COD 1 and United Offensive Exp.: scripted sequences don't work

Oct 29, 2006
To anyone who can help me out - I tried reinstalling the COD 1 and the UO expansion. With both games on the very first mission, the scripted missions won't "execute" or "go" after your superior officer gives orders and the next sequence of the mission starts, nothing happens.

In UO, for instance the first thing you do is retreat from a Nazi advancement and hop on a jeep. Once you make it to the jeep, the sound plays, but the train (if you will) ain't movin. Is this some bug related to the 8800 cards (i have a GTS) or is there a larger problem.

This is a pain in the ass.
I had a problem with call of duty where it just stopped at a part where your car is moving and flying along this road than comes to a wall and just stops... reinstalling, patching, nothing worked... it just stopped and i couldn't continue