
Hey. I had to put my 75 year old Mom on Linux Mint after Win XP got the shaft. She hates Linux. I'm her IT guy, of course.

Neither of us has the money for anything. I'm a Veteran.

Could you cut us a break? I can do whatever you want to prove our situation.

Thanks, in advance,


I wish I had seen this sooner. I hooked up t_ski in the other thread because he's in need. Have you tried Ubuntu for her? I put my father-in-law on it, and he seems to appreciate the simplicity much more. Hope you are able to work something out.
With COA??

Wrong thread, but take a look at Handy Linux, Ubuntu based, SUPER simple interface
WTB old android with bluetooth as cheaply as possibly. Doesn't even need the to make calls or text just needs wifi and bluetooth to work as some students are learning app dev and just need the bluetooth to communicate with their device.