CMOY / CMOY-Tangent + Entry Lvl Headphones


Limp Gawd
Jan 24, 2005
I'm not ready to build my own CMOY pocket amp yet, but I'm very intrigued by the ones being sold on ebay for about $50. My headphones (in order of price):

1. Sennheiser PX100
2. Sony EX71 fontopia
3. Sony MDR-D66SL Eggos

Will I get a vast improvement of sound quality when pairing any of these headphones with a CMOY amp? My sound source is the IRiver IFP-790, which has pretty good output lvls and EQ for a flash player.

My concern is that my headphones are too entry-lvl, therefore I won't hear much difference. Thanks for input!

- V
Assuming the amp is equipped with an OPA2227
1. Not much
2. Yes
3. Yes
I have the PX100 and I love them. I was considering getting the Cmoy but then I realised it wouldn't make a big difference. The amp is too entry level.
I'm saving for either a Pimeta or MF X-cans v2 :)
I have a Pimeta and the EX71s, and there's definitely improvement when it's amped. The highs aren't as shrill and the sound is a bit fuller. I know you were asking about the CMOY, but just wanted to let you know that there is definitely some more potential out of those cans.
i doubt you will find too much change with those headphones, maby the eggos. even with decent headphones a cmoy will not change the sound too much where a higher level amp may be more likely too.

most ppl build cmoys as prectice befor starting a bigger amp, if you dont want to build one i would suggest researching a zmoy or mint amp. they do run more expensive however. look around and see if you can find a deal, cmoys will always be there but you may have to search for a zmoy/MINT. there are many commercial amps out there aswell Xin makes a nice set of amps for relativly cheap.
I'm glad there's hope for my cans.

One more question:

1. Does an amp actually add BASS strength (if my phones had average bass), or just overall sound quality? or both?

if it contains a bass amplification circuit it can. that and different opamp/tube configurations place more "emphasis" on different segments of the audio signal.
ivandal2 said:
if it contains a bass amplification circuit it can. that and different opamp/tube configurations place more "emphasis" on different segments of the audio signal.

some opamps do alter the sound, but the question is do you really want to tailor the amp around your phones?

Doing so might prove to make the bass overpowering in the future if you go to a set of cans with better bass response, so don't take this as crapping, it's more or less just a consideration to make.

In general, most engineers consider the "perfect" amplifier as one that creates the exact same sound as was input, just louder. However we know that amp doesnt exist, but we all spend lots of cash to come close...headphone amps are an attempt to get to that perfect signal going into our phones.

If you want to tailor it, cool...but I think maybe just making your own and throwing your own EQ circuit would prolly do better, and be able to be disabled in the future.
all opamps and tubes I've ever had/heard alter the sound in some aspect relative to its bretherin, so you do somewhat have to alter your amp to fit your cans. I mean I wouldn't throw some ad8620's into an amp I'm going to use with my dt880s as it just doesn't mesh well.