Clive Barker's Jericho DEMO

Guess what I found in my system32 folder after installing the Jericho demo? other words...Securom. It was created at the time and date I installed the demo. I don't know what made me look but I had a shit feeling about it and sure enough..there it is. I haven't looked for any other traces of it yet.
Thanks for the heads up on this. Uninstalling Jericho does not remove this file. Very annoying crap.

-1 to Codemasters.
Heh... it wouldn't install for me. 126gb of free space apparently isn't enough to install to. :p
Thanks for the heads up on this. Uninstalling Jericho does not remove this file. Very annoying crap.

-1 to Codemasters.

I didn't notice any other securom files floating around. I didn't see the uaservice7.exe anywhere. I think they're just using a disk check and not online activation.

I thought the demo was really good otherwise.
I liked it. I honestly don't understand what all the negativity is about. But whatever... to each their own.

Btw... I played the PS3 demo, b/c I haven't gotten around to downloading the PC demo, but it ran very well, and looked amazing. The game engine lookes the same as The Darkness's. The main menu is what hinted me at it first. Anyone else?
Nice to look at, very weak game play.

Sort of Doom 3 meets Prince of Persia.
Over powered weapons against enemies that run straight at you.
Just a weak idea.

Only points it gets in my book are pretty good graphics. Uninstalled after about 5 minutes.:rolleyes:
Nice to look at, very weak game play.

Sort of Doom 3 meets Prince of Persia.
Over powered weapons against enemies that run straight at you.
Just a weak idea.

Only points it gets in my book are pretty good graphics. Uninstalled after about 5 minutes.:rolleyes:

*laughing* ya. Guess you don't think they already supplied you with lots of ammo for maybe just the demo since it does take place middle of the game? But who knows. :rolleyes:
I got it on the 360. I like the concept of the plot and the game seems pretty gristly. Undying was a great game, so I have hope this might be like it.
The problem is that it's WAY too dark. It makes everything seem too brown. I'm not saying it needs to be bright and sunny, but the entire color palette felt like brown, black, and grey. Why bother having good graphics and details if you can't see anything?
I'm hoping the overall darkness level is specific to this level. I don't want to go blind playing 10 levels like that. Give me more torches, supernatural lights, or even a portal to someplace that's lit up a little better.
The music was killer, though. Easily one of the spookiest soundtracks I've heard in a while.
I liked the demo with the concept of switching between the characters depending on what you needed at the time. However the characters seemed a little overpowered. I'm not sure if this was just for the demo or if the game plays this way in general. I tried to use all the characters equally to see what they could do but would always just go back to the one with the sword, hit the button for the move where snakes bind the enemies, then just run up and one-shot them with a sword technique.
While short it was pretty enjoyable and I played through it about 4-5 times.

I liked it - the cinematics were cool as well as the interactive cut-scenes. I may get the full game once it's about £10.
Pretty poor in my opinion.


Looks great and runs smooth.


Dont like the forced depth of field when looking down corridors though.
The sound is utter shite. Weapons sound weak and the katana doesnt seem to make a noise when you hit an enemy with it.
The characters are your average action stereotypes, big black dude with a chaingun, skinny oriental chick with a katana and next to no clothing, i.e whore boots and a swimsuit, 80's Goth chick with a sniper rifle blah blah blah.
None of them can jump.
You cant walk off ledges.
The enemies have that crappy 'stand in one place and shoot' or 'run at the player' type AI.
I HATED the bit where you go down the tube.
Demo took longer to install than to finish and it felt like i'd just played the last level of Doom 3.

So so disappointing. I'll be staying away from this one and i was so looking forward to it too. :(

Pretty much agree.

I probably won't buy it. Getting tired of spending $50 on games I hit and quit.