CoD: Black Ops Issues

The choppy framerate disappeared soon after the first checkpoints. Now the fps is more even between 25 fps and 35 fps on the first level. See comparison below. Notice the choppiness in the framerate graph in the first picture. I didn't change the settings so I don't understand how the choppiness could happen.

Choppiness error, unknown cause:


This is without applying the new patch in both cases. So I don't know what can have caused the intermittent, with seemingly even intervals, excessive choppiness in the first picture.
You should take off the option "Sync Every Frame" I did that with mine, and I have not experienced slight bit of choppiness
Long time lurker on this site/forum. I signed up to confirm this game sucks hardcore on PS3. Already listed mine on craigslist. Hopefully no one finds out it sucks so bad and I can sell it for $50. Newegg f-ed up my preorder and had to refuse shipment and pickup at Target and pay tax.
There were apparently 2 patches to Black Ops today. Steam shows it downloaded the first patch at 5:23pm and it was 4.9MB, and 10:12pm 7.6MB.

I still see no increase in speed. Half the time my FPS is capped at 30 but creeps up to 45. Actual gameplay sure doesn't feel like 30-45fps though. It still freezes when I am shooting someone or they are shooting me. I can shoot at walls all I like and it doesn't freeze.
For those people who say they are getting 30fps etc... Have you made sure that the option to sync every frame is turned OFF ?
For those people who say they are getting 30fps etc... Have you made sure that the option to sync every frame is turned OFF ?

Indeed. I'm not capped at all and am running 91+ fps rock solid nearly 99 percent of the time. I would imagine there is an issue with the user not using the right settings or a driver bug. Make sure to have the latest drivers.
Before today this game ran like hell. Worst laggy crap I've ever seen. After todays patch the multiplayer runs great for the clan and I. That's twelve completely differnt systems.

Check you drivers, etc. Somethings could be messed up.

Good luck.
get 91 FPS constantly (GTX480) currant Nvidia driver, most of the lag seems to be at the start of an round cpu is maxed as well but there is lag tho out the game when playing

needs fixing seems to do it some times when i want to shot as well what i find annoying
Medal of Honour was working fine for me. I've noticed Treyarch games (WaW, BlackOps) are less optimized and more buggy compared to Infinity Wards releases (Codmw, Codmw2). And apparantly the single player is shit like bfbc2, anyone confirm this?

In my years running a gaming Community, I found the opposite to be true. Treyarch has and over all good rep, and Infinity Ward is about as low as you can go. ( and if you ask me embodies what is wrong in the PC gaming world)
As for BlackOps, it does seem that they are aware of the problems and are fast trying to fix them......much more then I could ever say about Dice.
I was going to purchase the game but I'll wait until problems are fixed.
I've had it stutter occasionally, but it's very playable for me on an oc'd E6300 C2D with a 5850.
For those people who say they are getting 30fps etc... Have you made sure that the option to sync every frame is turned OFF ?

Turning of sync every frame is a nonfix. Besides that, sync every frame caps at 60fps not 30fps.
is this just on the PC or are their PS3 issues too?

Yea I have been seeing PS3 people complaining about the same stuttering. I also saw 3 people on the Xbox360 forum say that they RROD when they ran the game.
Hey guys I have made a chart comparing my COD4 at 1920x1080 vs BO at 1920x1080.


- Both games run on the Xbox360.

- Both games are based on the same engine.

- The Xbox 360 has a Radeon X1900 graphics card and the Radeon X1900 is the ATI required card Treyarch has specified for this game.
MP works well, SP works well. Still a little jittery here and there but that might be my old old harddrive. Upgrading to a Spinpoint to see if that'll fix the bs.
Quad core amd, 4890, 1920x1080, maxed graphics, but no aa or af.
I jsut realized all my BO data was before the 2 patches issued. Here is an updated chart showing what yesterdays patches did (the brown line). It limits the game to 30fps a large amount of the time. I presume when the next patch comes out this will be fixed.

All latest firmware and drivers.
Win7 Pro 64b
AMD 6000+
ATI 5850
1TB 7200rmp spinpoint game drive.

SP has longgggg load times and gets lagy in many area;s of the game. Some busy scenes are fine and others are choppy as hell. It's like its the scenes are trying to catch up to themselves. It's a weird effect.
I haven't jumped in MP yet waiting to pass SP veteran mode.

Note: This is the first game in a long time that has caused any lag issues.

Opinion: I agree this was released to early and they deserve the back lash they are getting from the PC community. Money (Green Greed) and low IQ Marketing Pump monkeys are ruining the PC gaming industry. Clean up house or this will be the last COD game i ever purchase with my green.
Thankfully I haven't purchased this game, but I must say I haven't bought a GOOD game for years, not sure what is wrong with the industry..
the sp patch appears to have stop the stuttering in single player for me.

However the mp patch has not fixed the stuttering in multiplayer for me. Still have 100% cpu usage and heavy stuttering in fire fights. My pings are good in the 30s.
100% better! although it is much smoother still on my home machine (/w HS1 headset) than on my work machine (/w onboard audio).
I love the COD series but I so regret buying this this thing day one. Totally unplayable for me even in single player.

Also that recent Nvidia conference using this to showcase there new card is big joke. This game doesn't even benefit from having a $150 card let alone a $500 one.
They should have fixed all this before releasing it... and they should have released it closer to X-mas imo

I think it is funny all the kids getting mad about it though... children and there lack of patience is something I enjoying getting laughs from, it will get fixed, all in good time.

PS I don't own this game. I plan on buying it when the prices gets around $20 or less so I don't have to feel I go taken again for a worthless game aka MOH and MW2
SP video sequences are STILL choppy as hell after the patch... dang.
Treyarch themselves do not concern me so much, as I do expect the initial problems will be sorted out. What does make me insane is that once again and AS ALWAYS a title published by EA has been rushed out the door before it was ready.

This game obviously has good gameplay as the pre-release videos show. It also has had a spectacular ad campaign. But just like always EA won't take the time to get a potential megahit sorted out so that it is received well at launch.

I quit buying EA games at launch years ago because this always happens.

How many times? How many? How the heck does EA continue to dupe PC players into buying their games up front when we all know how it goes?

And I'm sorry to have to paint this release with the same brush. Let me also say that World at War (WAW) was, in the end after tons of updates and support, a spectacular game that I specifically kept playing because of the zombie mode and the modded gameplay. Outstanding work from Treyarch.

But EA, as a rule, simply releases when the hype is at its maximum and whether the game is at 100% never enteres their minds. It's been like this for a decade.

STOP BUYING EA GAMES ON LAUNCH DAY. Get the real story from a smaller numbers of real players before shelling out $60! Come on!

I havn't bought it yet. I absolutely will as soon as I see proof that the issues are going to be sorted out. As I said I loved WAW but lets see some progress. This game isn't ready.
First 2 days was unplayable....
After the patches am happy to say its much much better...

Still a few places were its stutters a bit but its playable compared to the first day.

I think it needs more fixing but at least i can play it now.

GTX 460
Intel CoreDuo 3.33
4GB Ram
specs in sig... hit and miss in multiplayer depending on the server. seems that some servers are smooth and others (with same or equivalent 60ms ping) are stuttering.. better, but still not MW1 level smooth.
Nope, Blops is a Treyarch title. IW is working on next year's CoD.

You're right they were working on MW3 when they were fired by Activision. They have lost half of the talent which hurts no matter what Activision says.

Nope another new studio Sledgehammer is working on the next COD. IW is only a hand few of people left as far as I know, and after the suck fest that MW2 was I am glad they are gone. Even with DS there were game breaking killstreak rewards.