Closet or garage for the hardware?


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2007
I'm between two options in regard to where to place the modem, router, switch, patch panel, etc.

(1) Utility room with double doors, located inside the house, on the first floor. Inside this room is the HVAC, gas line, etc. There's enough room to mount a shelf on the wall with the hardware stacked vertically, but besides that room is tight.

(2) Room under a staircase with a single door, located in garage, on the first floor. There's plenty of room to mount a large rack but I'd also have to run power to the room.

I'm wondering if I need to worry about temperature variations. The garage is part of the house but it's not actively heated or cooled. Granted, one might argue that the utility room would also be subject to temperature variations also due to HVAC, etc.

Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
Seems to me that the utility closet would be a little more controlled than the garage...
I'd put it where you are going to have the easiest access, as well as room to grow
what is the temp of the garage in the summer, i think that should make the decision for you. If it gets to hot then you have to go with the utility room.
If your equipment can stand up to the heat, then the garage is not a bad solution, but you also have to factor in the critters and such, unless you're going to pack everything into a cabinet.
i will say wherever you put it i would put an exhaust fan on the door.

both locations have the higher temps, just put it where it is the easiest to do the home runs and such
I don't know about you guys, but I actually use my garage for more than storing boxes or cars. The dust (standard dust and dust from wood or whatever else i'd be working on) alone would be reason enough for me to never even contemplate using the garage to store any kind of computer hardware.
Garage would likely be easier to move things in, depending on what you end up doing if you choose to get something big (large UPS, et cetera), it might be a bit easier moving that in through the garage doors. Moving in a rack can be a factor too, depending on if you get a server rack as opposed to just a metro/wire rack. Utility room, if the breaker box is there, might be a bit easier to get a circuit to, and you might be in a better position to run cable in the walls.
you said in that closet is your HVAC. Well in my closet that my HVAC is in there is a warning not to keep anything that may be damaged be moisture in here.