Cleartype + large fonts = sleek


Jul 3, 2003
How many of you use "large fonts" for your ui? I just intalled the cleartype optimizer, and changed my fonts to "large", and now my desktop has more of a sleek mac look to it, and i really like it.

Try it.
i didnt start using larger fonts until i got a larger monitor. i combined that with, 48x48 icons, newer icons, and clear type tool.

combined with larger minimum fonts in opera, and wow, she be purtier now.

I would've thought that anybody using an LCD monitor would've had those features enabled right from the outset.

No screenshot from me, though. I use a standard desktop interface, because I use the thing rather than sit back and just LOOK at it! Far as I'm concerned the large fonts and Cleartype are only there for improved readability :D