C'mon where are the people that got Prey today


Aug 9, 2004
I know there are people on here that got Prey. So is it as good as the demo. I relly wanna here how it was for 360 since thats what I'll be getting it for.
i got it after work last night

its pretty bad IMO....so repetitive and boring....the guns are a joke...same enemies OVER and OVER again, same concept.....puzzles(if you can call them that) are a joke....
Cant speak for the 360 version (they are supoposed to be identical anyway), but I am having a blast with the PC version so far.

Anyone get sick yet? I dont get motion sick from games, but this game has made someone throw up for sure.

Very fun game so far. Good atmosphere, graphics, sound, and lots of cool portal tricks. Weapons are good. I find the "grenades" kind of useless, but the lightning leech gun ammo is my favorite. First boss battle was very cool and I got a royal flush playing video poker.

I'm hoping to pick up Prey for the PC this weekend, since I'll be working then and I get a discount :D

I'll let you know what I think once I play it. If it's anything like the demo, it should be a blast. I've already played through the demo at least 3-4 times.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
....so repetitive and boring....the guns are a joke...same enemies OVER and OVER again, same concept.....puzzles(if you can call them that) are a joke....

Sounds like Halo fans will love it! I keed, I keed. I'm gonna wait till I build my conroe rig to get it, but I really enjoyed the demo. The music was the best part for me, BOC during the abduction, oh man, classic.
I pretty much played it for 3 hours straight tonight, and it was a blast. I got it for PC cause FPS still suck on consoles as far as im concerned. I've gotten used to the rotating room and gravity lifts, so I don't get sick or anything. Anyone who can't enjoy this game needs to go find a new hobby.....
All Killer No Filler said:
First boss battle was very cool and I got a royal flush playing video poker.

You are such a cheater! :eek: That is a screenshot from later in the game when the Draw Poker machine is
incredibly loose. It gives you like the best hand it can depending on the cards you keep. I was thinking
that the door to the left would open if I scored 9999999999 but it did not. If you got a Royal Flush
in the bar at the start of the game that is a different story.

I think the game is very fun and it runs much smoother than the demo did for me. I can't wait to play
more after work today!
I got it for PC yesterday and I'm loving it so far. Though I'm a little dissapointed that there are basically 0 people in multiplayer. Is it just me? When the demo came out there were a ton of servers, the full game has like 5 servers and no one playing.
darklord110 said:
I got it for PC yesterday and I'm loving it so far. Though I'm a little dissapointed that there are basically 0 people in multiplayer. Is it just me? When the demo came out there were a ton of servers, the full game has like 5 servers and no one playing.
It will probably be just like Quake 4 in the muliplayer department, minus the initial rush from the Q3 hopefulls. I think a lot of people have given up on the D3 engine and multiplayer.

For me the demo was ok. A few easy puzzles, nothing hard. The enemies were ok, nothing hard. The guns sounded really really bad. After hearing rumors of 6-8 hours of gameplay, I'll wait till it's $20.
I thought it was a terrible game. I stopped playing the demo after about 30 minutes. I was just not compelled to play it any longer.
I played through the demo and then picked up the game yesterday (pre-order). So far has been better than Doom III (graphics and game development). Not a real break through, but different and so far fun. Had one crash where hit the spirit button and got an error that vid driver causing a problem (91.33). Don't know if it is a game bug yet or a driver problem (still researching). Demo did not crash? Sound is something else with the Fatal1ty card.
CRASH problem appears to be my forcing SLIx8 and evidently game doesn't like that?
Loving it! bought it yesterday the collector's edition (DVD whore I am) just got past the "demo" area again and now working on the real game.
Don't listen to the haters.

It's a fantastic and innovative FPS. I got the PC version today, the Demo blew me away.

There is a bonus for those of us that use X-fi soundcards with surround systems. The sound design is some of the best I've ever heard in a PC game.
AppaYipYip said:
Don't listen to the haters.

It's a fantastic and innovative FPS. I got the PC version today, the Demo blew me away.

There is a bonus for those of us that use X-fi soundcards with surround systems. The sound design is some of the best I've ever heard in a PC game.

Really? I can't get surround sound working in this game...it says something about a dated Open AL driver...i'll look into it..
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Really? I can't get surround sound working in this game...it says something about a dated Open AL driver...i'll look into it..

go to Creatives website, you need to download the newest set of X-fi drivers. They have full OpenAL support. It sounds incredible.
AppaYipYip said:
Don't listen to the haters.

It's a fantastic and innovative FPS. I got the PC version today, the Demo blew me away.

There is a bonus for those of us that use X-fi soundcards with surround systems. The sound design is some of the best I've ever heard in a PC game.

YA no joke! forgot about that. It sounded gorgeous! Few games actually make me go DAMN to the sounds but that one is one.
This game is incredible. How could anyone consider it "boring"? The part with the little girls spirits playing tag was CRAZY.
It's difficult to go by user opinions... everyone raved about FEAR, but personally I thought it was kind of slow with ridiculus 'puzzles'. Nor did I wet my pants playing D3.

(now DN3D, that was fun!)
agent420 said:
It's difficult to go by user opinions...

Agreed, its a good thing that there is a demo for both systems. If you liked the demo, you will almost certainly like the full game. I wish I could have rented it instead of buying it though, I just hate FPS's on consoles.
The game is exactly like the demo....which got boring and repeatous.
Met-AL said:
The game is exactly like the demo....which got boring and repeatous.
Are you kidding? The demo was incredible. Haven't had so much fun on the PC in a long time :eek:
KillerMonkey said:
Are you kidding? The demo was incredible. Haven't had so much fun on the PC in a long time :eek:

Let me clarify....the game was a repeat of the same gameplay as in the demo...over and over and over again. I had a blast with the demo also, thats the reason I snagged a copy of the game. But damn, I wouldn't want to play that demo over and over again, and that's how the game felt to me. Same shit, over and over again.

I do have to give a thumbs up on the Logitech G-15 support built into the game. That was a nice touch.
AppaYipYip said:
go to Creatives website, you need to download the newest set of X-fi drivers. They have full OpenAL support. It sounds incredible.

So what about us with just Audigy 2s? For some reason, the sound sounds like crap to be honest.
Met-AL said:
Let me clarify....the game was a repeat of the same gameplay as in the demo...over and over and over again. I had a blast with the demo also, thats the reason I snagged a copy of the game. But damn, I wouldn't want to play that demo over and over again, and that's how the game felt to me. Same shit, over and over again.

I do have to give a thumbs up on the Logitech G-15 support built into the game. That was a nice touch.

Exactly....the actual game is just the demo....OVER and OVER again.

The demo sucked me in as well, I thought it was amazing....but I also thought the actual game would have a bit more to it.
I have to agree with what was said, the game is a repeat of the demo, you do the same thing all over again,

also the disappointing thing is that is not difficult, I beat the first boss quite fast, I think it was faster than the doom 3 demons

I am continuing to play because I am always interested how the next section looks like lol

I am not disappointed though, but the game could have been better
I just got the game today, and have played about 2 hours. I love switching the gravity, and the puzzles associated with it. It didnt strike me as repetitive, but now that someone said that, I can definatly see why. I love the portals, although they really are just complicated doorways.

The best part of the game to me is fighting people on different gravity planes. Its just so different from anythign I have ever played before.

That said, its no HL2.
yeah, the thing that is making up for the linear gameplay is the different gravity fields, thats what keeps it interesting
Coldtronius said:
So what about us with just Audigy 2s? For some reason, the sound sounds like crap to be honest.
I guess I can cut them some slack if the x-fi cards make the game sound awesome. I just figured it sounded like crap across the board because I didn't know about this. People can't continue to cater games to old hardware. If we want things like gameplay physics and things to take off, people are going to have to accept the jump in technology to play the game. Though sound is a little different than physics and such, I can understand if they spent their time making it sound great on the latest hardware and gave a generic solution for old equiptment.
ThirtySixBelow said:
I guess I can cut them some slack if the x-fi cards make the game sound awesome. I just figured it sounded like crap across the board because I didn't know about this. People can't continue to cater games to old hardware. If we want things like gameplay physics and things to take off, people are going to have to accept the jump in technology to play the game. Though sound is a little different than physics and such, I can understand if they spent their time making it sound great on the latest hardware and gave a generic solution for old equiptment.

Yep, it sounds very nice on the X-Fi
You might as well play Prey with God Mode on, because u never die anyway. I was fighting the first boss in the game and died. Got teleported to a rock, killed a few flying fishes and was back to kill the boss in about 10 sec. The damage I did to the boss the first time was not reversed. So technically no matter how powerful a monster the can never kill u.
logan1 said:
You might as well play Prey with God Mode on, because u never die anyway. I was fighting the first boss in the game and died. Got teleported to a rock, killed a few flying fishes and was back to kill the boss in about 10 sec. The damage I did to the boss the first time was not reversed. So technically no matter how powerful a monster the can never kill u.
wow, they really messed that up. If you die, the least they can do is regenerate the health for the baddies that are still alive. Kind of takes the whole concept of losing or dying out of the equation. Maybe that's why the game takes 6 hours because you never have to go back and do anything. Just plug and chug and if you die, keep pluggin.
ThirtySixBelow said:
wow, they really messed that up. If you die, the least they can do is regenerate the health for the baddies that are still alive. Kind of takes the whole concept of losing or dying out of the equation. Maybe that's why the game takes 6 hours because you never have to go back and do anything. Just plug and chug and if you die, keep pluggin.
I wouldnt say they messed it up. This game seems to purposly defy every FPS convention. Some work, some dont, but either way its unique and inventive play.

There is nothing I hate more than dying and replaying the same scene OVER and OVER again, eventually just quick saving every time you land a hit without taking much damage. I think the dying spirit thing is a little odd, and a little to easy, but its unique, and that scores points in my book.