closed or open headphones for gaming?


Limp Gawd
May 19, 2006
I've been looking at getting some new headphones for gaming. (I'll also listen to music, movies and maybe use them with my mp3 player as well) I know that most gaming headphones are a closed design, but some like the icemat siberias are open. Also many people use Senn HD555 (and other Senn models) which are open. Audio Technia A500/A700's also seem very popular. which are closed.

So will one offer better positional audio over the other? I know closed will tend to offer more bass, but is that it?
Not sure open vs closed in gaming headphones will help positional audio much. However closed headphones offer better isolation (blocks outside noise better). However closed headphones tend to be warmer since they allow less "breathing" of the ears.

I personally use A900 because isolation was an important factor for me, and have not had any problems with sweaty ears ;)
hmm... so some Senn HD 555's or ATH AD700's would prob be good then. I wonder if I can find a deal on the AD900's or HD 595's hmm... :thinking:
soloz2 said:
hmm... so some Senn HD 555's or ATH AD700's would prob be good then. I wonder if I can find a deal on the AD900's or HD 595's hmm... :thinking:

I dont know how much you are looking to spend but i just picked up the Senn HD 595's for under $180 shipped at I definitely think they are worth the extra cost over the HD 555's and so does most everyone else at head-fi.
hmm... were those sold by amazon or someone else through amazon?
If you are not in an extremely noisey environment, open headphones would probably suit you better.
alright. I just picked up a pair of used Senn HD595 for about the price of some hd555's new. so I'm happy.
soloz2 said:
alright. I just picked up a pair of used Senn HD595 for about the price of some hd555's new. so I'm happy.
Hm, and I was just about to say the opposite... but oh well.
Hope you enjoy the headphones for years to come!

For anyone else reading this though, the benefit with closed headphones, is they allow you to hear the little nuances better, such as a persons footsteps in a computer game. Still, eaither open or closed headphones offer a huge improvement over your run of the mill computer speakers, so you should be quite happy eaither way. If you goto professional lan parties though, closed headphones are a must to me.

~Happy gaming