Clone to smaller drive


Jan 11, 2004
Does anyone know of an easy way/tool to backup multiple partitions on a drive, including boot information, to a USB drive to hold the image, to then clone over to a new smaller hard drive?

Normally I never bother cloning, but I have a 500GB drive to RMA that I just spent lots of time setting up. It has OS X and Windows partitions on it. Other gotcha is I want to transfer to a 320GB drive. The total space used on the 500GB drive right now, is still much less than 320GB.

Any tips to save a day of reinstalls?
Ehh... if the partitions and data are all toward the start of the drive (ie. not at the end past the 320gb mark), I *THINK* you can clone to the smaller drive without issues, though I haven't tried it on drives with multiple partitions (which I think will be an issue). What software are you cloning with?
Acronis can easly clone bigger hdd to smaller one as long as the data can fit on the smaller drive.