COD:MW3 preload on Steam is up

Yeah my dad just called me and asked if I bought it, I was like YOU IS TROLLING?!?!
But he was serious, he's way excited for it so i'm hoping he'll enjoy it!
14GB download.....

I think The Witcher 2 with the new 2.0 patch is like 25 gigs :eek:

game files sure have gotten a lot bigger recently.

Used to be that 5 GB-10 GB didn't phase me, but now lately, we've been seeing more and more over 15 GB and a couple clocking in at 20-25 GB.

But again, we're in an age where we have 2 TB hard drives and cases huge enough for you to put several hard drives in :D
I think The Witcher 2 with the new 2.0 patch is like 25 gigs :eek:

game files sure have gotten a lot bigger recently.

Used to be that 5 GB-10 GB didn't phase me, but now lately, we've been seeing more and more over 15 GB and a couple clocking in at 20-25 GB.

But again, we're in an age where we have 2 TB hard drives and cases huge enough for you to put several hard drives in :D

The witcher 2 is only 10gb from
Video of CODMW3 multiplayer here.

As you can is the exact same game as CODMW2... even down to the goddamned sound effects and the in-game text! This is an absolute joke, and shows nothing but utter contempt for its fanbase.
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I can't wait. I already payed $100, we get new perks and new maps.
And it still looks like a lot more fun that BF3.

I'm no fan of BF3 so that comment is really off-topic. My point isn't whether it's more fun or not, but rather that it is a blatant expansion pack that is priced as a full product, let alone a proper sequel. Even the annual sports games have more differentiating elements between each installment than CODMW2 and CODMW3. What exactly does CODMW3 provide if you already own CODMW3? A survival mode?

It's the product of having a no-name developer (Sledgehammer) as the lead with "help" from the broken shell that is the remainder of Infinity Ward (all the 'talent' there left with Zampella and West), accompanied by the usual two-year-deadline given by Activision.
Yeah, I Brought it last night and am looking forward to it. Despite pre-ordering BF3, I'm to play it, it won't install and EA can't be fucked to reply to my support tickets.

PS: For the record I enjoyed Blackops > BF2. Especially the single player (I really enjoyed blackops and BF2 sucked in that respect) :eek:
I'm no fan of BF3 so that comment is really off-topic. My point isn't whether it's more fun or not, but rather that it is a blatant expansion pack that is priced as a full product, let alone a proper sequel. Even the annual sports games have more differentiating elements between each installment than CODMW2 and CODMW3. What exactly does CODMW3 provide if you already own CODMW3? A survival mode?

It's the product of having a no-name developer (Sledgehammer) as the lead with "help" from the broken shell that is the remainder of Infinity Ward (all the 'talent' there left with Zampella and West), accompanied by the usual two-year-deadline given by Activision.

I'm interested to know, what were you expecting? (and I'm not saying that to be an arse, I mean it honestly).

Coz honestly, I didn't see any other way it was gonna pan out. It was never going to be a huge departure gameplay wise from the formula they've been using for years, and I doubt the die hard fans actually wanted to see a change in the core gameplay. It could have had vastly superior graphics I suppose, but I doubt anyone was actually expecting that.

All that leaves is superficial things like text appearance and interface which I really wouldn't care if they changed either way. Maybe better animations and stuff? I dunno, lol.

I have no issue with COD other than they release it as a new game each year. If they marketed as a stand alone expansion pack for half the price, I doubt anyone would care at what they're doing. Personally I dont see any reason why they SHOULD change, its still fun, its still worth playing. Its just annoying when they dont change it but still release it every fucking year.
Dammit you just had to add the COD so I couldn't make a mechwarrior joke didn't ya!
Have you even played the game?

Yay, another round of Call of Madden. Woot!

He is probably the guy I saw in a server yesterday who was llike 0-10 and said the game sucked.
Ugh, not even remotely interested in this. I MAY rent it through gamefly but that's it.:rolleyes:
I'm interested to know, what were you expecting? (and I'm not saying that to be an arse, I mean it honestly).

Coz honestly, I didn't see any other way it was gonna pan out. It was never going to be a huge departure gameplay wise from the formula they've been using for years, and I doubt the die hard fans actually wanted to see a change in the core gameplay. It could have had vastly superior graphics I suppose, but I doubt anyone was actually expecting that.

All that leaves is superficial things like text appearance and interface which I really wouldn't care if they changed either way. Maybe better animations and stuff? I dunno, lol.

I have no issue with COD other than they release it as a new game each year. If they marketed as a stand alone expansion pack for half the price, I doubt anyone would care at what they're doing. Personally I dont see any reason why they SHOULD change, its still fun, its still worth playing. Its just annoying when they dont change it but still release it every fucking year.

I expect that they'd at least try to hide the fact that it is just a rebadged CODMW2 by changing the presentation. By not putting in any tangible effort, they are essentially saying "the fans will buy anything we put out, we don't need to do X, Y and Z" and as much as it's fun to rag on COD players, they don't deserve that. What really bothers me is how the sound effects for the weapons are all exactly the same as those from CODMW2, especially when they are so terrible. It's just pathetic. The weapon models, from what I can tell, are all exactly the same as CODMW2 as well. Take the difference between COD4 and CODMW2 where even when both games had the same weapons, the actual weapon models were different and the sound effects were different, although equally bad.

It reeks of a rush job from a messy development process (IW was dormant for a long while after Zampella and West were fired and a whole heap of others jumped ship), and such garbage should not be rewarded with more record-breaking accolades because people bought the game before they realised they are getting a game that is literally an expansion to the previous game, since the sole differences between the two are new levels/maps, and the inclusion of a new mode.

It seems the vast majority of the effort is being focused on Call of Duty Elite. Besides the associated fees, it looks to do quite a few cool things and I'd like to see other games implement similar - albeit free - schemes like this and Battlelog (besides the alleged server-browser issues).
14GB huh? I thought MW2 at 11GB was bullshit and the game itself was short, why is this game so big anyway?

Another year with yet another boring COD game, sure gets old fast. Of course, Activision isn't going to look for new projects because apparently this franchise is a cash cow for them and that's the sad part.
I am really curios to see how this game sells. MW1 was good, and when MW2 came out, there was not near as much hate for the series. Once that game launched, the PC community turned its back, but the console players didn't quite see it yet. I wonder if Blops opened there eyes. I have not seen a single positive comment from anyone, anywhere, about this game. I've not talked to a single fan of the series that has said they want to buy it. You think they finally figured it out, or do you think this will still outself Blops?
I am really curios to see how this game sells. MW1 was good, and when MW2 came out, there was not near as much hate for the series. Once that game launched, the PC community turned its back, but the console players didn't quite see it yet. I wonder if Blops opened there eyes. I have not seen a single positive comment from anyone, anywhere, about this game. I've not talked to a single fan of the series that has said they want to buy it. You think they finally figured it out, or do you think this will still outself Blops?

I think it will be the next COD that takes the big sales hit. A lot of people will buy CODMW3 and say "'s the same game" and probably start wising up.

I'm interested to see what kind of trade-in and resell rates the console versions of CODMW3 get compared to previous installments...
It could have had vastly superior graphics I suppose, but I doubt anyone was actually expecting that.

MW2 came out in 2009. If they weren't too busy releasing rehashed sequels then they might have had time to build a new engine for MW3. Honestly they did have the time as a different developer alternated between titles.
I can't see making a dedicated thread for this but someone else might.

COD Elite has been delayed on the PC. I'm really shedding a tear over it.

Get a load of the BS reason, though, which I'm really not happy about for real:

“The issue here is that the PC is an insecure platform,” Beachhead Studio’s Chacko Sonny told Activision blogger Dan Amrich. “Without a central, trusted resource for stats, a lot of our competition features become unfair. We can’t give away prizes when people can easily cheat their stats. Leaderboards are less fun when a lot of the users are there unfairly.”

Right, go tell that to the folks all playing a leaked Skyrim on the Xbox 360 right now and have been for what? Damned near a week now give or take?

I'm sure there's no cheating on the consoles, either.

Thanks for calling.
I think this genre has turned pretty stale, no interest in any of these games tbh. Maybe after an extended hiatus I might find something fresh later on.
I can believe it though. If you look at the current BF3 leaderboards, most of the top 10 are cheaters.
I can agree with one thing in this thread, and that's the idea that it will be interesting to see how big of a hit this series takes in sales compared to past CoD titles.

That's even if enough of the fanboys stay away in droves, which you can't really count on happening.

Never discount the value of fanaticism.
What is the difference between a game and an expansion pack anyways people?

There is no difference except one thing. An expansion usually requires the previous game to run. If someone changes one weapon they can call it a new game, an expansion, a mod, an update, a service pack, whatever they want. Apple calls it a new OS, M$ calls it a service pack. If people are happy with it who cares, if you aren't don't buy it. The reason I say this is because it seems to me a ton of people who play any game I have played always sort of wanted games to be releases like this. Just basically the same game with some graphical updates to refresh the community. And it seems they complain nonstop when anything much changes. So maybe COD just figured out what people really want.

Also on PC centric forums people love BF and hate COD, but if I get off a place like this I see this game has alot of interest.
I can agree with one thing in this thread, and that's the idea that it will be interesting to see how big of a hit this series takes in sales compared to past CoD titles.

That's even if enough of the fanboys stay away in droves, which you can't really count on happening.

Never discount the value of fanaticism.

This series just seems to sell like hotcakes no matter what. Why should this be any exception?
And it still looks like a lot more fun that BF3.

bf3/2/1 still feels clunky and unrefined, the controls, the actual ingame 'feel"
it looks great but other than that,
if I had to choose only one, I'd go with the COD series...
Shit game by a shit company. All the morons out there can enjoy the $110 game/elite garbage while the rest of us play good games.
I am really not enjoying BF3 and I am tempted to grab this just to have a new FPS to play. I just never get my money's worth out of these games since there tends to be only 1 or 2 maps I like.
This series just seems to sell like hotcakes no matter what. Why should this be any exception?

Well, it's being Guitar Heroed and Tony Hawked into the ground.

The only reason why the bottom hasn't fallen out just yet on the CoD franchise is because the FPS genre is more resilient than the skateboarding and rhythm music genres.

But inevitably, unless CoD innovates as a franchise, the bottom will fall out sooner or later. Honestly, I'm waiting for a decent twitch based shooter to come in and destroy all.