case....

But no, this doesn't explicitly say anything about 3dc

Isnt Carmack still a little sore with ATi for leaking the D3 alpha stuff?
I remember when that happoned Carmack went from pimping ATi to pimping NV real he may not be working very close to them...ya never know tho :)

FlyinBrian said:
Well After a big migrain and much thinking, i have decided to cancel my radeon x800xt order. After seeing sm3.0 benchmarks as well as the ever increasing performance of the ultra 6800 with newer patches i have thought about it and any game where intense shaders are used the 6800 series is going to shine in my opinion.. so my final decision is to go with the 6800 Ultra, hopefully i can find a reputable brand under the 500 mark available for pre ordering.

you cant go wrong with either card.
Best Buy has the BFG 6800u on preorder and right now BFG is the only company Ill buy.
But either way once youg et the damn thing run it thru a ton of benches at stock speed then OC it as high as you can and re bench it so we can see how the thing scales from YOUR point of use :)
God I cant wait to get one of these damnt hings but my FX-53 must come first !
FlyinBrian said:
Bestbuy no longer has the 6800U on pre order, it was one of the first places i checked.

This link will probably be worth watching over the next week:

As for right now, yeh 6800Us are high in demand. Only place you can preorder at MSRP is the PNY at Outpost... If you don't mind paying an extra $30, you can preorder the BFG 6800U OC at GameVE for $530, which isnt *too* bad gouging. :)

Otherwise I'd say watch the above eVGA page and the Best Buy BFG 6800U page.

Or just do the easy thing and get a 6800GT and overclock it to 6800U speeds and have your card in 3 days while saving $100+ :)
yeh il keep an eye on the 6800 pre order sites, but for now il keep my x800xt on pre order just in case, only paid 459 with shipping. so not bad for 40 bucks less.
If Gameve doesn't have tax than it's not price gouging at all. I paid $542 for mine and I got it from BB.
Vagrant Zero said:
If Gameve doesn't have tax than it's not price gouging at all. I paid $542 for mine and I got it from BB.

Good point, without the tax its prob about the same from GameVE.
still that is pretty close to 100 dollars more than my x800 which is not justified in my opinion.
FlyinBrian said:
still that is pretty close to 100 dollars more than my x800 which is not justified in my opinion.

XTPEs MSRP for $500.

What's the best deal you've been able to find for one?
Has anyone actually been able to purchase a REAL X800 XT PE(not the X800 XT)? I've just read that Ati has delayed them. Just curious how accurate this news is. Maybe a few are around besides review sites???

I see that Slickdeals, BB and Gateway all show Backordered.

ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition Delayed Published: 6/30/2004

Author: Team Radeon

We have updated news on the status of ATI's flagship card, the X800 XT Platinum Edition.
Team Radeon has been told that ATI's leading graphics card, the X800 XT Platiunum Edition retail card has been delayed until a July release in North America. The original release was expected to be June, and while some lucky folks do indeed have retail boards, the demand is quite high and the quantity is quite low.
Meanwhile, AIB partners have been silent with relation to release dates. Although, ASUS has stated they expect to ship their high-end line of X800 XT Platinum Edition retail boards in mid-July.
this is off topic but there was a post about Catalyst 4.7s, anyone got any performance specs with those i can look at ?
I dunno what you people are argueing about really but in the revized edition it seems that the ATI x800XT PE is still on top of most the benchies
No one is arguing , at least not me.. i have pre ordered x800xt because its fast and can be found at really good bargains, although id probably get the 6800 ultra if it was the same price just for future proofing.
Digital Viper-X- said:
I dunno what you people are argueing about really but in the revized edition it seems that the ATI x800XT PE is still on top of most the benchies

Kind of a tie really on the NV/ATI top end if you look at all of them. Only real victor was 6800GT over the X800PRO.

But the question is, if NV offers similar performance to ATI, and has much more features, is operating at a higher shader precision (FP32/128bit versus FP24/96bit), dual dvi on the ultra, and is more future-proof with sm3.0 and fp blending for OpenEXR HDR lighting... Why would you go with the ATI card (assuming both are the same price)? Having a small form factor case where you can't fit the NV card is really the only thing I could see. For regular cases, yeh the 6800U is bigger and eats more power (though its still is quiet), but the pci slot next to the agp slot is worthless in terms of resources anyway, and if you don't have a 400w+ power supply i'm not sure what you are doing buying a $500 video card. :) Plus if it bothers you that much you can get the single slot/single molex 6800GT solution and overclock it to 6800U speeds. I guess I feel that you are just getting more card with the 6800 series, and a card that has a better potential to last longer. Remember the gains we saw in FarCry (5-25%) are just with the first patch. They are going to get bigger as time goes on. Shadermark 2.1 shows that the 6800 series gets a 50% speed boost going from SM2.0 to SM3.0 when rendering HDR Lighting - and thats gonna be a big feature of upcoming games.

I like to buy videocards every other generation, and I think the 6800GT/U are going to be the ti4200/r9700pro of this generation. I.e. the card you can buy and not be forced to upgrade again when next-gen cards come out.
take that back plate off the 6800GT and then measure the heat please.

also, someone over at the nvnews forums had like 95C for a load temp, thats pretty damn high (easily enough to boil water at higher elevations)