Clueless Gamer: CoD: Advanced Warfare

Brother in law brought his computer over again... 45 gigabyte download via Steam, really does wonders with my 5Mbps dsl line too! But it's better than his satellite internet that has usage limits so low they make cell phone carriers generous.

And yes Conan makes me smile when he plays these games :)
"Press X to Pay Respects."

You have to admit that's funny as hell. The devs are completely out of touch with reality and clueless about story-telling.
"Press X to Pay Respects."

You have to admit that's funny as hell. The devs are completely out of touch with reality and clueless about story-telling.

yeah its a even further bastardization of the QTE. I mean really if you are going to prompt to do something, either make it possible to fail (which QTE is still crappy) or at least give an alternative option.

I think the gamers that complain about video sequences are too blame... they think well if we throw a button press in there once in a while its not a video it's INTERACTIVE!

I personally have no problem with good story telling and good video sequences.
QTE is the stupidest crap imaginable. OMG press the button at the right time during this cinematic and you're PLAYING! Couldn't get past it for God of War.
Despite the QTE filled/flat storyline, multiplayer is the best the series has been in a while.
i don't play modern military shooter, but in just a few minutes you see what is wrong with these games:

"hold x to pay respect"
"you're hit! take cover!"
walk in front of two soldiers armed with assault rifles shooting at you for a few seconds and win

but the video was pretty fun ;)
"Why are we getting involved" to when the guy was explaining the South/North Korea plot. Lol.

Conan is funny because he can say some funny stuff on the fly. Certain comedians need to sit and write their jokes. I love his remotes too. Don't watch the show (not my thing anymore), but love the YT channel.
Despite the QTE filled/flat storyline, multiplayer is the best the series has been in a while.

Only if you are comparing it to Ghosts, which isn't saying much. Still isn't even close to as good as BLOPS 2 was, not sure how they are messing up so badly. Seems Treyarch is the only one who still knows how to make a good CoD.
Only if you are comparing it to Ghosts, which isn't saying much. Still isn't even close to as good as BLOPS 2 was, not sure how they are messing up so badly. Seems Treyarch is the only one who still knows how to make a good CoD.

Says you. It's all a matter of opinion. Everybody always says the new COD game sucks which may have been true for the some of them, certainly not for all of them.
Says you. It's all a matter of opinion. Everybody always says the new COD game sucks which may have been true for the some of them, certainly not for all of them.

I always give them a fair chance. There is something wrong when all the good players from my clan are ready to uninstall it and go back to BLOPS 2 where it takes longer to find a game and the pings are terrible. I guess it's not too bad if all you do is play a couple hours when you get home, but for anyone that plays it a bit more seriously it's just garbage. They couldn't implement a proper ping system (get rid of those useless bars, they tell you nothing)
"Get across the street! Get across the Street!"

"Stop telling me that!"

Says you. It's all a matter of opinion. Everybody always says the new COD game sucks which may have been true for the some of them, certainly not for all of them.

No... Ghosts was fucking terrible...
I always give them a fair chance. There is something wrong when all the good players from my clan are ready to uninstall it and go back to BLOPS 2 where it takes longer to find a game and the pings are terrible. I guess it's not too bad if all you do is play a couple hours when you get home, but for anyone that plays it a bit more seriously it's just garbage. They couldn't implement a proper ping system (get rid of those useless bars, they tell you nothing)

First CoD I've bought was BO2. Loved it.

One year later, everyone left for Ghosts. Decided to wait. A few weeks later, everyone was back. Ghosts sucked, they decided to stay with BO2. I was glad I didn't buy Ghosts on launch.

Two years later, AW is all the hype. Again, I decided to wait, and so far the BO2 servers are still going. Let's see if it sticks or not.
QTE is the stupidest crap imaginable. OMG press the button at the right time during this cinematic and you're PLAYING! Couldn't get past it for God of War.

We had a game like that already, it was hard.

Conan demonstrated why it is so painful to use a controller for a FPS as well. :rolleyes:
Not the biggest Conan fan, but I really enjoy these bits he does. I also got some fairly important information out of this as well. I was tempted on this COD to be honest. The trailers were magnificent and this coming from someone who hasn't touched COD since the first one and generally hates console shooters. Fortunately watching this confirmed it is utterly terrible like all the others and no amount of good trailers do a good game make.

Thanks conan for both making me laugh and saving me from a terrible mistake.
Not the biggest Conan fan, but I really enjoy these bits he does. I also got some fairly important information out of this as well. I was tempted on this COD to be honest. The trailers were magnificent and this coming from someone who hasn't touched COD since the first one and generally hates console shooters. Fortunately watching this confirmed it is utterly terrible like all the others and no amount of good trailers do a good game make.

Thanks conan for both making me laugh and saving me from a terrible mistake.

As a rabid COD hater that bought the newest one, the point of COD is not it's single player mode.
As a rabid COD hater that bought the newest one, the point of COD is not it's single player mode.

Then even less reason for me to buy it. The only reason I would play a shooter on a console is the single player. Controllers are garbage for multiplayer.
Then even less reason for me to buy it. The only reason I would play a shooter on a console is the single player. Controllers are garbage for multiplayer.

I don't know why you'd buy a console anyways, buy okay.
Poor Conan having to play that game with a controller...

Gah, its hard to watch.